Chapter 17

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Taehyung P.O.V.

"Y-You're okay.." Yoongi says in disbelief

I smile, forcing myself to stand up

"I'm okay, Yoongi" I say

I see the tears shimmer in his eyes, and I can tell he's trying not to let them fall

Quickly he comes over to me and hugs me gently

I thread my fingers into his hair and just hold him to me

"I thought you were gone" Yoongi says

"I know, but I'm here now, I'm okay" I say, pulling away slightly

Kissing his cheek lightly I let him go, and move over to Jimin

Pulling him against me I lower my head to rest on his shoulder, and he cries against me

"Don't do that to us again Tae, everyone was worried" He says, pain clear in his voice

I laugh slightly "I'll try not to"

Speaking words of comfort to my friends I make my way around the room giving hugs, until I reach the last one

"Jungkook" I say, tilting his chin up to look at me

"I don't want to lose you Tae. I thought you were gone.... I watched you bleeding out on the floor. You forced me to leave when I thought you died.... I can't go through that again" Jungkook says, wrapping his arms around me lightly

I kiss his head "I can't promise you that I won't get hurt again, but I can promise to be more careful"

He nods his head, accepting that that's as good as I can offer

"So, what's on the agenda for today?" I ask, turning to look at everyone

"Well, a lot. We have our regular runs that we were going to do, most people are still shaken up about you being shot. Making our rounds through the building would make sure they know you're okay" Namjoon says

"You're not allowed to go anywhere by yourself Kim Taehyung. You're also not allowed to push yourself, I don't care if someone has to carry you around, if you start to hurt even slightly you rely on someone else to help you" Jin lectures

I nod, not wanting to be on his bad side

And that's how the day goes, walking around the building making sure everything is still in order. Stopping occasionally to take a break or catch my breath. Namjoon and Jungkook are with me, but I don't want either of them to try to carry me or something. I know Jin told me to, but I'll be fine. Jungkook asks questions about how I'm doing, and questions about what goes on here since he doesn't know much about the illegal stuff we do. I explain the best I can without giving too much away, in fear of him getting scared.

As we make it back to the lounge I sit down harshly, causing everyone to look at me. I put my hands up to let them know I'm alright, but I still receive a few uneasy looks. Looking down at myself I realize that I still don't have a shirt on and I'm still wearing the scrub pants, causing me to sigh

"You alright?" Jungkook asks

"Yeah, will you help me go get a shirt though?" I ask

He smiles, and with a nod he helps me to my feet

The others watch us go, some with smirks on their faces

Oh no boys, I am not going to risk doing that after Jin lectured me about being careful

Reaching my room I have Jungkook help me sit on the bed while he picks out some clothes for me

"Jungkook?" I ask

"Yeah, everything okay?" He replies, looking at me

I nod, "Yeah I'm fine... Are you okay?"

He scoffs "You got shot, and you're asking me if I'm okay?"

"You have burn marks on your neck from being electrocuted" I point out

His hand immediately moves to his throat, touching the marks

"I'm fine Tae, they were some insane people, wanting to know information I didn't have. I guess in some ways it was a good thing that I didn't know much about what you guys do here" He says smiling

I can't help but feel bad about what he went through because of me

"Hey, why do you look so sad?" He asks, touching my cheek

"You had to go through that pain and suffering, just because you know me" I say, looking away

He moves to make eye contact "I don't just know you Tae, you're my boyfriend... and I love you"

I smile at his words, "I love you too"

"Good, now put these clothes on" He says, handing me an outfit

Nodding, I begin to take off the scrub pants, glancing at him

"Oh please, there's nothing under there that I haven't seen already" He says, rolling his eyes

I blush slightly, but get changed into the shirt and shorts he gave me

Once I'm changed he helps situate me on the bed, and lays next to me

"Have you ever thought about us?" He asks, looking at me

"Of course, I think about us all the time" I say frowning

"I mean like a long term thing, getting married, having kids. That kind of stuff" Jungkook says, shyly

"Mm, I guess I never really thought that far ahead before. I've always lived my life on a day to day basis, not really knowing what to expect." I say, thinking

Jungkook nods, "Well, I hope to marry you someday"

I look at him "Really?"

He smiles, "Of course, do you really think I would've gone through what I did, just because I wanted a fling?"

Thinking about it, I guess I never really did understand if he just wanted a temporary 'bad boy' type lifestyle, or if he was actually serious

"I guess I just never thought you'd want to stick around that long" I say, sighing

"Why wouldn't I?" He asks, confused

"A lot of people like the bad boy vibe, but usually get too scared once they actually experience it. You seemed like too good of a kid to be into it" I say, running a hand through my hair

A look of horror seems to flash through his eyes

"What is it?" I ask, worriedly

"My parents..... I haven't had phone access for like a month. Holy shit, they probably think I'm dead or something" He says

Fuck, I completely forgot about them. How did I forget he has parents? Maybe cause my own were shit and Jimin and I practically disowned them

Quickly I pull out a phone from the drawer in my side table

Jungkook looks surprised "You've had that in there the whole time?"

"Yeah, I don't like using it though. I don't trust phones a whole lot" I explain, handing him the phone

He just looks at it "What am I supposed to do with this?"

"Call your parents or whatever, you don't have an access code so your phone won't work" I explain

A look of realization dawns on his face and he smacks his forehead

I just laugh at his reaction

Quickly he dials a phone number

"Hey mom"

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