☽ Chapter 15: Sneaking Suspicion ☾

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3 days later...

It was strange for Nightmare to wake up late at a mellow 10 AM. Four hours late, to be exact. Groggily sitting up, he looked out of the window of his balcony. The sun had already risen.

Quietly placing his feet on the cool marble floor, he grabbed his jacket and placed it over his bareback. "Midnight, go away," his fragile voice mumbled, sticking his foot out towards the animal. The black cat meowed, then walked out of the room obediently. Good thing.

Frankly, Nightmare wasn't in a good mood today. Or for the past three days and more to come. If he had to talk about his worst days, this one would be one of the top ones. The top would be the day he had to eat that dreaded apple. He wouldn't be talking about those matters anyways, but if he wasn't totally psychotic he'd consider it.

Resting his hands on the rugged stone of the balcony railing, he stared out at Hecate's Grove. It was deserted as always. "Killer wouldn't be there." Then, he looked to the very far left. Dream's territory. "He should be there." Lifting his left hand, he traced an 'X' with a finger.

He was the one who was supposed to find Cross and kill him. But it was too risky. He wished he wasn't so weak. If he tried going there alone, a few positivity arrows could put him under a compromised state. And of course, the ex-royal guard would do anything to block attacks from reaching his "beloved".

Gripping the railing, a few cracks appeared in the stone. There was something that he was thinking about for a while. Actually, it was a whole collection of things, all jumbled up in a disgustingly ugly mess. A mess that was a ticking time bomb, about to explode.

Killer was planning something, but Nightmare knew he couldn't do it alone. No matter how graceful... or foxy. A one-man job was impossible when trying to escape from the ex-guardian. He'd find you one way or another.

Nightmare let out a slightly pained laugh. "I think something's wrong, isn't it, lovely?" he murmured to himself. "I suppose I will have to ask everyone just for you."


Now that he had finally finished his morning routine, his vulnerable side was tucked away in the closet, and he could finally start being the head that he was.

The first person he asked was Error, which was a quick exchange. Error wasn't even part of the team- stating that he disliked the company- so all Nightmare could do was ask over texts. The reply he got in exchange was just a pissed-off sounding "dunno". A pissed-off sounding "dunno" as in with the period and the "-_-" emoticon at the end.

It ticked him off a little, but Error proved to be a moderately strong ally to the team, so all Nightmare could do was suck it up and stop talking to him. It was best to do that and not make a scene like a crybaby. Plus, he couldn't really challenge anyone right now without his second-hand man at his side. And currently, that "backup" was going to be reported missing soon.

He had tried multiple times to calm himself down over a cup of coffee, but all of those attempts ended in a smashed mug on the floor. Killer usually came back in less than a day. "It was an especially hard mission, so I shouldn't be expecting much... right?"

But he was perfect.

Oh so perfect, so much so that Nightmare had checked many times to see if he was a god. But he wasn't. How? It seemed like a foreign idea to him. Maybe this was why the world was going to hell. "Oh, Killer..."

Nightmare cleared his throat and continued down the hall. He couldn't get sidetracked from his mission. Even though he wouldn't mind marveling at the thought of his sidekick, it was the great that should be letting people admire them. And he was great. In fact, he was the great.

He stopped at a slightly beaten-up door, the hinges looking more rusted than any other. Horror's room. Nightmare grimaced. Of course, it smelled awful too. He hadn't given up space for the crackhead to live just for it to be soiled. Raising up a hand, he knocked lightly but steadily.

Knock. Knock.

Even from the way he knocked, Horror knew it was him. "Coming."


Horror widened his eyes. Nightmare looked disheveled and very tired. He didn't even know that skeletons could get eyebags. "Uhh- boss, you look... great today." That was said with a very unconvincing tone.

"Yes, I know," Nightmare growled. He didn't know if he was saying that to the fact that he looked like he just got run over by five buses or the fact that he did look great most of the time. Clearing his throat, he rumbled, "Now, I'd like to ask you a few questions. If you don't mind." Of course, he minded.

"Yeah sure, I don't mind." Horror opened the door wider, making Nightmare slightly gag.

Raising his voice, he said through gritted teeth, "I'd like it if we don't have a chat in your mistake of a 'living space'." Regaining his composure, he calmly continued, "How about the hallway? It's much cleaner and doesn't have the stench of five hundred rotting bodies." He smiled, motioning to the space behind him. 

"OH- ok," Horror grumbled, closing the door behind him as he walked into the hallway. Of course, no matter how out of it Nightmare was, he'd still have the energy to roast the everloving shit out of everyone around him.

"So... first question, Horror. How is Killer doing?" Horror raised an eyebrow. This was a strange one.

"I dunno. We're not close. Actually-" Horror decided that he would vouch for Dust, too. "-none of us are close to him at all. Dust usually can't get a word out of him either." Fiddling with the tiny splinters of his head, he mumbled, "He's pretty bitchy."

Nightmare let out a shaky breath. He was trying hard not to explode. "Okay... that last part was very unnecessary, but I digressed. Anyways... what has Killer been doing these past three days?" If there was something else he'd excel at, it would be getting information out of people. At the moment, he was throwing a general question, but a wrong answer would end in a deadly fate. If Horror said anything else other than "I haven't seen him," then Nightmare would know that he lied. If they really weren't close, then he wouldn't know.

"Hmmm," Horror murmured thoughtfully, touching his chin. "If my memory hasn't failed me, I think that Killer hasn't been in my vision for the past week." Nightmare let out an inaudible sigh. So he wasn't lying, and Killer was really a loner. What a shame, he was looking forward to beating him up.

He sighed, rubbing his temple. "You may go." Before Horror could utter out a single world, he turned around, sashaying away with his high heel boots. Dust was out on a patrol right now, so he couldn't check on him yet.

When Horror was out of view, he decided to literally sit down in the middle of the hallway.

"Killer, whatever you're planning," he muttered to himself. "You're still mine."


Words: 1.2k

Okay, I'm not going to work on a chapter right away again, heh. I'm pretty tired even though its only 10:28 PM- is that concerning? I mean I usually don't even feel tired at 12 AM... hmmm- 

Well, I'd just like to clear up a few things- as A/Ns are useful for- about Nightmare. So...  NM doesn't really know that he has "romantic/sexual" feelings for Killer because: 1) he isn't used to those types of feelings, 2) those are neutral so he doesn't even have any added effects, and 3) he's lowkey stupid. So the possessiveness he has can only be explained by him as "an appreciation for skill" instead of "a romantic need". 

I hope this clears up any confusion. And also, this might help you think more deeply about "Chapter 12: Doting Deception". That will be important towards the story.

Anyways, thank you for reading! 

~ ethereale 💜

☽ Troublemaker ☾《Nightkiller》𝗱𝗶𝘀𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗻𝘂𝗲𝗱Where stories live. Discover now