Chapter 2

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Jungkook P.O.V.

During classes the next morning, Jimin's answer to my question last night resonates in my head

Why doesn't he get along with his sibling? I know that sometimes siblings don't get along for various reasons, but Jimin seemed almost upset about it ....should I ask him about it?

"Jungkook, would you care to answer the question?" My professor asks

Cursing myself internally, I look at the board trying to figure out what he asked

"Can you repeat the question please?" I ask, sheepishly

He looks at me disapprovingly "I asked, what is the correct definition of an anamorphic?"

I nod "An anamorphic is a technique used for capturing a 16:9 widescreen picture on a standard 4:3 aspect ratio camera"

He raises an eyebrow "Correct"

Even though I don't always pay attention, I know my stuff

The rest of the day goes by rather quickly, but I suppose that happens when you're doing things you actually enjoy doing

I stop in the cafeteria briefly, grabbing a bungeoppang before heading back to my dorm

Walking into the room I hear Jimin talking on the phone in the bathroom, and I move closer

"You can't come to campus! You know how dangerous it is...You have to stay away.... I know, I miss you too. Of course I want to see you, but if you know who finds out, we're both screwed.... You know that's not true.... T-T-Ta...hello? Are you still there?" Jimin says frantically

Sensing the conversation is over, I scramble over to my bed before the bathroom door opens, and Jimin steps out. His face is red and his eyes are puffy, as if he's been crying

"Are you alright?" I ask, concerned

"Y-Yeah, I was talking to my brother" he says, sniffling

"I thought you didn't get along" I say, carefully

He sighs "We kind of get along, but because of how we were treated growing up, he's sometimes bitter about it"

I nod and pat the spot next to me on my bed, slowly he comes and sits next to me

"Talk, it helps" I say gently

He takes in a deep breath

"Well, he's two years older than me, and he's hot as fuck. Don't ask, I'll explain in a sec. My parents had me, but after a while my mom found out that my dad had slept with another woman two years before. The only reason she found out was because the other woman had sent the boy to live with his father father. Needless to say, my mother was outraged and heart broken. But, she agreed to stay with him, only because she knew that neither of them would be able to take care of two young boys alone. My newly found half-brother was so kind to me and so loving. I knew from a young age we would always be happy as long as we had each other. But then my parents had started acting differently towards him, blaming him for the stress on their marriage. Treating him as if he were less than me, he started to get bitter. He started acting out, leaving the house for weeks at a time. It didn't seem like it was just for attention, but my parents brushed it off as being such. As bitter and upset as he was with the world, he would never lay a hand on any of us or say a bad thing towards us. As we grew up I watched him change into a colder version of the person he used to be, but I suppose any kind of psychological damage from parents would do that. At age 17 he moved out of the house, leaving a note that said not to look for him. My parents couldn't be happier about it, the assholes. But I was left with them alone for five years, wondering why my brother left. After a while I understood the magnitude of everything my parents had done, and I couldn't forgive them for it. Throughout everything my brother still kept in contact with me, how he had a phone and money was beyond me, since he didn't take anything with him when he left. But, I was grateful, eventually my parents found out I still talked to him and they got angry. They said if they found out I ever met with him in person, they would have him arrested."

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