Chapter 113

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Just then, before I could regain from my shock, Draco suddenly put down his napkin and trophy and got to his feet.

      "Where are you going?" I asked, standing up as well.

      "I don't have to sit here all night dusting stupid trophies and making pointless conversations," he said coldly. "I've got more important matters to attend to, unlike you."

      "What kind of matters?" I asked stubbornly even though I knew perfectly well what he was talking about, quickening my pace to catch up with him.

     "It's none of your business!"

     But then, in a quick motion I briskly ran forward and stood before him, blocking his way and causing him to come to a halt.

      "Stop bothering me, Hooper," Draco snarled.

      "Or what?" I grinned at him with a challenging glimmer in my eyes.

       "Or I'll hex you!"

      "How? Filch took our wands."

      "Then I'll — ouch!" He suddenly winced in pain when I raised my hand quickly toward his face and flicked him on the forehead with my finger.

      He stared at me for long seconds in shock.

      "Did you just flick me!?"

      "No, I didn't." I gave him and innocent look, but as he was busy trying to recover from the shock, I held up my hand and flicked on the head him again.

      Growing irritated this time, he frowned in fury, snapping at me sharply, "Stop doing that!"

      "Doing what?" I shrugged obliviously.

      But as I tried to do it again, Draco suddenly jerked his hand upward and took a firm hold on my wrist, pulling me toward him so quickly that caused me to let out a gasp.

      "I said knock. It. Off," he said in a dangerous tone, glaring down out me.

      With that, without thinking about what I was doing and as if it were an automatic act of defense, I quickly lifted my feet up to the back of his knee and pushed it forward with it, causing Draco to hurtle back and fall down to the ground on his back with a yelp.

     "Oh, my God!" I gasped, clasping a hand over my mouth. "I'm so sorry!"

     "Ouch! Ugh — you idiot!" Draco growled in pain, laying on the ground as he groaned.

     "I think — I think we better get you to hospital wing."

      "YOU THINK!?"

      "Okay, okay," I said hastily, helping him up as I tried not to laugh.

     So with an arm over my shoulder and mine around him, I tried to get Draco up to the hospital wing as he groaned and winced all the way there.

"How much longer do we have to go!?" he said moodily after long minutes, stumbling as we walked. "There are too many freaking stairs in this stupid castle!"

"Next time I see Godric Gryffindor, I'll bring him to you so he can personally apologize to your highness for making these stairs," I said sarcastically.

"I really don't know what's more painful," he started angrily, "having to go all the way there with a hurt back, or having to listen to you and your pathetic comebacks!" 

"Would you like me to shut up and give you a piggy-back ride so both problems would be solved?" I said in mock-sweetness.

       But when Draco opened his mouth to retort, he only grimaced in pain again.

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