Chapter 93

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An eerie silence filled up the place as no one dared to make a sound. Mrs. Weasley seemed to be paralyzed, Mr. Weasley looked like he was expecting someone to shout out 'April Fools', and Ron looked as if someone had just slapped him in the face.

    But it was Fred and George who finally broke the silence as they yelled out, "CONGRATULATIONS!"

     "Thanks," Bill laughed as they went forward and patted him on the back.

     "Well..." Mrs. Weasley started hesitantly. "You did tell me you were planning on... I didn't think you actually would... I-I mean..."

     "Congratulations, you two," said Mr. Weasley brightly, going forward and hugging both Bill and Fleur.

     "Yes, yes," Mrs. Weasley nodded as the two of them turned to look at her. "C-congratulations, I guess..."

     "I was actually thinking that maybe Fleur could stay here while she's not working at Gringotts with me," said Bill. "So you all can get to know each other better."

     "Oh, y-yes... sure..." said Mrs. Weasley, trying hard to smile at the couple, which almost seemed impossible.


The next day as promised, many enchantments were set upon the Burrow and their Floo Network was disconnected except for the one in the twins' flat.

     I took a job as the cashier in their joke shop and whenever Fred and George weren't in sight, I helped and assisted the costumers on the whereabouts or the prices of the products they wanted.

     In the first week of working there, I was glad to know that I had already earned enough money to pay for my own books this year.

At nights when I returned back to the Burrow, I would immediately be faced with Fleur who talked rapidly about how better things were in France, and Mrs. Weasley who rolled her eyes at her whenever she wasn't looking.

Ginny started calling her phlegm or sometimes a cow and Mrs. Weasley scolded her each time, but I could tell that she partly agreed with the given names.

The next week, Hermione arrived with her school trunk, after Mrs. Weasley asked Ron to invite her over along with Harry.

From the moment she arrived, she couldn't stop herself from talking on and on about her O.W.L results.

"I'm sure I messed up Ancient Runes. And Defense Against the Dark Arts practical exam went terrible." She huffed before turning on me and saying, "You're really lucky Tonks did them for you."

"Yeah, but she said she had to make a few mistakes on purpose," I said.

"Why, though?" Ron questioned. "You could've gotten Outstanding in all of them!"

"That's exactly the thing," I started explaining. "Everyone thought at that point that I was so dumb and talentless with wand work until then. If Tonks had done everything, they would've gotten too suspicious — I mean, more than they already had."

I said, thinking back at how Umbridge had me and nearly found out I really was.

"But anyway," I sighed, "I think my theoretical exams will make up for it. Man, if only I had studied this much for math, I would be studying at Oxford now." Ron looked at me puzzled, meanwhile Hermione chuckled.

      "Won't they make you take the exams again?" asked Ron. "I mean, now that you're a witch and all."

      "Oh honestly, Ron," Hermione started before I could even get the chance to open my mouth, "how do you suppose she's going to explain to the Ministry that she wasn't the one taking her exams, because she was a Muggle who had travelled to the past, but somehow she can suddenly do magic? And how is she going to explain that Tonks did them for her, when no one knows she secretly works for Dumbledore —?"

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