Chapter 1

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Jungkook P.O.V.

I honestly don't know what to expect. My dreams of having my own film studio and creating my G.C.F.'s professionally is finally within reach

As I'm standing outside of the large building in which I'll be going to school for two years, I can't help but stare in awe. It's not a huge building, but it's a lot bigger than the high school I graduated from.

"Alright sweetie, let's get your stuff to your dorm and get you set up before it's too late" my mom says from behind me

I turn and smile at her, "Sounds good mom"

Soon enough we're making our way into my dorm building, trying to get to my room without knocking over the other people in the busy hall. Finally, we make it to my room and see that the door is already open.

Looking in, I see a blonde haired boy setting a pillow on his bed

I knock on the door "Um, excuse me? I think I'm your roommate"

He turns around quickly, "Hello! My name Jimin, it's nice to meet you"

I can't help but smile at how cute he is, sort of like a mochi....

"I'm Jungkook, it's nice to meet you" I say, setting my stuff down by my bed

"How old are you Jungkook? ....if it's okay to ask" Jimin says shyly

I smile "I'm 20 years old"

Jimin's face brightens "Me too!"

We continue talking as my parents bring in the rest of my stuff before looking around the room

"These dorms are a lot nicer compared to the ones I had when I was in college" dad says

I roll my eyes "That's because you went to college like twenty years ago dad"

He just pouts at my comment

"Alright boys, it's time to say goodbye, we need to head back to Busan before it gets too late" mom says sadly

I sigh, wishing they could stay for a little longer

My dad is the first to hug me "I'll miss you Jungkook, but I'm sure by next week you'll have a ton of friends to keep you company. Do your best in class, that's all we ask of you. But don't forget to have a little fun too" He says winking

Turning to my mom I see she has tears running down her face

"Eomma don't cry, I'll be fine. I promise" I say, hugging her tightly

"My baby is all grown up, of course I'm going to cry. You make sure you stay out of trouble young man. I don't want to find out you got arrested, or lord forbid you end up in the hospital" she says, looking into my eyes

"I'll try my best eomma" I say smiling

She's always worrying about my health and safety, and I'm glad she's concerned but she can't protect me forever

"It was nice meeting you Jimin, you treat my boy well" Dad says seriously, turning to Jimin

Looking at the both of them I see a petrified look on Jimin's face, and I have to keep myself from giggline

"Y-Yes sir!" he says shakily

My parents give me one last look before they're gone

"I-Is your dad always like that?" Jimin asks

I laugh, "He is"

Jimin sighs before looking at all of my stuff

"Need help unpacking?"

My body slouches, "Ugh... yes"

After what seems like forever, we finally finish unpacking everything

"Why'd you bring so much stuff?" Jimin asks, flopping onto his bed

"Ask my mom, when I put my stuff in the car there were only a few boxes and a bag. It's like she cleaned out my whole room and put it in the car without me looking" I sigh

"I guess it's better to be prepared, right?" Jimin teases

"I suppose" I reply

Checking the time on my phone I see it's almost lunch time, although I'm not very hungry. Plus I don't know if I want to try to go find the cafeteria right now.

"Jimin, did you want to go get lunch?" I ask

He glances at his watch and shakes his head "I'm not very hungry right now"

"That's okay, I'm not either" I say smiling

"You ready for classes to start tomorrow?" Jimin asks, sitting on his bed

"Honestly, I am. I'm kind of excited to start school again" I say smiling

"Oh, you're one of those people" He says jokingly

"Hey, it's not a bad thing to be excited about education" I say, glaring at him lightly

He raises his hands in defense "Down boy"

Turning, I pick up my camera that I had set on my side table

"What major are you?" Jimin asks curiously

"I'm a films major, I already make videos and post them online, but I want to learn better filming techniques and editing skills. What about you?" I say, setting my camera down

"I'm a dance major, mostly contemporary" He says smiling

"So you're pretty flexible huh?" I ask teasingly

He turns away, blushing

We go back and forth for a few hours just asking random questions and before I know it, it's nearly 11pm. We completely skipped lunch and dinner

I mention this to him, and he reaches into the drawer in his side table and pulls out two packs of ramen. Laughing, I take the one he offers to me. One of the things my mom packed was an electric kettle, so we were able to boil some water for the ramen and locate bowls with chopsticks. After eating we talk a while more until midnight.

"We should probably go to sleep, my class starts at 9am tomorrow" Jimin says sighing

I agree, and we both change into our pajamas, not caring that the other is in the room. I don't know why, but I feel like I have a connection with Jimin. Almost like we've been friends for years instead of just meeting this morning

After getting ready for bed, I snuggle under my blankets

"Jimin, do you have siblings?" I ask, looking at him

He seems to tense, and I frown, wondering if I shouldn't have asked

"I do... we just... don't get along the best" He says before turning away

I frown at his response, but don't question any further. Turning off the light, I glance over at Jimin again

I wonder why they don't get along...

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