Chapter 115

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We then followed Harry inside the Three Broomsticks, who looked angrier than ever before.

     The moment we were inside, Harry burst out, "He was nicking Sirius's stuff!"

     "I know, Harry, but please don't shout, people are staring," Hermione whispered, looking nervously around. "Go and sit down, I'll get you a drink."

     Harry was still fuming when Hermione returned to our table a few minutes later, carrying four bottles of Butterbeer on a tray.

      "Can't the Order control Mundungus?" Harry demanded in a furious whisper. "Can't they at least stop him stealing everything that's not fixed down when he's at headquarters when Sirius is away?"

     "Shh!" said Hermione desperately, looking around to make sure nobody was listening.

      "I bet he was waiting for Sirius to get out of there, so he could have a go at his stuff and sell them!" he said. "No wonder he wasn't pleased to see us! Well, I'm going to tell Dumbledore what's going on, he's the only one who scares Mundungus."

      "Good idea," whispered Hermione, clearly pleased that Harry was calming down.

      "Ron, what are you staring at?" I asked with a grin.

      "Nothing," said Ron, hastily looking away from the bar, but I knew he was trying to catch a look at Madam Rosmerta.

      "I expect 'nothing's' in the back getting more firewhisky," said Hermione cheekily and I chuckled, but Ron decided to ignore us completely.

     The three busied themselves with drinking their Butterbeer, although now that we had mentioned Madam Rosmerta, I couldn't stop looking around for her either.

       I knew Draco now had her under the Imperius Curse and had her give the cursed necklace to Katie Bell in the girls' bathroom, probably any moment now.

      I felt my heartbeat pick up at the thought, pitying the poor girl. But there was not much I could do. Or rather, there was not much I wanted to do anymore, having learnt my lesson of meddling with time out of necessary.
      But as I was looking around the bar for Madam Rosmerta, my stomach gave a guilty lurch as I saw Neville walking toward the pub's door along with Seamus.

       "Will you guys excuse me for a second?" I said and without waiting for their reply and without even thinking of what I was doing, I made my way over Neville before he could leave the place.

     "Neville!" I called out, causing him to stop and look around at me. "H-how are you?"

      "Er... good, thanks," he nodded unsurely, having to idea what I was doing.

     And frankly, neither did I.

      I had no idea what I was supposed to do to help him, but Dumbledore had told me everything would fall into place in the right time. But when was the right time? And what was I supposed to do when it came?

      "Lexi?" Neville called out to me and I shook my head, regaining myself from a daze.

       "Uh... right..." I said awkwardly, not knowing what I was supposed to say. "I see you've been doing good in Defense Against the Dark Arts."

       "W-well we had a lot of practice with Harry last year," he said, looking confused.

      "C'mon, Neville," said Seamus impatiently from behind us.

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