☽ Chapter 17: Writhing Wrath ☾

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A walk in the woods was all Dust needed.

It was all he ever needed, in fact. When he lost almost everything all those years ago he collected his thoughts in the pines. Of course, he may have made the wrong choice when he joined Nightmare, but at least his thoughts weren't muddied by the dozens of voices whispering into his ears.

He was currently walking back to the castle with a pep in step, humming a tune about dead birds. He was in a good mood today, but something told him that it would be ruined soon. Grimacing, he swiped his card and walked into the main entrance.

Beep! [Welcome, Dust.]

"So, you're back," Nightmare murmured behind him calmly.

"Jesus-" Dust quickly turned around, backing away. "Personal space?" What was Nightmare doing there? Was he just creeping around?

"To be honest, I do not really care about your personal space," Nightmare replied snootily, looking down at him. "But I do want to ask some questions, so I do hope you have the time- not like you have any pressing duties to do, right?" He said that in a dangerous tone, basically meaning "I'm going to assume you have nothing to do so you can serve me".

"Well... I guess not." To be honest, it was true. Dust was probably going to take another three-hour nap, then wake up in the middle of the night to grab a cold plate of leftovers for dinner. "What's the occasion?"

"Well, you see..." Nightmare explained, "How is Killer doing?" Better start off passive than at full force. 

Dust tried his best to hold his emotions in, but it was still fairly obvious that he was surprised. Maybe Killer had told the boss about his 'situation' after all. "Well, he's been fine, I think. We last saw each other four days ago," he lied, casually staring back. Hopefully, he was able to mask it enough.

Nightmare let out a somewhat disappointed sigh. "Ahh... that sucks, doesn't it?" Then he turned around but still looked at Dust. "You think he's fine? Well, I hope so too." Smiling too widely, he whispered loud enough for the hooded skeleton to hear. "You're not lying, are you?"

Dust was already starting to sweat. Of course, he wasn't the best of liars so he almost just flatted out admitted to lying. However, that was an old habit that he learned not to utilize during his stay here. "No."

"Hmmm." The ex-guardian turned around to walk away slowly, but not before saying one thing.

"You know, I'm glad Swap died."

That hurt him, more than he wanted it to. He could feel the obvious bait looming over him, pressuring him to take it. But he didn't. Why? Because he didn't need to. His Blue wasn't gone. People inevitably die, but they don't always go. 

Dust nodded. "Yeah," he mumbled quietly, turning around. It was a good thing he didn't fall for such farces like this. He was dumb at times, but not this dumb.

Plus, Killer had warned him. The skeleton's name felt like bitterness in his mouth, but now he knew everything. It wasn't his fault, but more of Nightmare's. If he could eradicate the boss, then... maybe he could honor his fallen friends.

"Maybe you could, Dusty."

"Yeah," he verbatim-ed, turning around the corner to reach his room. He'd been like this before. Alone and scared, trying to find a purpose. But this time was different. He was older and stronger. If Nightmare wanted to challenge him, he'd take him up on that offer.


"Do you remember what I told you?" the shorter said, adjusting his eye patch. The taller let out a strangled noise.


The skeleton rolled his eyes. "Dusty, did you forget again?" His question was rhetorical. Of course, he did, again. Calmly walking towards him, he played with a tiny switchblade in his hand. "We have to be quiet." Leaning forward, he smiled. "Reaaally quiet." Then he giggled like it was a joke.

A sweat bead dripped down Dust's forehead. Right. He wasn't in the right mindset at the moment, so he didn't know if he could pull this off. "----, I don't know- if I can-" then he swallowed. "I'll try my best." Best not to make a ruckus out of it.

---- let out a sigh. Placing his hands on the troubled skeleton's shoulders, he encouraged him. "It'll be fine. You've done this a ton of times before, am I right?" Covering his mouth with his left hand, he murmured, "This is important, too."

Dust nodded. It was, wasn't it? So much more important than his usual missions with his team. Even more than that one time where Nightmare almost died. He didn't give a SHIT about that octopus. He could die in a hole for all he's concerned.

Getting up with a stifled sigh, he immediately fell back on the bed. "I can't do it."

---- shook his head angrily. "You're so lazy! Just like Ink! And my brother!" Stomping, he shook his head again. "Why's everyone so lazy, ughhh-" Widening his eyes in realization, he asked in a hushed whisper, "Did you get Cross on your side?"

"Ah, him?" Cross. The only consistently active person. Nightmare would probably be another person on the list if his attendance rate wasn't so poor. Who knows what he's doing in that office. Who knows who he's doing in that office. Well, maybe he knew the answer to that last one.

Dust let out a groan. "He said no. Sorry." How ignorant was he? Someone's life was in danger here. Oh right, he only cared about himself. What did ---- see in Cross? "He'd probably slow us down anyway..."

"Awh..." Maybe it was because he was painfully lonely, and the monochrome skeleton was the only one he could relate to. People with their lives in order, getting up at a crisp 6 AM without a single tired cell. They'd probably be the type to be willing to sacrifice their life, even though they would be the ones that everyone wants alive.

Swap shook his head, smiling at Dust. "We'll be able to do this alone, anyways. Maybe Cross was busy today?" he replied with optimism. Swap knew he just hated them. "Operation- save distant relative Killer!" he whisper-yelled, waving his arms with excitement.

Dust let out an amused huff. "He's literally us." Half-heartedly raising his hand in an attempt to match the enthusiastic skeleton's pace, he muttered, "Save distant relative Killer- yay..."

"Be more grateful!"


Words: 1.1k (I tried)

Ok I hate this chapter so like I gotta leave for the next one uwu

I just revealed Swap in the last part because we all knew who it was... anyways, think about the last line, 'cause it might come back~ uwO

If you're wasting time reading this, I think you have enough time to read "Homey" by coppermeadows :] copper if you're reading this look at this picture

If you're wasting time reading this, I think you have enough time to read "Homey" by coppermeadows :] copper if you're reading this look at this picture

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Killer none of y'all have dicks- ok bye

~ eth 💜

☽ Troublemaker ☾《Nightkiller》𝗱𝗶𝘀𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗻𝘂𝗲𝗱Where stories live. Discover now