Chapter 109

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"Professor..." I said breathlessly as I stared up at Fred and George's shop in awe.

       "Let's get going, Lexi. There's not much time left. As a responsible Headmaster, I'm obliged to get you back before curfew," said Dumbledore, chuckling as he looked down at me amusingly.

      The lights down in their shop were off, but the ones up in their flat were still on, meaning that they were obviously home.

       "Hmm..." Dumbledore started, observing the door. "Not bad enchantments to keep people away from breaking in. But I'm sure they wouldn't mind if I break the charms for some while, so we can greet them properly."

       With that, he took out his wand and gave it a swish effortlessly and immediately the door to their shop opened.

       "After you," said Dumbledore, gesturing me inside.

      I then started walking upstairs toward their flat, Dumbledore following me right behind.

       As we reached their door, Dumbledore then swished his wand toward me and I suddenly felt warm. I knew by that he had probably taken the invisibility charm off the two of us.

     Hw then gently knocked on the door. There was a long pause before someone finally said from behind it, "Who's there?"

      "It is I, Albus Dumbledore," he said politely. "And I have another guest for you here with me. Do you mind if we come in?"

Another pause fell upon us until we heard the lock click magically and seconds later, we saw George opening the door. His wand was in his hand, as if scared that we would turn out to be imposters.

"Lexi?" His eyes immediately fell on me, widening in surprise. "What are you doing here?"

"Can we come in?" Professor Dumbledore asked once more, and George shook his head, trying to regain himself from the shock.

"Right you are, Professor— sorry — yeah, come in," said George, stepping aside and opening the door wider for us as we walked in.

"Where's Fred?" I asked, looking around the empty small hall.

"In his room," George replied, looking between Dumbledore and me, as if he still wasn't over the shock. "I — I'll go call him."

"Thanks," I smiled uncontrollably, feeling an exciting lurch in my stomach.

"Oy, Freddie!" George called loudly, knocking on his brother's bedroom door. "Guess who's here!"

"Who?" we heard Fred's voice call back.

"Minister of Magic!" said George and Dumbledore chuckled from beside me.

"What?" Fred's voice exclaimed, and moments later we heard rushed footsteps across his room and he urgently opened his door. "Minister, I swear it wasn't us — wait — Lexi?"

"Hey, Freddie." I waved at him shyly, his eyes fixed on me as he stood there motionlessly in his casual clothes.

"Good evening, Mr. Weasley," said Dumbledore with a knowing smile and Fred shook his head, looking dazed.

"Professor?" Fred blinked a few times in disbelief. "What's going on? Is everything alright?"

"Yes, yes, everything is fine. Not to worry," said Dumbledore, holding his hands up reassuringly. "It's an interesting place you've got here."

"Thank you," said George, unsure of what was going on and just as confused as Fred.

"Would you give me the honor of a tour around your shop, Mr. Weasley?" Dumbledore asked George.

"Yes — sure," George nodded after looking between me and him with a puzzled expression. "This way, sir."

With that, he started walking downstairs, Dumbledore following him out, closing the door to the flat behind them after giving me a knowing look.

"What's going on, Lex?" Fred asked, turning to face me.

"A lot," I replied, sighing. "We've got catching up to do."

With that, I went forward and grabbed his hand, leading him toward the couch before the lit fireplace and sat down, explaining everything that had happened and all that I had figured out.

"Well, what do you know," Fred scoffed in disbelief after I was done talking. "Looks like Kreacher wasn't a nutter after all."

"No," I laughed lightly, leaning back on couch and staring into the flames.

"But why would he send you back after taking away your magic himself?" Fred mused. "He could've gotten you killed!"

"I — I guess he believed in me and knew at some point the seal would be broken."

"That's not enough." He shook his head. "He was being selfish for sending you."

"He wasn't being selfish! He was trying to save his brother!" I retorted.

"At the cost of losing his daughter!?" Fred said back angrily but then sighed, trying to calm his breathing. "Anyway... how come you never noticed the Dark Mark on his forearm, if he was a Death Eater?"

"I — I really don't know," I said earnestly, frowning. "I mean, he usually wore long sleeved clothes, now that I think of it. Never came to beaches with me and Mum whenever we went on a vacation; they told me he would get painful sunburns... But I'm pretty sure I've never seen anything curious even on those rare occasions when he wore T-shirts. Maybe he had a way of covering it up."

"Do you think your mum knows?" Fred wondered. "That he's a wizard and that his real name is not Roger Hooper?"

"They were childhood friends so I'm pretty sure she knows his name. But I don't know whether she knew anything about him being a wizard or the Concealment Potion he had given me."

I then huffed, burring my face in my hands miserably, my head hurting once again at all the messed up thoughts that were haunting me.

But I suddenly became calmer as I felt Fred coming closer to me on the couch and wrapping an arm around me.

"I just can't believe it..." I shook my head, nuzzling into his chest as he caressed my hair.

My head then shot up, looking at him. "You can't tell anyone, Fred. Not even George. Enough people know already. If word gets out that Regulus is alive and that I'm his daughter — they'll kill us both."

"Don't worry," he said reassuringly, placing a gentle kiss on the top of my head. "I promise."

"Thank you," I whispered, bringing him into a hug as he wrapped both of his arms around me.

I closed my eyes, feeling myself being able to breathe more calmly again, now that I was in his familiar warm embrace.

Fred's hand was slowly running up and down my back, but it suddenly came to a stop and he became very still.

"What is it?" I asked softly, pulling slightly back as my hand travelled through his red hair.

"Lexi I think — I..."

I looked back into his eyes, watching him struggle with words as he opened his mouth a few times and closed it again. Until he finally said,

"I love you."

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