Chapter 67

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Soon, the Christmas break officially started and we were shortly joined by Hermione.

Everyone seemed to be in a better mood after Mr. Weasley was fully cured, specially Sirius who was enjoying the company after being locked up for so long in Grimmauld Place alone.

But the house seemed unrecognizable now that it was clean and a merry mood had filled up the place as we ran around all day, decorating it for Christmas.

"So, Lexi," Hermione started as we were putting the ornaments on the tree with Ginny. "Harry and Ron told me that you'd said Mr. Weasley would be staying at the hospital until after Christmas. Is that true?"

"Yeah," I said hesitantly, wondering where she was going with this.

"Well... don't you think it's rather odd that he is back so early?"

"No, it's not odd at all," I shook my head fervently. "I let Dumbledore know and he sent people at the ministry after Mr. Weasley and they saved him before the snake could cause too much damage. And therefore there was no need for him to stay that long at the hospital."

Hermione then pursed her lips together thoughtfully, looking down with a frown.

"What?" I mused.

"That changes things though, doesn't it?"

"What are you getting at?"

"Oh, but don't you see?" she said feverishly. "This is why Dumbledore doesn't want you to change anything! This is the butterfly effect!"

"The what?" Ginny frowned, looking puzzled.

"It means that a small change can lead to large differences in a later state," she explained. "What if that's what's happening?"

"But what if it doesn't change anything? I mean, it's a possibility," I countered. "And more of that, what if it does change, but it leads to something better?"

     When Hermione still looked anxious and unsure, I went on,

"Look," I started with a sign. "Dumbledore said it himself that there was specific moment that I was sent to change. He knows I have to do this. He just doesn't want me to change anything else until the moment comes. So even Dumbledore knows that things are bound to change with me here, whether he likes it or not. Maybe it's all for the best."

"I really hope so, Lexi," Hermione smiled. "I really do."


After we were done with the Christmas tree, we joined the rest who were busy decorating the main hall.

We all laughed as Sirius was singing Christmas carols at the top of his lungs and we joined in with him and sang until we went down for dinner.

After we were done eating, Mrs. Weasley kept us downstairs to help clean out the kitchen.

     But finding the opportunity perfect, I snuck out of the kitchen and went upstairs, where I knew Sirius was resting alone in the parlor.

This was my opportunity to talk to Sirius alone, and this time, I wasn't going to back down until I'd gotten a straight answer from him.

I walked inside the the parlor and saw him sitting on the couch with his back to me, so I gently knocked on the door, getting his attention.

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