Chapter 16

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Taehyung P.O.V.

An annoying beeping sound brings me out of the depths of the darkness I was experiencing... what is that sound?

I know I'm not dead, but I don't really know if I'm alive. The more I focus on it, the beeping gets louder, and I realize it's a steady beat. A heart beat... my heartbeat?

I try to open my eyes but it feels as if they're glued shut, and I frown

"Tae, if you can hear me, I need you to wake up. The others are probably worried sick about us" I hear Jin say from next to me

Why would the others be worried about us? We're fine... aren't we? Hearing Jin's voice prompts me to try harder to open my eyes

Finally I open my eyes, only to shut them again quickly. The blaring white of the tiles on the ceiling burn my eyes, having come from complete darkness

Slowly I open my eyes again, and look to my right

"J-Jin" I say quietly, as he stares at the floor

His head snaps up to meet my gaze, shock written all over it

"T-Taehyung, oh my god, you're okay" He cries, tears streaming down his face

"Why wouldn't I be? Wait... we're in a hospital aren't we" I say, looking around the room

Looking down at myself I see bandages wrapped all over, a new bandage over the healing bullet wound from a couple weeks ago

"You were shot in the stomach... I rigged a car and brought you here. You were bleeding out so I had to leave some of the weapons behind, but we got here in time. They took you into surgery right away, and were there for four hours. They said you crashed on the table twice before they were able to get everything fixed up. The rest of our members made it out of the building before we did. And it's a good thing I'm good at what I do, because not even a minute after we left the immediate area, the whole building exploded."

I frown as everything starts coming back to me

"Do the others know we're okay?" I ask

Jin shakes his head "I haven't been able to contact anyone, all electronics we had are either out of battery or they were left behind"

"I'm kind of afraid to ask this, but how long have I been out?" I ask nervously

"Three days, Tae.... we've been here for three days" Jin says quietly

I nod, taking in all of this information

"Have the doctors been asking questions?" I ask looking at him, calmly

"They have, but I've been deflecting them as much as I can. We were able to pay for the bills right away thanks to our emergency fund. But they were mainly asking questions about why we have so many injuries and how you got shot" Jin says hurriedly

"Well, we might as well get out of here" I say, moving to get up

I wince at the immense pain that shoots through my body, fucking gunshot wounds

Just then a nurse comes into the room and I mentally swear. I was hoping to get out before any of the staff came back to check on us

"Oh my... let me go get Dr. Wang" She says quickly before hurrying out of the room

"Damn, I wanted to get out of here before that happened" I sigh

Jin shrugs

Soon enough the nurse and doctor come marching into the room, getting started on taking vitals and asking questions. I avoid the questions as much as I can, and just deal with them poking and prodding me

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