Chapter 182

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Cold air was blowing in seeing as the side of the castle had been blown away. I felt my cheek go hot and sticky and it stung painfully, for my face was bleeding furiously.

      But the sound of a terrible cry pulled me back to consciousness and I forced myself up to my feet despite the killing ache.

       Just then, I clapped a hand to my mouth and my eyes widened as I saw two bodies laying on the cold floor in the middle of the chaos, one's hair blond, and the other red.

       "No — no — no!" I shouted, limping forward.

      The second right before the explosion, Draco had ran forward to push Fred out of the way. But why were they both laying on floor, motionless? Why weren't they getting up?

      I didn't care if the world was to stumble upon me. I didn't care if I were dying of pain. It didn't matter if a hundred Death Eaters were around me. I had to get myself to them.

      Hermione and Harry were struggling to get up to their feet, both of their faces bleeding. Ron and Percy were staring at Draco and Fred's bodies, looking paralyzed.

      "Fred..." I whispered.

     But just then, the moment I kneeled down on the ground beside me without even blinking, Fred coughed out the dust he had breathed in through the explosion and hoisted himself up on his elbows with difficulty.

      I gasped, clapping a hand to mouth again and my eyes widening.

     If it had been any other moment, I would've cried out in happiness. I would've jumped and hugged him, told him how much I loved him. But I still felt unable to breathe as I stared down at Draco's motionless body, his eyes closed.

      "Oh, no..." I sobbed, trying to shake him awake.

       "Get down!" Harry shouted, as more curses flew through the night.

        I dropped myself onto Draco's body, as if to shield him from any further harm, while Fred tried to get to his feet and to help me.

      But it was just then, as I had my head on Draco's chest and crying my eyes out, I realized his heart was still beating. He was still breathing.

      He was alive.

      "Lexi!" Harry yelled from overhead. "Come on, we've got to move!"

      But I felt frozen on the spot. My mind had stopped working. I couldn't comprehend what was going on around me.

      But then Fred moved toward Draco and tried to support his unconscious body up as the rest were trying to fight off the Death Eaters. Finally coming back to my senses, I threw my arm around Draco and with the help of Fred, we carried him away.

      Hermione screamed, and turning around to look over our shoulder, we saw a monstrous spider trying to climb through the huge hole in the wall.

       Percy had run after the Death Eaters, shouting. Harry, Ron, and Hermione had vanished from side, and I knew they were trying to find Nagini.

       Fred and I quickly entered the first empty classroom on our way as we escaped the Death Eaters and placed Draco's body on the ground.

       The tears were still leaving my eyes unstoppable, burning my wounded cheeks as they streamed down.

      Fred quickly took out his wand and pointed it at Draco, muttering, "Rennervate."

    On cue, Draco's eyes shot open and he jumped awake, panting as he looked around at us, shocked as he sat up on the cold floor.

      "It's fine. Everything's fine," I tried to say, but the moment his eyes met mine, I leaned in without thinking and brought him into a hug and whispered, "Thank you."

       Fred was now staring at Draco with widened eyes, as if he couldn't hold a grasp on what had just happened, and how quick everything had went down.

       "I — I..." Fred was struggling to say as Draco got to his feet with difficulty. "I owe you my life."

       "Yeah, well." Draco shrugged arrogantly with a smug grin, making me laugh.

      There was nothing funny about the whole situation as there were still sounds of explosions and screams from outside. But I was laughing uncontrollably, purely out of relief.

       After we had all calmed down a bit and caught our breath, we glanced around at each other, falling silent.

      "We should probably get going..." Draco muttered, throwing his gaze down.

      "We?" I repeated. "Aren't you going to join the rest of the Death Eaters along with Goyle, like you were supposed to?"

     Draco's eyes met mine for a second longer, but then he shook his head. "No... not anymore."

      "Well, welcome to the team, mate," said Fred, clapping a hand proudly behind Draco so hardly that he was hurtled forward. Draco gave a little smile.

      I then sat down, trying to catch my breath and rest my feet. But just then Fred's eyes fell down on my leg, his eyes widening. "Lexi! Your leg—"

      "It's fine. Honestly," I said, shaking a hand at him.

     But it was far from fine, seeing as the lower part of my trousers was ripped and the wound was still bleeding, looking like someone had cut through my flesh with a knife.

      Fred got down on the ground next to me as well and drew up his wand, healing my wound.

       "I'll... wait for you," Draco said, as if he could read my mind and left the classroom, leaving Fred and I alone.

       I had finally stopped crying by the time Fred was done healing my leg, mostly because the burning of my face's wounds had become unbearable.

     An awful silence fell between Fred and I as we looked away from one another, yet the loud yells and shouts came from outside the castle.

       "Your forehead is bleeding," I whispered, pointing at the side of his head.

      "Nah, it's just a scratch." He smiled goofily, shaking a hand at me reassuring.

     I let out the breath I wasn't aware of holding before finally looking up at him. "Fred —"

     But I was cut off when he suddenly leaned in as we were both sitting on the ground, bringing me into a kiss.

     When he finally pulled away, I caught him grinning down at me and so my lips twitched up into a small smile.

      "Is that your way of shutting me up?" I asked.

      He grinned. "Exactly."

I moved in and brought him into a hug and he held me in his arms, as if there was no war around us. Because all that mattered was that Fred Weasley was alive.

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