☽ Chapter 8: Velvety ☾

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Hi, this is Cross' side story.

It includes Cream, and is sorta important to the story. I'll have a TL:DR for people who do not want to read (at the end).


Cross trudged through the snow, huffing. He had been walking for about 4 hours now, and he felt like giving up. He was almost out of the cold, so he persisted. How long are we gonna walk? Ughh... 

"Shut up, Chara. You're not the one walking through this dirty snow," Cross grumbled, using his blade to cut parts of frozen snow. Sometimes the fields got harsh arctic winds, freezing any melting snow into ice. This didn't bode well for Cross. As well as the frozen snow, there were old rotting corpses. Nightmare had not fought in this area for a long time, so most bodies were buried deep under the constant snowfall. However, sometimes they stayed in upper layers, or an unfortunate traveler died from hypothermia. 

And... Cross got his foot caught on one. "AGH! What the fuck is grabbing my left leg?!" Cross screamed. A dead sans fangirl, Chara laughed. "You are not helping, as usual," he rolled his eye lights and bent down, tugging on the fingers. Suddenly, the snowfall got more insistent. "Ah- I need to make a force... field..." Cross growled, gritting his teeth. But nothing could spawn, and he fell back on his ass.

Then, a spark of magic lit up in the darkness and a large sphere formed around him. Suddenly, the snow could no longer reach the two, ricocheting off the barrier. "Who's there?!" he yelled into the darkness. No response. Then, a lantern flamed up in the darkness, and Cross could notice a soft golden glow from the mystery person.

"Cross, is that you?" A smooth voice called over the storm, adding, "Are you hurt?" He was advancing. Who's that?  Chara asked. A cute giggle erupted from the other.

"Aw, Crossy, are you stuck in the snow? I told you to be careful," Dream laughed, tugging on Cross' hand. "C'mon, you're cold to the touch. Let's go to my quarters. I'll brew you some great tea that I recently learned how to grow!" A purplish tint appeared on the taller's cheeks, and he quickly brought his scarf up.

"Is it green with spiky tips?" Cross asked. Dream rolled his eyes.

"It's not WEED, Cross! It's orange, and it glows!" Dream stated, grinning at the other's surprise. "I think Swap does weed. Do you?" Cross could not fathom the thought of his little sweetheart knowing impure things. Then he realized that Dream was a general in the war, and sighed. They grow up so fast. Even if they're millennia older. And have been learning to fight for a while.

"I don't, Killer does," Cross whispers, rubbing Dream's cheek tenderly. Dream's face burst into golden blush, and he quickly turned away.

(the only reason why Cross is so nice is that I read carelesscreativity's circus crossmare book recently so Cross and Dream are cash-money and Nightmare is not. ok, it's gonna be a nightmare writing about Nightmare.)

"Cross, no. We can be friends, but not partners," he whispered painfully, a voice crack creeping in the back of his throat. "C'mon, let's hurry before Ink returns." Then he quickly turned around and continued into the snowy void.

(hah you thought there would be fluff? NAH B THAT AIN'T CASH-MONEY--)


By the time they reached the Plains, the both of them were tired. Cross sighed, plopping down on the soft verdant grass. Chara was awfully silent, and rightfully so. He hadn't seen Dream yet but knew he was on the other side. Cross hoped he wouldn't do something stupid. "That was a trip, wasn't it?"

☽ Troublemaker ☾《Nightkiller》𝗱𝗶𝘀𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗻𝘂𝗲𝗱Where stories live. Discover now