Chapter 3

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Jungkook P.O.V.

I shouldn't have looked to see who texted him, now I want to know what he said

When does Jimin get back? I get up to look at his side table to see if I can find any indication of when he'll be back from class

Soon enough the door to the dorm room opens and in walks Jimin, causing me to freeze

He looks at me and frowns "What are you doing?"

"I was looking to see if you had a schedule printed, I wasn't sure what time you were supposed to be back" I say, moving towards the middle of the room

"Oh, I wasn't supposed to be back for another couple hours, but I walked all the way to the dance studio just to find out that the teacher injured her toe! We don't have class today" He says sighing

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding

"U-Um, you left your phone here" I say, handing it to him

"Thank you, I was beginning to wonder where it was" He says smiling

Geez, he knew it was missing but didn't care? I wish I was as laid back as him, I'd probably freak out hardcore if I lost my phone

"Hey, there's a message from Taehyung" He says excitedly

"Yeah? What's he up to?" I ask, looking at Jimin

"He says he has to go take care of some things, and then he'll be able to come see me" He says frowning

"What does that mean?" I ask in confusion

"I have no idea" He says, looking at me

Based on the look in his eyes he knows exactly what's going on, but I choose not to ask

Sighing I make my way over to my bed and sit

"We should go and do something" I say, sighing

"Let's go to the movies" He says, excitedly

Looking at the clock I see that it's about dinner time... movie and theater snacks wouldn't be a bad option

I end up agreeing and we find the closest theater to campus that's playing a decent movie. When we get there, I see a boy with silver hair talking to the ticket person at the theater

"Namjoon there's customers here, you need to move" the guy says

Namjoon moves to the side, exposing a purple haired guy sitting in the ticket booth

"Ah Jimin, it's been a while" Namjoon says

I look at this Namjoon, and immediately feel intimidated by him, noticing the tattoos on his exposed arms

"Hello Namjoon, I'd say it's good to see you... but it's really not" Jimin says, glancing at him

"Jin, can we get two tickets to see Train to Busan" Jimin asks

Jin smiles "Of course"

Jin prints out the tickets and hands them to Jimin, not even charging us for them. His gaze lands on me

"And who is this?" He asks, sweetly

"I'm Jungkook" I answer, glancing between Jin and Namjoon

"He's new here" Jimin says, looking at Namjoon

"Ah, welcome to Seoul.... Hope you like it" Namjoon says before smirking

Jimin glares at him "Come on Jungkook, let's go"

I frown in confusion as Jimin pulls me inside the building towards the concession stand

Brushing it off, we order our food quickly and make our way to our theater

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