Chapter 12

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Jungkook P.O.V.

Hearing this I run to my room, slamming the door behind me as tears stream down my face. I toss myself onto the bed, wishing I never came here

How could Taehyung tell me he loves me and then turn around and tell Yoongi he loves him? Was he lying to me? I should've listened to Jimin, I shouldn't have gone to Taehyung's room

A short while later I hear a knock on the door, and I don't bother answering

"Tae?" I hear Jimin ask

I hear the door open and feel the bed sink next to me shortly after

Jimin runs a hand through my hair and sighs

"You went to his room didn't you?" Jimin asks

"Y-You told me not to, and I didn't listen" I say, crying

"Oh Kookie..." He says pulling me close

I sniff loudly "He told me he loves me, then I heard him tell Yoongi he loves him. How could I be so stupid?"

Jimin sighs "You're not stupid Jungkook, it's not like that with them"

"What do you mean?" I ask, confused

"It's not something I can tell you, but it's complicated" Jimin explains

"How is that supposed to make me feel better? You're telling me it's not like that between them, but you can't tell me more?" I ask sobbing

"Jungkook, just talk to him" Jimin says calmly

"I-I can't... not now. He took my virginity Jimin, how am I supposed to overlook what I heard?" I ask, looking at him

"That's not something I needed to hear" Jimin says, scrunching his face

"Really? That's all you have to say?" I ask glaring at him

Jimin is looking at the floor "All I can say Jungkook, is just talk to him. But you need to decide your feelings for him, you can't keep being fine and then yelling at him."

I nod before grabbing the TV remote "Wanna watch movies with me?"

"Sure, as long as you're not alone" Jimin agrees

That's how most of the day goes, watching movie after movie until dinner time

"Let's go get food Kookie" Jimin says, tugging my hand

"Will Taehyung be there?" I ask

"He will, but it'll give you a good opportunity to talk with him" Jimin says

Finally giving in I follow Jimin to the dining hall and sit down, not caring who is sitting next to me

Once the food is served I dig in, only looking up when someone talks directly to me

I glance up to look at Tae only to see Yoongi place his hand on Tae's uninjured shoulder as he whispers in his ear

Jealousy and hurt flare through my body as I watch them interact

Frowning I go back to eating my food, jumping when I feel a kick on my leg

Looking up I see Jimin looking at me

"Talk to him" He mouths at me

I nod, "After"

He nods in reply and I finish my food quickly

I feel eyes on me and I glance over, seeing Taehyung looking at me

"Meet me in my room when you're done" I say

Not waiting for a reply I take my dishes to the kitchen and make my way to my room

Only a few minutes after I sit on my bed, I hear a knock on the door

"You wanted to talk?" Tae asks, entering the room

"Yes. Sit." I say, gesturing next to me

Taehyung nods and sits next to me

"I need you to explain something to me" I say, turning to face him

"Anything" He says looking at me

"When Yoongi left the room earlier, I came to apologize to you but you were talking to him. I heard you say... you love him.." I trail off

Tae nods slightly, and I can't help the hurt piercing through my chest

"You know I love you right?" Tae asks

"How can you say that? You said you love me, then I hear you telling Yoongi you love him. What am I supposed to believe?" I ask, crying again

"Jungkook just listen to me" Taehyung says calmly

I glare at him through my tears

"Yoongi and I are both from Daegu, my biological mother was a model so she was never around. She was constantly going from photoshoot to photoshoot, and couldn't care less that she had a kid. The whole point of me living with Jimin's family in Busan was because she got fed up with me wanting her to be home more. She didn't listen, so I would leave on my own sometimes. I was on the streets most of the time, since my mother was either at a photoshoot or hosting a stupid party at our house. I met Yoongi on the streets and we became close, fighting alongside each other when we were in trouble, and he became sort of an adopted brother to me. I'm closer with him more than I am with the rest of the group, maybe even closer than Jimin. I told him I love him, because I love him like a brother." Tae explains

I nod as embarrassment floods my body

"I feel so stupid now" I say pitifully

"You're not stupid baby" Tae says, hugging me

I sigh, and kiss his cheek softly

"I'm sorry I yelled at you like a spoiled kid, I guess I'm still understanding the magnitude of what's going on" I say rubbing my forehead

"It's not a big deal, koneko" He says

"Yoongi yelled at me for acting like a kid" I say laughing slightly

"I'd believe that, he was always quite defensive of me" Tae says

I nod "I'm really sorry Tae. I just assumed things, not even considering you knew everyone before you knew me. And we're not even really together, I don't know why I acted like that"

"Well, do you want to be my boyfriend?" Tae asks

I look at him in shock "You're not just asking cause I said something, are you?"

He laughs "I'm not just asking, I really want you to be my boyfriend Jungkook"

I don't even try to hide my smile of happiness

"Yes, I'll be your boyfriend Taehyung"

Smiling, he pulls me against him so we're laying down together

After a while of laying together and talking, I feel my eyes slowly starting to droop shut

Not bothering to fight it, I give in to sleep

Dreaming of a life with Taehyung

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