☽ Chapter 22: end ☾

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Cross'(s) POV

It would be the last day he would be here, and I was getting excited, although the day had just started and it would be a grueling 24-hours planning his sneaky exit. But I've always been told to grit my teeth and run through with it, so I felt more positive than negative. Or maybe that's Dream in the next room.

Anyway, my day had started with the boring task of watching over Killer's sleeping body to make sure he's alright. Something about possessing him in a dream and it having to take him an extra hour to wake up, or whatever.

Although I wasn't happy with this assignment, I was a little concerned about my ex-coworker. Especially the fact that he had not moved at all in the five hours I've been staring at him. Who knows, maybe he spends all of this energy while he's awake being a crackhead and just passes out when he sleeps. It does make sense. No damn skeleton has that much violent energy. I can testify that from Dust and Horror, the laziest bitch-ass murderers in the world. At least it was funny to see them get punished by Nightmare, the workaholic.

I tapped my fingers on the rim of the crib-like bed, twirling my fingers around the indented swirls and stars everywhere. It was a special bed, one for sleeping peacefully. Killer wouldn't be able to wake up from any disturbances like- I don't know, me screaming as I jolt awake from the murderer chasing me in my nightmares. We literally share the same room, so you know... I'm fucking loud.

"Mhhh...you motherfucker," he mumbled in his sleep, sneezing right after. Oh, ew. Ripping a tissue out of the box, I placed it gently on his face, patting it right after. There we go. Although he'll most likely be spitting in his face now, at least I won't contract any murder-virus.


I whipped around, to be met with Dream. Oh. I thought there was going to be some bear or something breaking in. "Yes, Dream?"

Waving his hands, he quickly replied, "Um, it's nothing. Just want to know if Killer is okay." He seems more caring for Killer now, but it's more out of concern than pure empathy. Hm, that's suspicious. (That's weird.) "Carry on as if I never visited." Then as quickly as he entered, he left without a 'goodbye'. Well, I don't know why Dream visited at all if he wasn't going to keep me company, but I guess guardians do have things to do.

I narrowed my eyes. Things to do.

I couldn't think much about what Dream was hurrying off to because Killer started moaning in his sleep. I snickered and pointing my phone in his direction, clicking on the red button as it started recording the sleeping skeleton. Man, this is good content.

"Mmmh... ahh- GHK-" Killer suddenly sucked the tissue on his face, effectively shoving it down his throat as he started choking. Dude, I have the worst luck. Rolling my eyes, I casually punched the skeleton in the gut as he spit out the tissue, coughing right after. "God, what was that..." Groggily opening his eyes, they widened as they focused on me, but then they narrowed again. "W-who... are you?"

"I'm Nightmare and I am from heaven," I murmured in a monotone voice, trying to impersonate the quiet humming medium of my ex-boss's tone. "Now that you are awake... you will go to hell now. Goodbye." Then dramatically covering his eyes, I started pretending to incite a demonic code.

"Hey..." Killer grumbled, calmly pulling my hand off. "If you're gonna pretend to be Nightmare, then ya gotta wear all black." And with a huff, he crossed his arms. "And you have to hold me in a chokehold for at least 5 seconds, maybe more." Then, suddenly forgetting what he was talking about, he got up in the bed, stretching. "Man, I want to eat a whole ass vape."

I rolled my eyes, about to start a string of snarky remarks when Killer suddenly slammed back onto the bed, growling in pain as he gripped his head with intensity. "Dude, are you good?" I grumbled, staring down at him with disdain. "You look like hell if hell got fired and went through a midlife crisis." I could care less if he suddenly started having a mashup of a heart attack and a stroke, but I don't think Dream would appreciate that I watched Killer with amusement as he slowly died.

☽ Troublemaker ☾《Nightkiller》𝗱𝗶𝘀𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗻𝘂𝗲𝗱Where stories live. Discover now