☽ Chapter 21: liar ☾

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Killer's POV





I groaned, struggling to open my eyes. Wherever I was, it was bright, harsh, and very warm. Like I was in a... oven?

Oh fuck, if I get cooked, I'm going to die and never fulfill my dream of becoming a multi-millionaire that sells really dank ass toasters! Being the dumbass that I was, I quickly forced my eyes open, startlingly sitting up straight. Huh... it's not an oven. Letting out a sigh of relief, I slumped into the posture that your parents would be disappointed in and calmly looked around me.

A beautiful scene was unfolding in front of me, although it was probably finished unfolding years ago and was just waiting for me to wake up. I was in a field of endless lush green grass, dotted with wildflowers: violets, cornflower, some dandelions- basically a shitton of colorful plants. It would've been a pretty nice scene to relax to, but there was nothing in the distance, which unnerved me.

Literally, there was nothing. Just plain white, like a blank canvas yet to be painted on. Like a person's eyes when their pupils roll back, the poor organism collapsing on the cold, marble floor; their shirt bursting in shades of red that would never be cleansed. Like a bride when they're inevitably married off by their parents, the wedding supposed to be the greatest day of their life ending up to be a poor excuse of a cash grab. Yeah, I'm pretty extra.

Anyway, I would bore you guys with more unnecessarily descriptive descriptions of a single damn color, but I had business to do. Because, from the corner of my eye, I saw a figure. Slowly walking towards me with a calm, attentive, and dominant demeanor. Like a teacher that's about to bring you to the principal's office, and knows they're one-hundred percent in the right.

Did I ever mention that I was quite a troublemaker back in the day? Well, that isn't very important now as that figure was nearing me. I could now make out their complexion more clearly, but their head was covered by a hood. 

The person was wearing a deep, royally purple cloak with a minuscule silver chain clipping the cloth together, a lovely blue sapphire connecting the two. They wore long, knee-high military boots, the heels being quite high considering the seemingly heavy demeanor of the article. And they had... a... sword, sheathed by a long opal cover lined with expensive gold. The symbol of the royal good side, I suppose. The handle wasn't as crisp, as it seemed like the sword was much more worn down and muddied. They didn't use their sheath much, hm?

Well, any nerve in my body would immediately tell me that this guy was bad news, but I've handled quite the plethora of difficult enemies before, rising in victory every time. Weird flex, I know. Anyway, I also had quite an attraction to this person magnetically, as I was enamored by their stature and situation. In common talk, I'm a horny hoe and I want other horny hoes, so I sat still and idly watched the figure near me.

Then, all of a sudden, I was looking up at the figure, looking down at me. Ah, what a predicament- a stand-off between an alpha male and a beta male. Before I could utter a single word, they bent down to my level, dramatically taking off their hood. Oh, it's... a skeleton. Anyway, as I was saying-

"Hello, there, Kills." Oh- Nightmare whispered in a deep sultry tone, outstretching his hand to pull my chin forward with. "It's a pleasure to see you again after you left me." Wait- many questions ran through my head- 'why is he here?', 'why couldn't I recognize him?', and 'why is he not mad at me?' were some of the inquiries I had. But before I could utter another word, he whispered again.

"Care to explain why?"

It was said in the tone of a parent who would never raise their voice but had the constant condescending tone in their voice like it was somehow obscured, and the child would want to converse back. Oh, he is mad at me. Doi. Expected from the goopy octopus- well, not goopy nor octopus material at the moment, but ex-goopy octopus.

☽ Troublemaker ☾《Nightkiller》𝗱𝗶𝘀𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗻𝘂𝗲𝗱Where stories live. Discover now