Chapter 50

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"Anyway," Fred started, turning to me as we made our way down the hall before we could depart and get to our separate classes. "Quidditch tryouts are this Friday. Wanna come?"

"Yeah," George nodded. "The whole team's gonna be there. Could be fun."

"The whole team, huh? I wouldn't count on that..." I muttered, knowing perfectly well that Harry was not going to make it.

"What?" Fred and George said at the same time. "What do you mean?" Fred added.

"Ask no questions and hear no lies, Freddie," I grinned, using his own words against him.

      "Why are you always so suspicious, Hooper?" Fred narrowed his eyes at me.

      "Cause I'm still more mysterious than you think, Weasley," I said with a wink.


As I had already known, Harry lost his temper in Umbridge's class and landed himself in detention for the whole week, including Friday.

I made my way over the Quidditch pitch with Fred and George and walked towards the stands as the twins went to the locker room to change with the rest of the team.

      As I sat down, waiting for team to come onto the pitch, I felt ever so excited to see my first Quidditch game, even though it was just tryouts.

Soon, the team flew to the pitch on their brooms along with three others who were trying out for the post of Keeper, including Ron.

I was a bit sad that I never got the chance to meet Oliver Wood. I used to think he was an underrated character.

To be honest, I sometimes found him funny; literally the only thing he cared about was Quidditch, he rather have Dementors get Harry than lose a match, and he sobbed every time they won.

I even used to amuse myself by making up head-canons in my head about him. Such as someone saying 'knock on wood' and then the Weasley twins jumping on Oliver, hitting him.

Soon, the tryouts began and the chasers tried to throw the Quaffle pass the the hoops to see which one of the three Gryffindors who were trying out for Keeper could keep them away.

Personally, I had a slight fear of heights and never saw myself playing Quidditch. But I loved to watch them fly around as I sat there with amusement, secretly fangirling.

Just then, Fred flew up towards where I sat on the stands, floating there in the air before me.

"Enjoying the show, are we?" he smirked.

"Very much," I said, grinning back.

"I can show you a few cool moves, if you like," he wiggled his eyebrows at me, making me laugh.

"WEASLEY!" Angelina shouted from above. "Quit flirting and get down here!"

"Oh, well," Fred shrugged. "Maybe later," and with a wink at my direction, he flew towards the rest of the team.

After Angelina chose Ron as Gryffindor's new keeper, I made my way down the stands and caught up with Fred and George right outside the locker room.

"You were doing great, guys," I said proudly as I reached them, a hint of sarcasm in my voice which went completely unnoticed by them.

"But we didn't use any Bludgers today," said George, confused. "In fact, we didn't do anything."

"Exactly," I said with a grin.

     They looked at me blankly and I shook my head.

      "Anyway," I started. "You guys wanna go to the Great Hall and get something to eat? I'm starving."

"Aren't you always?" said George.

"Always," I chuckled.

"Well, we need to take a quick shower first and change," said Fred. "Why don't you go down to the Great Hall and we'll join you there."

"Alright, see you then." I waved at them and strolled out of the Quidditch pitch.

I decided to take a detour around Hogwarts' different corridors before going to the Great Hall, so I wouldn't have to wait alone too long for Fred and George there. There were some halls that I had never been to before, which highly amused me.

     But as soon as I neared the dungeons, I stopped in my tracks as I heard familiar voices right behind the wall, and they got louder the closer I got to it.

      "—wrote to me and said he's talked to the Daily Prophet recently," said the boy.

I immediately recognized that boasting voice; it was Draco Malfoy.

"Tipped them off, you see?" he went on. "What does Potter think he's playing at, running around with Sirius Black?"

     By hearing that name, I came to a half, my heart sinking.

     "Father saw him in London," said Malfoy. "And I bet it's just a matter of time that they catch Black. The moment they find him, Dementors will perform the kiss, bringing him to the stinky end which he deserves—"

     "SHUT UP!" I roared, coming out from behind the wall before I could hold myself back.

     There I saw Crabbe, Goyle, and Malfoy, bewildered at my sight. But it only took Draco a few more seconds to come to himself and smirk down at me.

     "Why would you care about Black?" said Malfoy. "Is he really worth getting angry for?"

      "I said shut up!" I said through greeted teeth, walking closer to him, my blood boiling, and my palms turning into a firm fist.

     "Touchy, touchy," he sneered. "You better stop defending him, or people will start to think that you are related to that dirty murder—"

With that, before being able to stop myself, before even knowing what I was doing, I leaped forward and punched Malfoy on the face.

He groaned in pain, checking to see if he was bleeding. He then turned on me, glaring daggers at my direction.

"You'll pay for that!" he snarled, taking his wand out quickly and pointing it at me.

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