☽ Chapter 19: Confusing Conclusions ☾

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Nightmare never relied on anyone anymore. It was his style at this point, something that melded in him that he couldn't remove. People just hurt you, because that's what they want. Some amusement and humiliation. 

Currently staring at the stars while lying on the roof of his castle, Nightmare knew he had to look for Killer soon. "Perhaps tomorrow. As soon as possible." If he didn't, well... it was safe to say that he'd lose the only thing that made him feel okay. Conquering with no purpose was a scary thought. If he suddenly ruled the world, why would it matter? He didn't have anyone to rule it with.

The boiling red sun was a foreshadow. He was going to get angry at someone, whether it be the one he was looking for or the one who was looking for him all these years. Or maybe it already happened. But that was unlikely.

"Tell me," he murmured to no one, blankly looking out at the view, "Are you happy now?" He wondered how Killer was doing. There was no happiness out there in the world. Nightmare just hoped that the murderer wasn't trying to talk to anyone deceitful. Maybe he wasn't completely honest either, but it was what it was. 

Of course, it angered him too. He was supposed to be high and mighty, but right now, he was just the worst person in the world to his beloved.

The confession he made those days ago may have had an ulterior motive, but it was partly true. Unlike his assistant, Nightmare already knew that Killer was special to him. He just had to find out how to keep it like that. Forever.

"He's not coming back unless I get him back." So he had to do it himself.

Getting up with a groan, he ran and jumped off the roof, cape fluttering in the wind. He aimed for a large birch tree, gracefully landing on a top branch."You think you can just run from me, Killer?" Letting out a chuckle, he raised his palm to the sky, focusing magic. "I'll always find you, my love."

Suddenly, his hand lit on fire, wisping with bright cyan flames that ebbed off into faces and hearts, flying into the sky. Then, it leaned forward in a somewhat abrupt manner, pointing towards a direction. There.

It was a certain... power of his that he learned after the incident, where he could really focus on any large entities of negativity nearby. Of course, he had to make sure it wasn't purely one type of negativity, or else he'd have to have a 5-hour get-together chat with some other random god- which was not a good thing for Nightmare considering he was a social reject with no socialization skills- but also because most people from his branch weren't particularly... passive.

It would be likely that Nightmare would have to go to many random suffering cities without finding Killer first, but that made him smile even more.

He had to catch up on the areas he was ruling, right?


Hecate's Grove.

God, he hated everything about this place. The run down and rusted apartments full of hostile- and dumb, in Nightmare's opinion- people, chattering and yelling while throwing random projectiles at pedestrians, hoping to knock them out.

And he had to revert to his "normal" self.

He almost contemplated getting Dust to look after Killer, but it would be too risky. "All they know is to rise against me, hm," Nightmare whispered under his cloak, with a slight tone of disgust. "I'll just beat them against their own game."


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☽ Troublemaker ☾《Nightkiller》𝗱𝗶𝘀𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗻𝘂𝗲𝗱Where stories live. Discover now