Chapter 15

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Jungkook P.O.V.

I scream for him to watch out, but it was too late

He turns around just as the gun goes off, and he falls to the ground

This can't be happening again, I just got my boyfriend back and now I'm losing him again

The gunman turns his gun on me, and I shut my eyes as another shot rings out. I expect pain, but it never comes. Opening my eyes, I see a familiar face, it's one of the men I've seen at our base.

Quickly I rush over to Taehyung to try to get him up, and I see that he's been shot in his stomach area. The man comes rushing over, a panicked look on his face

"Mingyu, get Jungkook out of here, just leave me. I'll slow you down" Taehyung says, looking at the man

"Taehyung, I can't leave you behind!" I say holding his hand

"Go. Now." Taehyung commands

Mingyu picks me up, holding me tightly as I try to get away from him

His grip is strong as he pulls me away from Taehyung

"No, you can't leave him there! He needs a hospital, he'll die!" I shout, beginning to panic

"We have to go, we have to get out of here" Mingyu says

"J-Jungkook... just go! Get out of here!" Taehyung says, forcibly

I can't stop the tears running down my face, watching the love of my life slowly closing his eyes

Next thing I know I'm outside of the building being dragged to a car

"Where's Tae?" I hear Jin ask, a short ways away

"He left him there, bleeding out!" I yell, thrashing in Mingyu's grip

A look of horror passes through Jin's eyes as he runs back into the building

I fight with all I can, until I'm being shoved in a running car, two of our men are already in the car, and take off as soon as I'm inside.

Turning around I stare back at the building, wanting to go back in and tell Taehyung I love him and that he'll be alright

As we're turning onto a different road, much to my horror, the building explodes

"NO!" I yell

The men in front share looks and drive faster

"You have to turn around! You have to go back! Taehyung and Jin were inside the building!" I sob

One of them turns to me with a solemn expression

"It's too late now, we were ordered to get you safely back to base, no matter what happened. I hope to whatever higher power there is that those two made it out before the explosion. But, all we can do now is get back to safety and wait." He explains

I can't help the sobs that wrack through my body at the thought of never seeing Jin and Taehyung again. What will Namjoon think? Oh my... what will Yoongi think? Will he blame me? The whole point of the mission was to get me and come back....

A hand grabs mine, forcing me to come out of my thoughts

"You're starting to panic Jungkook, you need to calm down" Yoongi says, looking at me

Looking around I see that we're in the parking lot of our base, I guess in the mix of my thoughts I didn't even realize that we made it back

"H-He's gone..." I say, looking up at him

Yoongi nods "It's possible"

"What do you mean 'it's possible'? I saw the building blow up as we were driving away!" I can't help but yell

Yoongi just shrugs before pulling me out of the car

"Don't you even care about your brother? I just told you he's dead and you're acting like you don't care" I say, tears falling once more

"Look Jungkook, you're his boyfriend and you two formed a bond quickly... fell in love quickly. But you've only known him a few months, whereas I've known him for years. He is a fighter, he wouldn't just lay down and die. His main priority was to get you out, so you didn't have to suffer the way he and I did. He got that accomplished, and I'm almost positive he figured a way out. Especially if Jin was with him, there's no way those two aren't alive." Yoongi says confidently

As I walk with him to the entrance, I see the rest of the cars pull up and people start getting out

I watch as Hobi and Namjoon exit the car, tear tracks on their faces too. Making eye contact, hoping for some kind of answer, they both shake their heads

Sighing, I accept the fact that we'll just have to wait and see. We can't go back to the old NCT base until the fires and whatever else stop, and by the time we are able to go look the police will probably have closed it off already.

Walking into the lounge, I see Jimin leap off of the couch and come running up to us

He stops in front of me first, lightly touching the burn marks on my neck

"Are you alright?" He asks, tears forming in his eyes

"Y-Yeah, I'm okay" I say sadly

By now the rest of the men have dispersed, and Hobi along with Namjoon and Yoongi are standing next to me

"Where are Jin and Tae?" Jimin asks, looking at us

"There was an explosion.... we didn't see them come out" Namjoon says, looking down

"N-No...." Jimin says, hands covering his mouth

The sound of utter pain in his cry, breaks my heart into a million pieces, and all I can do is watch as Yoongi catches Jimin as he drops to the floor, rocking them both back and forth. I can tell Yoongi is whispering in Jimin's ear, but it's too quiet to hear

"What are we going to do?" I ask, looking at Hobi

He sighs, "We wait"

"How are we supposed to know if they made it out or not?" I ask, risking a glance at Jimin

"If they're alive they'll come back when they can... if not, we carry on as if they were never here" Namjoon explains, running a hand through his hair

"How can we just carry on like they weren't here?" I ask, getting frustrated

"Jungkook, you need to understand that that's how gangs work. We lose men almost every day, but you haven't heard about it. That's because we learn to move on" Hobi explains, before walking away

Namjoon sets a hand on my shoulder

"Go take a shower, change your clothes and meet us back here when you're ready" He says

Sighing, I look at Jimin once more before heading back to my room

Moving on auto-pilot I choose an outfit and make my way into the bathroom to shower

As I wash myself, I can't help but feel like Taehyung and Jin are alive. They had to have come out of the building before it went up right? Like Yoongi said, he's a fighter.... plus Jin has a skill set that could've gotten them out of there before the building went up. I guess I shouldn't hope too much, I don't want to convince myself they're alive only to be let down if they aren't

But something in my gut tells me they're fine

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