☽ Chapter 7: Unfair ☾

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Killer's POV

I paused. Should I really intervene? I feel vulnerable in this "feelings" state. If I do not act right, I might get hurt. The tension in the air is almost deafening. I screwed my eyes(?) shut and sat down comfortably. I'll choose not to engage, so I'll be here for a while.

"So, Cross. Beg to me why you should still be alive," Nightmare responded nonchalantly. Okay, Cross might die, haha- that is not supposed to be funny, but... I hated him anyway, who cares?

"... I- I'm-" Cross stopped, then turned around. "I'm leaving." Wait, you can just leave like that? Not that I want to, but if there's another job that pays better then... I might look into it. "You'll regret this!" Then Cross ran off into a bush or something.

"Wha- you can't just run away like that- where'd you go?!" Nightmare yelled. Wowow, Cross is also a magician! "That brat..." His tentacles writhed in anger, then loosened. "Whatever. He'll come back in the morning, probably drunk or something." Then he walked back inside.

I waited for him to leave completely, then prepared myself to jump off the tree without breaking my legs. "Shhh, Rosco, c'mere," I cooed, trying to pry Rosco off my leg again. Reroeoreoroeooe- "Ok, Rosco. You know I can't buy you another ball. BUT, if you get off my leg, I will buy you it sometime in the future!~" I cut Rosco off, squishing his forehead. He stared at me with glossy eyes, then ruffed. Then crawled into my arms. "Great. Let's go have a talk with Nooty, okay?"


I waited at the door to Nightmare's office. If I didn't have any issues, I probably would've just gone to sleep or play video games until 4 AM. But, unfortunately, I got my feelings (not the romantic types, creep.) back, and I'm not used to it. Plus, my performance rate is going to drop even more and I'll never get promoted.

Knock knock~

"Go away! I'm trying to sleep," Nightmare yelled from his bedroom.

"NO! NIGHTMARE COME HERE AND STAB A TENTACLE- Okay, come back next time to-" I yelled, and got pulled inside. I don't think I should've said that out loud. I was face to face with Nightmare. "Oops, sorry, I didn't mean it that way," I whispered quietly, clutching the sleeves of my jacket.

"Yeah, it definitely sounded like that," he sarcastically muttered, then yawned. "If you need something say it now. Or else I'm going to bed." I got a little bit annoyed. My man is in charge of my condition, and he's not even bothering to see the damn heart on my chest!

"Um, I think the problem's visual. Look at my chest," I muttered. Nightmare looked at me with a weird expression.

"I think that's inappropriate for workplaces."


He glared at me and slammed me into the wall. "Yell louder why don't you?" he growled. "I'm supposed to only have company for business reasons. If your co-workers hear you in my office, they'll make rumors about us again." Then he gave a snarky grin. "Plus, you can summon a female body anyways."

I angrily smacked his skull. "Horny bastard. I need you to take away my feelings so I don't fail at my job again," I rolled my eyes. "Not looking to sleep in your bed again."

He frowned. "I can't believe I forgot about that. I've been meaning to ask you, how did you get them back?"

"Hell if I know! Maybe Horror scared me so much that I got them back? But that doesn't really make sense, so..." I sighed, adding, "Why does it matter anyway? You can have them. At this point, I just need money for snacks and drugs."

"Okay... well, I actually DON'T need to stab you in the chest, I'll just put a spell on it," Nightmare replied, placing his hand on my soul.


☽ Troublemaker ☾《Nightkiller》𝗱𝗶𝘀𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗻𝘂𝗲𝗱Where stories live. Discover now