☽ Chapter 6: The X in Success ☾

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Killer's POV

... I opened my eyes slowly, making sure he wasn't there. I'd be in big trouble if he was. Phew. No one at all, surprisingly. It's quite dark, so I check the alarm clock.

8:39 PM


I curled up in a ball, my chest wracking with irregular breaths of panicked air. I feel so useless, ugh... I'm not used to this influx of feelings. That bastard didn't change me back yet!

I sighed, rubbing my right eye socket. I don't even have any more money to spend on snacks or meals for the day... I don't need to eat every day because I've been trained to control my eating urges, but it's a comforting thing to hide your pain behind a wall of fluffy candy or mouthwatering noodles. Plus, I've seen what happens when you eat too little. Missions in HorrorTale.

I wish I could jump out of the window and die. I wish I could just wipe myself out of existence. They'd act like they're sad, attend my funeral, wiping nonexistent tears away. They know that they have better things to do. But if they don't go, they'll seem like jerks. A reputation is important in this world.

I fell back into bed, thoughts racing through my head. Where the fuck is Nightmare? What the hell am I going to do? I don't have a life out of doing my job. I'm not going to do it for fun, but I really don't have an ounce of creativity. Where is Rosco? Am I in an alternate reality where everyone has left or died?

"Rosco..." I croaked, struggling to move.


Silence. I huffed half in annoyance and the other in confusion. Then a voice in the back of my head spoke up. At least I don't have to spend money on dog food anymore. I squeaked in surprise. "Don't- what the hell?" I was honestly baffled at the notion that I would be relieved at the fact that my dog could be dead. I was also confused about how I would even think that. Rosco has been my only friend ever, and for some random voice to tell me that I would benefit without him made my blood boil. 

Did Nightmare do this? I was considering giving him a piece of my mind, but the rational side of my brain told me that I would need my job to feed my dog if he was indeed alive, which was a high chance.

Closing my eyes, I thought about the shit I went through recently. It seems like no one likes me or wants to help me. I mean- my only friend is a dog. Well- he's technically my son, but still, he's a friend! I used to have more friends, but past me was a little... crazy. Anyone who wanted to be friends with me I accepted, but purposely creeped them out so that they would leave me. Apparently it was the best pastime I could think of at the time.


Oh, shit- "UM DON'T COME IN, I'M NAKED!" I yelled, my voice cracking horribly. The person on the other side of the door didn't respond but didn't walk away either. "And I'll be forever naked, so um, don't come in?" Still no response. "Alright, who's there-"

"Roof! Roro...rororoo..." 

What. The. HELL!

I was about to scream bloody murder, but then I realized that would be rude to my dog/son. "Sweetheart, please don't do that to mommy next time~" I cooed, my right eyesocket twitching in anger. "Mommy almost got angry!"

Someone coughs awkwardly. "Okay, weirdo. Keep talking to your dog while I try to figure out why you're in Nightmare's room," Cross flatly replies. Well, it was nice knowing me, right?

Usually, if it was Horror or Dust who found out, they would just tease me for a long time. Well- not really tease, more as insulting me about what I wear, what I do, and what I say. But Cross? Oh no, he's different. Do one thing wrong and he'll keep a photographic memory of it till the day he dies- or until he has enough dirt to demote you.

☽ Troublemaker ☾《Nightkiller》𝗱𝗶𝘀𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗻𝘂𝗲𝗱Where stories live. Discover now