Jigen x Reader: Inopportune Meeting

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--Author's Note: A first request the NIGHT I posted it was super encouraging! For @CamelliaBloodstone, here's a Jigen x soft-spoken reader set around the time of Jigen's Gravestone! Due to the more mature nature of the movie, there's a little warning for blood and such here, so proceed with caution. That said, no spoilers for the movie are in play, generally this is just set in a more grittier timeline. So, enjoy!!--

When you had bailed on your friends' plans for a board game night, you had errands in mind to replace that time. Stumbling across a bleeding body was... not really on your schedule.

You shouldn't have even found them, with the circumstances as they were. You just happened to pass by as a pained groan caught your attention. They were propped against a wall, and almost blended in entirely. Invisible in plain sight, but the dark of the night coupled with their black clothing made it all the harder to see them. As the body shifted, you got closer, almost painfully relieved they were still alive.

You rushed to their side, ignoring common sense briefly as concerned, human instincts took over. The body turned towards the sound of your footsteps, a hat sliding off their head. You still hadn't seen the damage, but now you had a face to put to the noise.

The man tried to get up as you came closer, but you held up your hands and stopped the approach. That late at night, it would be hard to tell if someone was a threat, so you were sympathetic to his action, but knew moving would spell trouble for him. You put down your bag, showing him that even if there was a weapon in there (not that there was), you didn't intend to hurt him. You were here to help.

"Sir, are you alright?" What were you saying, he was clutching his arm like it was a handrail and he was about to slip. Of course he wasn't.

He simply glared in response. Okay, bad answer. He grit his teeth and held his breath immediately after, indicating that maybe he hadn't realized he was glaring.

"What the hell do YOU think?"

Or, maybe he totally was.

"What's wrong, what happened?"

In response, he simply showed you what he was clutching. Under a makeshift tourniquet, he lifted his hand, and you gulped. Despite the only real light coming from streetlamps a little ways off, you clearly saw the wet patches on his dark sleeve. You put a hand up to your mouth.

"You need medical attention."

"Can't." It sounded like it hurt him just to say it.

It felt rude to question him, especially since you'd known people who'd done similar things. More often than not, it was a question of if they could handle the mountains of hospital bills America was so well-known for rather than if they didn't WANT attention, but this guy was pretty sharply dressed. It was rude to assume, but the question ate at you too much.

"I-- I could help if it was financial." You didn't want to be the deciding weight on the balance between if a man lived or died tonight.

He smiled faintly, visibly straining from the effort, but also genuinely amused. "Oh, that's not the concern." Now you were even more lost.

You frowned, looking around for anything that would spark an idea in you of what to do next. No hospital? You had sleep aids at home. He knew what he was doing to a degree and was treating this rather nonplussed, but you didn't want him to be in pain. If he was knocked out, would he be unaware of the pain, if only for an hour or so?

But that wasn't healthy, was it?

His sly smile, brief as it was, had disappeared into a flat line. "You serious?"

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