Chapter 94

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Throughout the next week, Hermione and I stayed in the twins' old bedroom now that Sirius was gone.

      When it was announced that Harry would be arriving with Dumbledore the next day, Mrs. Weasley conjured up a bed in Ron's room for him.

     Things seemed better than I thought it would, despite all the horrible things that were going on. For one, did seem to have many more things to celebrate.

     First Sirius's name being cleared off, then Bill and Fleur's engagement, and at last Mr. Weasley's promotion at the Ministry. But there was more to what had caused my happiness, which made my heart flip with excitement each time I thought about it.

     Sirius was alive and I was a witch.

     I did eventually think back at my old overthinking every now and then; such as the anonymous letter I had received, my mum being a witch and Sirius's friend, and the possibility of me being a Black.

     But everything seemed so at ease around me that I found my mind wondering off each time.

     I didn't know when was the next time I was going to see Sirius, but I didn't care anymore. Because all that mattered was that he was alive, and he was finally a free man.

     The next morning on which Harry was to arrive, I slept in, seeing as it was Fred and George's off day.

     When Hermione and I were in the kitchen, Mrs. Weasley and Ginny were already up, having breakfast in the rare silence of the house.

    "Hello," I said as Hermione and I walked inside.

     "Morning." Mrs. Weasley smiled warmly at us before turning to Hermione and saying, "By the way, Harry arrived last night, dear."

     "Really?" Hermione said happily, her face lighting up.

     "Yes." Mrs. Weasley nodded. "Would you be a dear and go wake him up? I'll bring up his breakfast tray up for him in a few minutes."

     "Of course." Hermione smiled, walking back upstairs and towards Ron's room where the two boys were staying.

     But soon, both Ginny and Mrs. Weasley grimaced as Fleur walked inside the kitchen, her face as bright and beautiful as ever.

     "Good morning," she said in her soft voice, but I was the only one who answered back.

      "Bonjour, Fleur," I said in a dramatically thick French accent.

      She laughed. "Your accent is 'orrible."

       "You think that's bad?" I scoffed. "Wait to hear my Italian accent. You'll wanna die." She chuckled gracefully once more before walking forward.

      "'Ow are you doing, little Gin?" she said in a lofty tone, patting Ginny on the head and moved away, flipping her long blonde hair behind her.

     Ginny glared at the back of her head and got to her feet so quickly that for a second I thought she was going to slap her.

     But instead she said moodily, "I'll go say hi to Harry." And with that, immediately left the kitchen and went upstairs.

     "'Arry?" Fleur repeated, turning on Mrs. Weasley.

     "Yes," Mrs. Weasley replied shortly.

     "And is zat breakfast for him?" she asked, pointing at the tray on which Mrs. Weasley was now placing a few toasts.


     "Oh, I 'ave been dying to meet 'im again!" said Fleur enthusiastically. "'Ere, I'll take zat upstairs."

    With that, she went forward and took up the tray, walking out of the kitchen before Mrs. Weasley could protest.

     "Now, wait here!" said Mrs. Weasley urgently, pacing quickly after her.

     Shrugging to myself, I followed them up and greeted Harry and chuckled as both him and Ron stared at Fleur with half-open mouths.

     Soon, we all returned downstairs as Harry told us that Dumbledore had informed him about the O.W.L results which were to arrive today.

     Watching Hermione freak out, I found myself wishing that I had taken them more seriously, now that I could pursue a career in the Wizarding world.

     Even the thought of that excited me beyond imagination. But now I was lost on what careers I actually wanted.

     Hermione had jumped up and started walking round and round the kitchen, twisting her fingers together.

     "Mrs. Weasley, you're quite, quite sure no owls have arrived this morning?"

     "Yes, dear, I'd have noticed," said Mrs. Weasley patiently. "But it's barely nine, there's still plenty of time."

     "I know I messed up Ancient Runes," muttered Hermione feverishly, "I definitely made at least one serious mistranslation. And the Defense Against the Dark Arts practical was no good at all. I thought Transfiguration went all right at the time, but looking back —"

     "Hermione, will you shut up, you're not the only one who's nervous!" barked Ron. "And when you've got your eleven 'Out- standing' O.W.L.s..."

     "Don't, don't, don't!" said Hermione, flapping her hands hysterically. "I know I've failed everything!"

      "At Beauxbatons," Fleur started complacently, "we 'ad a different way of doing things. I think eet was better. We sat our examinations after six years of study, not five, and then —"

     Fleur's words were drowned in a scream. Hermione was pointing through the kitchen window. Four owls were clearly visible in the sky, flying towards the Burrow.

     "One for each of us," said Hermione in a terrified whisper. "Oh no... oh no... oh no..." She gripped both Harry and Ron tightly around the elbows.

     The owls were flying directly at the Burrow, each of which carrying our envelopes with themselves.

     "Oh no!" squealed Hermione.

     Mrs. Weasley squeezed past them and opened the kitchen window. Nobody in the kitchen spoke as the owls came inside and we took our letters from them immaculate and opened them, reading through.

Ordinary Wizarding Level Results

Lexi Dorea Hooper has achieved:

Astronomy O
Care of Magical Creatures E
Charms E
Defense Against the Dark Arts E
Herbology A
History of Magic P
Potions O
Transfiguration E

     I smiled as I read through the parchment. This was better than I could ever hope for, considering I usually failed most of my exams back at my old Muggle school.

     "Only failed Divination and History of Magic, and who cares about them?" Ron said happily to Harry, breaking the silence. "Here — swap —"

     "Knew you'd be top at Defense Against the Dark Arts," said Ron, punching Harry on the shoulder. "We've done all right, haven't we?"

     "Well done!" said Mrs. Weasley proudly, ruffling Ron's hair. "Seven O.W.L.s, that's more than Fred and George got together!"

     "Lexi?" said Ginny tentatively, walking towards me and taking a look at my results. "How did you do?"

     "Great!" I said happily, but the next moment, she snatched the parchment out of my hands with a snort.

     "Your middle name's Dorea?"

     "Oh, you're one to talk, Ginevra," I said  mockingly, taking the paper out of her grasp with a grin. "And for your more information, Dorea's an old family name, from what my parents told me."

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