Chapter 18

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Jungkook P.O.V.

My mom picked up on the third ring


"Hey mom, it's me" I say, nervously

Immediately she starts sobbing, and I can hear my dad in the background asking what's wrong

"JEON JUNGKOOK, where have you been?" She practically yells, while crying

"I've been staying with a friend..." I say, looking at Taehyung

I admire him laying on the bed next to me, eyes closed

"Are you listening to me Jungkook?" mom asks

"I'm sorry what? Can you repeat that?" I say, nervously

"I said, the next time you decide to pack up and leave at least tell somebody. We told the police you were missing, but they found no evidence of foul play, so they couldn't do anything. There were surveillance cameras on the property showing you leaving and then moving your stuff out of the dorms. Where the hell did you go Jungkook?" She says crying

"I-I can't tell you where I am, but I'm safe" I say, running my fingers through Tae's hair

Looking at him I see that his eyes are open, and looking at me. I smile at him, causing him to smile back

I put the phone on speaker, not caring to hold it anymore

"Why can't you tell me where you are? If you're safe you'd be able to tell me! What's going on Jungkook!?" She asks loudly

I can tell she's starting to panic, and I sigh

"Look, I'm still in Seoul and we can go for coffee or something if you want. I can't tell you where I am, and I can't tell you why either. I'm with friends" I say, looking at Tae to make sure what I said was alright

He just shrugs, making me roll my eyes

"Jungkook, what aren't you telling us? Are you involved in something?" I hear my dad ask

I sigh again, "Dad, like I said everything is fine, I'm fine. Please just stop asking about it, and trust me"

"Who was that guy that was with you, in the video tapes?" Dad asks

I frown, seeing Tae do the same

"That was my roommate, you met him" I say, hoping they believe me

No such luck

"No the other guy, with black hair" dad says

I look at Taehyung to see if he can say anything, and he just shakes his head slightly

"He's with you isn't he" dad says

"Y-Yes, he is" I say quietly

"Listen here, and listen well. If you hurt my son, I swear I will set all of the police units on you. You'll have nowhere to hide, nowhere they won't find you" My dad threatens

I pale, and I watch Taehyung smile

"Understood sir" Tae says into the phone

"His voice is kinda sexy..." I hear mom say a distance away

Tae laughs at this, and I hear muffled voices on the other end of the line

Probably dad lecturing mom about how he's trying to be intimidating and she ruined it

While they're talking I put the phone on mute so they won't hear us

"If he sent the cops after you, would you get into trouble?" I ask, worried

Tae smiles again "No we wouldn't, we have links in the police force. Members inside, so whatever we do is looked over. The police don't mess with us, unless absolutely necessary, and we stay out of their way"

I nod before unmuting the phone

"Alright Jungkook, your mom and I decided that you to stay with this guy and your roommate. You're a grown up now and you have a right to make your own choices.... Even if we don't approve of them. As long as you don't get caught up in the law, we're fine." dad says, sternly

"I don't want to hear about you turning up dead either" Mom says

"Even if they didn't want you here I wouldn't let you leave" Tae whispers so they can't hear

I stifle a giggle

"Will you meet up with us for coffee tomorrow?" mom asks

"Of course, where do you want to meet?" I ask

"What about Namusairo Coffee?" Mom asks, thinking

"Sounds perfect" I say, smiling

We talk for a while longer on the phone and before I can hang up the phone, Tae decides it's a good time to move, and that's where things get a little hairy

I feel Tae shift next to me and I look over

His eyes are scrunched shut in pain

"Fuck, that hurt" He says

"What was that?" I hear mom ask

"U-Uh nothing mom, nothing to worry about" I say, hoping she'll leave it

"Are you sure?" She says, worriedly

Looking at Tae again I see he shifted on his side, so I move him on his back. I see blood coming through the shirt he's wearing. Shit not good, that means he bled through the bandages and now his shirt. God dammit, why now?

Forgetting the phone call, I try to keep from panicking

"Tae, we need Jin right now" I say, putting pressure on his injury

"I'm fine, koneko" He says, panting slightly

"No, you aren't fine" I say, tears falling

"He's gonna yell at me" Tae whispers

"Oh please, that's the least of your worries, JIN I NEED YOU!" I yell

Soon enough Jin comes running into the room, seeing the situation, and runs back out

"JUNGKOOK, what's happening!?" my dad cries from the phone

Fuck, this is great... I can't take my hands off of Tae, and I'm too freaked out to guardedly answer my parents

"M-My friend... h-he's hurt" I say, trying to keep my focus on Tae

"You need to take him to a hospital then" Mom says

I don't say anything, I can't without them getting suspicious of something

Jin comes back into the room with a bunch of supplies

"Taehyung, what did I say about overdoing it?" Jin lectures

You can hear the tearing of his shirt and bandages, and my mom gasps

"This is why you need to be careful, yet you never listen to me" Jin continues

Seeing the bullet wound makes my heart hurt, and I have to focus on Tae's face to keep from looking at it

I see his eyes start to droop

"NO, you keep your eyes open! I'm not losing you again!" I yell

He instantly opens his eyes and smiles

"I'm not leaving you any time soon koneko, I'm just tired" He says sleepily

"Make sure he stays awake Jungkook" Jin instructs

I do all I can to make sure Taehyung's eyes stay open, even slapping him a couple of times

"Tae, baby, I need you to stay awake. I need you, I love you" I say, crying

He looks into my eyes

"I love you too"

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