1. Another Chance?

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Casting Director: Yes Sir, schedule is finalized. Initial warm up party for the cast is planned tomorrow night and shooting will start from Monday. I will message you the venue and details.

Sid: Thanks

Sidharth hanged up the call and switched on the television and kept on changing the news channel which was his favorite pass time. Sidharth was never a social media person. He likes to make most of his time. Going to gym, hanging out with friends and spending time with his family interests him more than the virtual world. Though a famous TV star who has been working in the industry for more than a decade and people die to get his updates, but Sidharth enjoyed keeping his personal life away from limelight.

Sidhaaaarth.....A voice came from the kitchen. " Beta..Lunch is ready"

Sid: Okay Mom... coming.


Both Sidharth and Rita Ji (sidharth's Mom) were sitting on the dining table munching on their food.

Rita Ji: Sidharth, when is the shooting for your new show beginning?
Sid: mom, it will start from Monday and there is a warm up party for the cast and crew tomorrow.
Rita Ji: Chalo, that's very good. People are awaiting since you are returning to working fiction after quite a long break.
Sid: yes mom, actually this show has a different role. Since I never played a cop in any of the shows. I thought it would be interesting..so I signed it.

Rita ji was confused and scared at the same time to pick up this topic again but since Sid was happy because of the new show and it was a new start for him, she thought it was appropriate timing to discuss it with him. With a little hesitance she started speaking.

Rita Ji: Sid, yesterday Preeti and me were having a discussion about this. Both of us think that you should start going out and start seeing people again. It's been quite a while.
Sid: Mom, we have already discussed about this. You already know I am no more open to love. I had my fair share of experience and I always end up hurting myself and you know how badly I get affected. I don't want to put myself through that ordeal all over again.
Rita ji: But Sidharth, just because of the fear of hurting ourselves, do we stop trying? Give life ANOTHER CHANCE. How long will I take care of you? I am getting old and your sisters have their own families to take care of? Do you want to live alone all your life?
Sid: are preeti and neetu putting all these thoughts into your head Mom?
(Sid asks being agitated)
Rita Ji: It doesn't matter who is saying what. We are talking about your life here.
Sid: Mom, that's enough. I don't wanna talk about it anymore. I have to leave for gym in some time and before that I have to make some phone calls. I have had my lunch already. So please, excuse me. I will see you later. (He was super pissed off)

Sidharth wipes his hands with a napkin as he gets up from the chair and Rita ji keeps on looking at him as he goes into his room and shuts the door behind him.

A tear escaped from her eye as she can feel the hidden pain her son has gone through as he has been betrayed a lot of times. He has put his heart and soul into each relationship but has got only pain in return. Girls came to his life only to gather name and fame through Sidharth's popularity but since Sidharth has always been a private person, so they ended up leaving him heartbroken. Rita ji closed her eyes and crossed her fingers and thought to herself,

"GOD, doesn't my son deserve happiness? If you want to fulfill last wish of my life, it would be that Sidharth gets a girl who loves him unconditionally, who stands by him through thick and thin, who can read his mind because he doesn't know how to express his pain through words. A girl who would love him for the person he is and not his popularity. It's my last wish, I would never ask anything else from you."

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