But before Fred could say another word, a voice yelled behind us, "HEY! What do yeh think yer doing here!?"
Turning back, we saw Hagrid nearing us furiously. On cue, we got on our feet and ran for it, laughing as we left the forest and went back to the castle.
"That was bloody brilliant!" George extolled enthusiastically when we were back in the common room as the clock struck three o'clock.
We sat there for long minutes, talking about tonight and how scared we all were, but neither Fred nor I dared to mention the little moment we shared in the forest.
It was almost four a.m that we finally called it a night and went back to our dormitories.
I was scared to death that night, but as my eyes started to drift close, I fell asleep with a smile on my face.
Weeks passed and we were given more homework than ever. People were finally starting to get suspicious as to why I wasn't doing any practical work in Transfigurations or Charms. But McGonagall and Flitwick always managed to bring different excuses to save my neck.
Astronomy, Herbology, and Care of Magical Creatures were the easiest to hide my identity as a Muggle, seeing as they didn't require any wand work.
Despite Snape foul mood, I enjoyed Potions the most. Seeing as I was a Gryffindor, by nature, Snape tried his best to complain about my works and find a mistake within it.
But because of the grudge he still held over the Professor Snappy prank, in the end when he was simply wordless, his lip would curl and he would snarl, "Five points from Gryffindor for practicing and studying ahead of the class!"
For a whole week, Barty Crouch's death was all everyone could talk about, giving their own theories on the matter, one more unlikely than the other.
I forced myself to sit down in silence without snapping as I heard them suggesting that someone had murdered him and quickly disapparated out of Hogwarts before being caught.
But thankfully, as we approached April and another Hogsmeade trip was arranged, the murmurs about the mysterious murder seemed to have died out.
In Hogsmeade, we spent half our time in Zonko's joke shop and once I was sure Fred and George were busy checking out the Stink Pellets, I bought a few special treats for the Weasley's upcoming birthday.
Hermione was kind enough to exchange my Muggle money for some Galleons.
"How about some butterbeer?" Lee suggested and so we all nodded in agreement, heading to the Three Broomsticks.
The place was crowded with Hogwarts students, all busy laughing and drinking. The four of us took the furthest table from the others, wanting to discuss Fred's and George's new idea of inventing a new supply.
"I'll get the drinks." I said, standing up and walking towards the counter.
"You can't bring them alone," said Fred, standing up as well. "I'll help."
"Hello, what can I get you?" asked Madam Rosmerta when we reached her, smiling warmly at us.
"Four butterbeers, please." I said, putting the money on the counter. Madam Rosmerta nodded and put four glasses before us, filling them up one by one.
Finding Fred and I finally alone after a month, I saw the opportunity to speak with him about something that had been bothering me for a long while now.
"Look, Fred," I started, avoiding eye contact, "about the night in the forest–"
But as if ignoring me on purpose, he took two of the glasses and nodded at Madam Rosmerta. "Thank you," and he went back towards our table.
That was weird, I thought bitterly to myself.
On April first, I found the Weasley twins in the common room in the morning, surrounded by their friends as they wished them a happy birthday.
"How does it feel to finally be of age?" I said, causing their heads to turn on me.
"Lexi!" They beamed together at my sight, smiling down at me.
I went forward and bought them both into a hug at the same time, pulling away with a smile. "Happy birthday, you guys!"
I then took two small boxes out of my robe's pockets and handed it to them.
"Aww, Lexi, you didn't have to." said George, acting like he was blushing.
"Well, open it, then." I said. "I'm starving. I'll be down in the Great Hall having breakfast. Tell me later if you liked it, will you?" and winking at them, I made my way over the entrance of the common room.
Just when I opened the portrait hole, a sound of explosion filled the room and the next moment two voices roared, "LEXI!"
"Yeah... that's my cue to run."
I ran to the Great Hall, catching a few people throwing weird looks at my direction. I sat down at the Gryffindor table, poured myself some orange juice in peace, waiting for the silence to turn into a storm any moment.
And sure enough, when the Weasley twins entered the Great Hall, a roar of laughter filled the place.
Glancing sideways at them, I saw Fred and George walking towards me frowning, their skin a weird color of blue.
It was almost an impossible task to hold back my snort of laughter, but I managed to hold a straight face when they reached me, folding their arms.
"Hello, boys." I smiled up at them innocently. "Did you like my present?"
"You started a dirty game, Hooper." said George, narrowing his eyes at me.
"Oh, why so violet, Georgie?" I kept smiling.
"Don't you mean violent?" Fred snarled.
"Nope!" I smirked, looking at their deep blue and purple skin.
"We're gonna get you good, Hooper." said Fred darkly.
"Now that's a bit ambitious, don't you think, Mr. Weasley?" I then pretended to look at the watch I wasn't wearing and promptly stood up. "Oh, God. Look at the time! I better get going or I'll miss my imaginary class!"
And so, without glancing back, I walked towards the Great Hall door. "You're gonna regret this, Hooper!" I heard their voices yell back at me, but I only chuckled, leaving without an answer.

Muggle | 𝐹𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝑊𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑙𝑒𝑦
Fanfiction{𝗕𝗼𝗼𝗸 𝟭} Lexi Hooper has been a Harry Potter fan since the very start. One day, Lexi and her friend decide to go to King's Cross station for a memorable cosplay. But what started as a joke, turns out to be both Lexi's dream and her nightmare. ...