Chapter 20

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Jungkook P.O.V.

"Well, it's not my fault that you happened to walk in when you did" Tae says shrugging

I feel my face heat up as a blush spreads across my cheeks

"I did give you permission to sleep with my brother Kook" Jimin says laughing

"That doesn't make me feel better Jimin" I say, covering my eyes

"I just came to give you guys your food for tonight" He says, handing us two trays

Shortly after, he leaves and we eat our food

"So what time are you meeting your parents for coffee tomorrow?" Tae asks

I sigh "About ten, although I'd rather stay with you"

"You need to see your family Jungkook, they're more important than me" He says running a hand through my hair

I glare at him lightly "You're important too, never forget that"

He just nods

We talk for a while longer, before I see his eyes start to droop

"Sleep, Tae" I whisper

Soon enough we're both falling asleep

The following day I went to have coffee with my parents

While I was staying with Tae in the infirmary he went over what I was able to tell them, and what to keep secret. I have to admit, some of the things I was able to say I kept to myself anyway in fear of my parents freaking out over it.

Meeting for coffee went well, and we ended up talking about how life was going for everyone. Dad's candy shop was doing better, thanks to the members of my group, and luckily I managed to deflect a lot of the questions they asked about me, that I didn't know how to answer.

I did mention that Taehyung was a bit of a bad boy, and he's been in a bit of trouble. They asked about the wound Jin and I were talking about on the phone and I said it wasn't anything too serious, and that it looked worse than it actually was, even though that was a lie. We discussed when they might be able to meet him but I said I wasn't sure. Getting home that afternoon I went back to Tae's side, and he was doing a lot better.

He had lost quite a bit of blood, but he was able to get a transfusion and the color in his face returned to normal. To be honest I was a little surprised that our sexual acts that night didn't effect his stitches at all, but that's a good thing

The next few days went by quickly, becoming a pattern of video games, meals, and checking on Tae. While he was in the infirmary we grew to realize just how strong our feelings are for each other. I confessed that after watching him almost die two times, I don't want to be without him. The smile on his face was indescribable, and he made my heart soar when he confessed the same.

I've gotten a lot closer with the rest of the members of our group, having been there for each other during the time that Tae and Jin were missing. I think we've all come to learn that I hold a special place in this group, especially with Tae. They finally gave me my own phone access code after hearing about the phone call with my parents, and I couldn't be more grateful for that

Finally the day came where Tae got released from the infirmary

"Are you ready to get out of here?" I ask, handing him a change of clothes

"I've been ready for days now" He says, yawning

"Alright you two, if I hear of you two ripping his stitches again I am isolating Taehyung until he's one hundred percent healed" Jin threatens, shaking a finger at us

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