☽ Chapter 10: Deadly Distractions ☾

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Killer yawned, struggling to open his eyes. Where was he? He only remembers darkness. I thought I woke up already. The fuck... he thought.

Then he quickly shot up, banging his head on the bottom of the top bed. "Aghhh... that hurt," Killer whispered, reaching up to his forehead to feel for blood.


Yeah. I'm bleeding.

"T-thank god you're finally awake," someone above him hissed, leaning off his bunk bed to look down at Killer. The teary-eyed skeleton looked up.

"Dust? What are you doing here?" Killer asked monotonously, cocking his head slightly.

"This is my bed, d-dumbass," he whispered shakily, with big, frozen eyes.

"Why are you so crackhead right now? Something happened?" Killer asked, a whole lot of questions forming at the back of his mind. "You look like you've seen a ghost- oh wait-"

"No, that's not it. Why did you... do that... yesterday?!" his voice cracked. Killer resisted the urge to roast him and focused on what "that" was.

"What did I what."

"W-why did you have kinky porn sex yesterday when you knew I was there?!" Dust yelled, probably telling everyone else in the process. "You are so mean!"

Oh yeah, oops. The memories came back at Killer and he resisted the urge to gag. Not good memories. "Because um... I would've gotten attacked if I didn't? You're acting like my relationship is all sunshine and rainbows, and that anything I do- no matter how bad- will not prompt Nightmare to hit me," he responded quietly after a while, shaking his head. "Just drop it. It'll be best for both of us."

"Wh- you're okay with this?!" Dust squeaked, staring at him incredulously.

"Have been okay with it for about 4 years," he grumbled and stretched. Then he opened the door. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be doing normal routine shit. This doesn't affect my schedule." Then, he walked outside and closed the door behind him.


Nightmare placed the pamphlet on the sleek table, sighing. "Do you guys understand now? Or do I need to explain for the hundredth time?" There was no answer, which fueled his annoyance. "I'm going to assume you all do. And if you don't, then you'll have to work overtime after so I know your BRAIN didn't leak out of your earholes a long time ago." He got up, pushing the whiteboard to the side. "Meeting is over. Arrive at 7 PM sharp or else you're being left behind." Then, he walked through the double doors, slamming them behind him with his tentacles.


"Soo... what did he say again?" Horror asked with a bored expression. Leaning back, he looked back to see if Nightmare had really left. When he confirmed that he left already, he rested his feet on the table. "To be honest, he was mumbling."

"Um... well, I didn't really understand either. He was hissing at us like a cat. I think he was in a worse mood than usual. If that's even possible..." Dust meekly responded, twiddling his thumbs. It seemed like he still wasn't over what happened last night.

"He said Outertale at 7 PM. The main purpose is to colonize the alternate universe since it's close to our universe. That poses a threat to us, as the Star Sanses have recently been keen on conquering too. If they gain control of a fort near us, we're basically going to get on the defensive side, which kinda... sucks," Killer responded, slouching back on the velvety soft armchair. He felt fatigued, which was strange since he felt like he slept for eternity. Or maybe he just wanted to return to that eternity so badly.


Killer wheezed as his back felt the sudden impact. "Ah! Our trusty Killzy is so helpful! Maybe he should just go on this mission alone. Like usual, huh?" Horror laughed, "patting" the back of Killer. Patting, more like slapping. "Doesn't that sound like fun."

☽ Troublemaker ☾《Nightkiller》𝗱𝗶𝘀𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗻𝘂𝗲𝗱Where stories live. Discover now