☽ Chapter 1: Coffee ☾

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Killer's POV

"Are you ready to order?"

"...Excuse me, mister?"

I stared outside the window, sighing. My third shift this day starts soon. When's the last time I've had a long break? Well, it's no use thinking about that. It's not like anyone will give me a promotion anytime soon!

"HELLO?" the waitress yelled, snapping me out of my daydream.

"Oh, crap- hey!" I squeaked, adding, "I'm, uh taken."

She glared at me. Oops, I did an oopsie. "Do. You. Want. To. Order?" she replied through gritted teeth, pulling a pen out of her uniform pocket.

"Oh, yeah. Rosco, whaddya want?" I said awkwardly, turning to my dog. Rosco is my chocolate-colored greyhound that is the derpiest thing in the world. His favorite toy is a tiny poop shaped stress ball, so I always keep one in my pocket just in case he uncontrollably poops all over the place again. Yeah, he has gastrointestinal problems that may or may not be able to be suppressed by a simple squish of the poop. Okay, that sounded wrong.

Rosco looked up at me and stuck his tongue out sideways. "Rwroof Roof!" he barked, furiously shaking his head to sniff the table. I turned back to the waitress. "He'll pass for today. Uh, can I have a caramel frappucino with extra cream? And a straight black coffee to go," I said, giving a tight smile. Scribbling that down, she nodded and walked away.

God, I'm so awkward with social interaction. I should just ask Horror to order coffee for me, but I'm afraid he would accidentally drink it all on the way back. And, he HATES me after what I did last week. What did I do exactly? Umm... well crawl into my mind some more, why don't ya?



Giggling, I shook the pink spray can violently. Hopefully, it works. Crawling into Horror's room, I inspected the interior. Wow, so... clean! I was half expecting a bloody bedroom full of dead bodies, but it's so... normal! Though I smell a strong disinfectant scent, so I assume that something went down here. Cum or blood, I better not stay here for long.

You see, Horror and I are pretty good friends. We always eat out together when our breaks align, and when he doesn't decide to go "live hunting". I used to have feelings for him, but then I found out he's not at all interested in me. Now that's all good and dandy, but recently he did an oopsie.

When I asked him to help me carry my new glass knife set, I thought since he was pretty sturdy he would be able to handle it. However, what I didn't expect was for him to FUCKING DESTROY THE CASE AND KNIVES INTO VERY FINE DUST PARTICLES. I was pissed. You know me and my obsession with knives. And glass knives are hella expensive and pretty! I ordered the ombre set, which cost me $80! And it's not like I have a very lucrative job...

So, you know what I had to do. Get. My. Revenge!

I grinned widely, pressing the sprayer down. Now, my idea was to draw a couple of hairy dicks, but I'm no artist. This was my first time using a paint spray, and I definitely don't learn quickly. After a while of quietly cursing under my breath and squeaking when the paint spray flicked onto my hoodie, I was left with a few bleeding and lumpy penises. A logical person would leave after to avoid getting their rib ripped out by a juggernaut, but I got distracted. Instead of thinking of revenge, I just thought of mastering my dick paint spraying skills.

I was running out of room on the wall, so I moved over to a corner, still holding down the sprayer while moonwalking. Then, everything went down. I tripped over the handle of a recently used ax and hurt my ankle. The spray decided that at that time, it would combust. On the open ax display. And on his favorite ax.


My anklebone hurts a lot.

"Oh no, oh no..." I murmured, black tears flowing down my cheekbones. I quickly got up, wincing at the burning pain. C'mon Killer! You need the flight response at this time now! I thought, hobbling away. Then I bumped into a familiar figure. I looked up.

At the very top of the doorway, I saw a skeleton with an impaired head. "Hey. I heard the noise. What did you do?" he replied, his usual deep growl igniting fear in me. "Um, BYE!" I screamed, quickly ducking under his long legs and dashing away. A second later, I heard horrible yelling. He found out. Oh, yeah I definitely knew.


"That'll be $15.75," the waitress stated, placing the cardboard tray on my table.

"O-oh, let me grab my wallet real quick," I grumbled, digging around in my hoodie.

Squeak! A bark of excitement as the poop toy fell. "Sorry," I replied quickly, narrowing my eyes.

Clang! My rose knife slipped. The woman stared at me in alarm. "For s-self defense, Ahaha!" I laughed, quickening my pace.

Thunk! "Ah crap, my phone." I wasn't concerned, because I'm pretty sure it couldn't get any more broken than it already was.

I felt a fluffy mass. Goddamn, finally! I pulled out my bunny wallet. "Ahah, you have a cute bunny for a wallet?" she snickered.

"Gosh, lady. I thought you just wanted me to pay, not cry," I replied, pretending to wince. I handed her a $20 bill.

"Alright, give me a moment," she laughed, cheerfully sashaying to the counter. Then, I picked up my things and followed her with Rosco on a leash.

The shuffling of bills. The clinking of coins.

"Here's your change! Have a nice day mister," she chirped.

I sighed. "Thanks." I left quickly, trying to leave without anymore social interaction.


I stood by the entrance, smelling the morning rain. Rosco ruffed quietly. "I want to enjoy this moment," I murmured quietly, then said to Rosco, "Let's sit here, okay bud?" I crumpled on the ground, wincing from my sore leg.

Will today be a good day? I don't know, but whatever it is, I'll have to deal with it...

Doo-do... do dooo doooooo...

"Argh! Who's calling me now?! It better not be a booty call," I growled, fishing in my pocket again. This time, I immediately found it and furiously checked the screen.

💜 Sweetheart 💜

Oh crap.


Yeah, it's a little short. I want to have about 1.5k words per chapter, but this one is only about 1.1k words. I hope you liked the first chapter and like my style of writing. See ya later, cause it's 11:35 PM and I need to sleep or else I'll die tomorrow.

[written: March 12, 2020]

[edited: September 16, 2020]

some minor improvements have been made: removal of some cringe, formal writing style.

☽ Troublemaker ☾《Nightkiller》𝗱𝗶𝘀𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗻𝘂𝗲𝗱Where stories live. Discover now