Chapter 29

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By that, Ginny left the room and closed the door behind her, leaving me and my dazed thoughts alone.

     Deep down, I knew what she was getting at. But I simply couldn't allow myself to believe that.

I couldn't be selfish, when I knew that when the time would come, I had to leave this all behind. After all, there was a chance that I was going to be obliviated and forget all this as if it had never happened.

     I don't know how long it was that I was sitting down on Ginny's bed, but just then, a loud squeash sound erupted the place, and the next moment Fred and George appeared next to me out of thin air.

     "AAARGH!" I screamed, jumping off the bed, startled.

     "Woah, keep it down, woman. It's just us." said George, holding his ears teasingly.

     "You idiots!" I snapped, glaring down at their satisfied faces. "What were you thinking, jumping on me like that!? What if I was changing my clothes!?"

     "Meh," Fred shrugged with a grin, "we had to take our chances."

     I went forward and smacked him on the arm angrily, but him and George only laughed at that. Shaking my head in disbelief, I joined in the laughter as well.

     "I forgot that you had passed your Apparition test." I said, chuckling.

     "Oh, yeah," said George with an evil smirk. "we've been waiting for this day since we were kids."

     "I'm sure your mother's been dreading this day since you were kids." I said.

    "Well, ready or not, we're of age." said Fred mysteriously.

     "Anyway," I said, "where is your bathroom? I feel like I really need a shower. It's been a tiresome day. A tiresome month, more like it."

     "Oh, it's just down the hall." said George. "First door to the left."

     "Okay. Thanks." I nodded.

     "See you at dinner," the twins said together, disappearing out of the room the next moment.

Taking my few stuff out of my bag, I left Ginny's room and walked through the hall. But Ron and I had reached the bathroom door together and came to a halt.

"Oh," I took a step back. "You go first. I wanna take a shower. I can wait."

"Alright," Ron nodded in appreciation, opening the door and getting inside.

I leaned against the wall nearby, waiting for Ron to come out as I looked around me. It was fascinating to be in a real wizard's house.

I stood up straight when I heard a flush inside the bathroom, knowing that Ron was probably done. But then–

"AAARGH!" I heard a scream from inside as the sound of water flooding came.

I took a few steps back in horror as I saw the doorknob twist. The next moment, Ron opened the door and I had to hold back a snort of laughter when I saw him wet from head to toe.

"I'm gonna kill those two," he said through gritted teeth, knowing for sure that it was the twins.

But what he didn't know, was that the prank was originally plotted for me.

"FRED! GEORGE!" I yelled as Ron and I quickly went downstairs and into the kitchen where everyone else was gathered.

Fred and George were grinning broadly, but when they saw me clean and Ron soaked, their smiles faded.

"Oh, good Lord! Ron! What happened to you!?" Mrs. Weasley gasped as her eyes fell on Ron.

"Ask those two!" Ron pointed his finger sharply at the twins and I folded my arms, grinning at them.

"Portable Swamps," said Fred wittily. "once activated, floods the area with grim, swampy water. It can be placed in a toilet."

"Flush it, get flushed," George continued.

If Mrs. Weasley's looks could kill, Fred and George would be six feet under the ground right now.

"HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU! NO PRANKS INSIDE THIS HOUSE!" Mrs. Weasley went towards them but in a flash of an eye, the twins had Disapparated out of the kitchen.

She then left us to go upstairs, trying to repair the bursted toilet. By the time she had returned, Mr. Weasley and Percy had arrived from the Ministry, one more worn out than the other as they greeted me for the first time.

"You won't believe the mess in the Ministry, Molly," said Mr. Weasley as he sat down around the dinner table with the rest of us. "I'd never seen such chaos; or at least not since you-know-who was first in power."

"It's curious that Rita Skeeter doesn't have anything to say on the matter," said Percy, helping himself to some mashed potatoes. "I mean, with all these rumors flying around."

After that, an eerie silence filled up the room. No one said another word as we ate our dinner quietly.

"If you excuse me," Percy started, getting up after he had finished up his plate. "I have a lot of work to do. Goodnight."

And with that, he left the room and went upstairs. I knew it was about time he would leave this family to join the ministry. But I tried to stop myself from meddling, just as Dumbledore had asked me.

"I sent Charlie an owl today," said Bill. "He will be here in two or three days, top. We'll need all hands on deck."

"And what about your work in Egypt, Bill?" Mr. Weasley asked. "Any news from them?"

"Oh, yeah," Bill nodded. "They agreed for me to get a desk job here. So I won't have to go back for some while now."

"Good," Mrs. Weasley sighed. "I'd rather have all of you here with me, anyway. It feels safer, that way."

After the dinner was over, we all helped Mrs. Weasley to clear out the table and the kitchen.

When we returned to Ginny's room, we saw that Mrs. Weasley had conjured a spare bed for me in the corner.

Ginny passed out from exhaustion in a heartbeat, but I stayed up, staring at the ceiling.

But just then, I heard a noise coming from the window's direction. Frowning, I sat up on the bed, watching the window carefully.

After a few seconds, I saw a small stone being thrown at it and hit it again.

What the heck is going on? I thought, walking towards the window and opening it hesitantly, looking down to see the source.

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