Chapter 43

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Two days after that stressful morning, I woke up only to see that the room was empty and Hermione and Ginny were nowhere to be seen. Confused, I pulled the door open and peered outside. But I couldn't hear anything there either.

So without bothering to change out of my pajamas, I put my hair up into a low bun as I walked downstairs, peaking through every open door, only to find them all empty.

I even stopped by Fred's and George' bedroom and knocked, but when they didn't answer, I opened the door and saw that they weren't there either.

Thinking that everyone was probably in the kitchen for breakfast, I walked downstairs. Although on my way, I saw that it was eleven o'clock and I had slept in; but they usually didn't have breakfast this late.

Hesitantly I walked towards the kitchen, which had its door closed. Gulping, I went forward and opened it, only to come to something I never expected.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Fred, George, and Ginny yelled and I yelped in surprise.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione were gathered around a cake with lit candles on it with the other three Weasleys. Mrs. Weasley, Sirius, and Lupin were also beaming down at me on the other side of the table.

"Oh, my..." my voice trailed off as my lips were parted in awe. "T-thank you... You really didn't have to–"

"–Oh, of course we did," Fred shook his hand with a grin. "Stop humbling yourself. You know you wanted us to."

"Honestly, with everything that's been going on this year, I even forgot for a second that it was my birthday," I said earnestly.

"Well, sit down, dear! What are you waiting for?" said Mrs. Weasley brightly, pointing at the empty chair before the cake.

I smiled cheerfully, sitting down. They counted down and I blew out the candles. But the moment I did so, the cake exploded in my face.

Mrs. Weasley and Hermione gasped, meanwhile Ron and Ginny were sniggering.

I wiped the cream off my eyes and glared up at Fred and George who were grinning down at me and then said together, "Payback's a bitch."

"I'll kill you guys," I snarled through gritted teeth.

Mrs. Weasley quickly handed me a handkerchief to wipe it all off, glaring angrily at the twins.

"Well, never mind that now," Mrs. Weasley shook her head at me. "Why don't you open up the presents?"

"P-presents?" I repeated, feeling my stomach give a happy lurch as they one by one handed them to me.

Mrs. Weasley had knitted me a scarf; Hermione, Harry, and Ron had bought me a book about potions together; and Lupin gave me a box of chocolates.

When George handed me a box from himself and Fred, I glanced at it suspiciously and then narrowed my eyes at the twins.

"What? It's safe!" said George defensively.

"Yeah," Fred nodded. "You've already got your birthday-prank. We won't pull a double."

"Yeah... I'm still not convinced," I grinned at then knowingly. "You open it, then."

George rolled his eyes by that and took the box, opening it and then showed the inside to me from afar.

"Dungbombs," they said together, grinning. "Trust me, it will come in handy," George added with a wink.

"Thank you," I giggled, receiving the gift gratefully. "All of you. I really didn't expect any of this."

"Oh, don't mention it, dear," Mrs. Weasley shook a hand reassuringly. "Now why don't you go wash up the cream out of your hair while I make some tea for the cake?"

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