☽ Chapter 3: Broken Glass and Bloody Axes ☾

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Killer's POV

I groaned, kicking a rock off the paved path. "Heyyyy, can ya hurry up, please? I need to piss," I whined, stomping my feet like a toddler. It's been half an hour since we got into this forest- which usually only takes 20 minutes, 10 minutes if a reindeer was chasing you- and we've stopped for no reason! Well, there is a reason, but when you hear it, you'll agree that it's stupid.

"Shut up, you whiny bitch. I'm almost done texting Swap. And if you tell Nightmare, I'll ask Horror to have your head," Dust growled. His baby sweetheart wants Dust to buy milk, but he's trying to explain that he's on a mission. That mission is to bring me to the castle on time, which- mind you, he FAILED! And I can't go to the castle by myself, because Nightmare sent us together to punish us! 

"Ahhhh you little bitch-" I was cut off by a ring of my cellphone. Pulling it out of my pocket, I secretly congratulated myself for finding it first try. I squinted my eyes, trying to read the caller ID through the cracked-ass screen.

💜 Sweetheart 💜

JESUS CHRIST- I inhaled, and hissed, "Dust if I'm in deeper shit by the end of this call, I will spar your ass."

Killer: H-hello, Nighty! Uh... how are you???

Nightmare: No.

Killer: Sorry baby... I mean: Dust is bringing me safely to u-uh the castle thing!

Nightmare: Okay, but you're now an hour late to your shift.

Killer: Ohoho, yeah! How about dinner on me?

Nightmare: I would rather eat your ass than go eat at whatever dank-ass restaurant you're planning to bring me to.

Killer: Oh... I was thinking about following a recipe and cooking it with you!

Nightmare: The last time you cooked, I found a whole tin can in my spaghetti.

Killer: I told you, babe, I have bad eyesight.


Killer: Yeah, well I still have bad eyesight. Anyways, the two noodles were good, right?!

Nightmare: No, they were uncooked.

Killer: Oh. Well, you can help me cook!~

Nightmare: You always make me do all the cooking and you just chop all the ingredients to grinded dust.

Killer: They killed my family. Serves them right.

Nightmare: You have no family.

Killer: Now that's just rude. I have Rosco- RWORF RWORF!!!- and you, babe!

Nightmare: And are we dead? No. Now, just go to the castle already. I don't give a shit if Dust arrives anymore.

Killer: -an 'ayyy' is heard from the background- Alright, Night. I'll see ya at the entrance?

Nightmare: Horror will escort you inside.


Nightmare: No. Bye, have a great walk with Rosco. And tell Rosco I said hi.


I groaned in extreme pain. "Ughhh... Rosco, Nightmare says hi..." I cried, more black tears rolling down my cheeks. Ugh, hormones, am I right? Rosco stuck his tongue out and ruffed excitedly. I screamed in response, slapping my eyesockets a hundred times.

☽ Troublemaker ☾《Nightkiller》𝗱𝗶𝘀𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗻𝘂𝗲𝗱Where stories live. Discover now