Chapter 5

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Jungkook P.O.V.

Entering the building, we walk into the foyer and I see different corridors branching off. Coming to stand in front of one of the doorways, shock would not be able to express what I felt. Looking to the right there was a room caged off with guns of all different sizes on the back wall, bins upon bins of various sized bullets on the benches below. Different kinds of knives filled the wall on the left, and on the right wall looked like various torture devices

Not knowing how to comprehend what I'm seeing I turn to look at Jimin who is a short distance ahead of me

"What the fuck is all this?" I ask in disbelief

"Ah, so you did bring him in" says a familiar voice behind me

Turning around I see Hoseok leaning against the doorframe

"I had to bring him, especially since you decided to visit him at school" Taehyung says sassily

Boy did his voice do things to me

"Jungkook, come sit down. We have a lot to discuss" Taehyung says before walking away

I scurry after him and match my pace with Jimin, Hoseok following close behind

"Now do you understand why I couldn't say anything?" Jimin asks

"A little, I still need to know what all of this shit is" I say glaring at him

He recoils a little bit and moves ahead to walk next to Taehyung

We make our way through a lounge area, into a room with a giant table

Taehyung gestures for everyone to sit down

"Now, what are your questions?" Taehyung asks, looking directly at me

All of the questions that were in my head flew away the moment I made eye contact with Taehyung. The darkness of them drew me in like a moth to a flame, feeling almost hypnotized by his gaze...

"Jungkook, snap out of it" I hear Hoseok say next to me

Breaking from Taehyung's gaze I look at Hoseok

"W-What?" I ask, dumbly

Hoseok just laughs

I look back over to see Taehyung smirking, and Jimin shaking his head

"I don't know how he does it, but he always manages to draw people in like that when he makes eye contact" Says a new voice

Glancing in the direction of the voice I see Namjoon sitting there

"So, you had questions?" Hoseok prompts

"Uh... yeah" I reply, nodding my head slightly

"Fire away" Taehyung says, causing the others to snicker

"First of all, what is this place?" I ask, looking around the room once more

"This is our base, where we plan out everything we do and we keep our weapons here" Taehyung answers calmly

"What do you guys do that's so dangerous I can't be seen in public with you?" I ask

"Why do you think?" Taehyung asks, challengingly

Making eye contacts once more, I can't help the way my body reacts to his voice. It makes me want to do very bad things with him. The way his black hair shines in the sunlight, his defined cheekbones, not to mention the sharpness of his jawline. Mmm... I'd call him daddy any day

He tilts his head, seeming to wait for an answer

.....did he ask me a question?

"Mmmm, seems your mind isn't quite focused" Taehyung says, teasingly

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