I ship it!

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"Uh... Oh yes. It is Nepeta's turn now. And I think you'll find this song is purrfect for you."
"Are you sure I should sing. I'm not very good, I don't think..." Nepeta said doubtfully.
"I'm sure you'll be fine."
"Good luck Nepeta!" Jade said.
"Thanks." She said.
The music came on.
"I got this feeling at like 3:00AM while watching netflix."
"Wow she's good." Aradia commented.
"Yeah I don't know what thhe wath thcared of." Sollux added.
"I drew some porny fanart and I wrote some smutty fanfic. I can't help it I just think that they would make such a good pair. In canon they have never met. I don't care! I ship it! I don't care!"
"This song is perfect for her." Feferi commented.
"I know that they are siblings but I think there's something more."
"Nepeta we're going to have to have a talk later about incest." Rose said trying to keep a straight face, but still looking a little disgusted.
"If she weren't dating that guy, they'd be banging I am sure. Those two in episode 4, come on look at them stare. Twincest can't really be that bad! I don't care! I ship it! I don't care!
You're on the canon ground I'm up in crack-ship space. Let's start a shipping war, don't care if I get hate. Don't like my pairings well then you can hit the bricks! This is my OTP I'll go down with this ship." It looked like she meant it.
"I ship it!
I ship it!
They keep on saying they're not gay, but yeah I really doubt that. (Talking to you John!)"
"B- but I'm not!" John said, his face going red.
"Totally on your side, John. But yeah you're gay." Dave said smirking

"This can't just be a bromance who would write a show about that. I think the subtext in the second season's pretty clear. Don't tell me I need to calm down."
"I tried that once. It didn't end well." Equius said.
"I don't care! I ship it! I don't care! I ship it, I ship it! I don't care!
You're on the canon ground, I'm up in crack-ship space. Let's start a shipping war, don't care if I get hate. Don't like my pairings well then you can hit the bricks, this is my OTP, I'll go down with this ship! I don't care! I ship it! I don't care! I ship it, I ship it! I don't care! I ship it! I ship it! I don't care! I ship it! I don't care!
I ship it!"
"Oh my god! That was hilarious!" Vriska complemented. "You were great Nepeta! Much better than Karkalicious over there."
Nepeta giggled.

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