Jigen x F!Reader: Pick Up

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--Author's Note: Here we have a requester who wishes to remain anonymous, with a scenario involving a short female reader. The reader will have a little more personality than the usual fanfare, also per request! OH, and I should mention, the full length Goemon x Reader, titled Twice a Day, has started now, so go check it out!--

"We have to go pick them up," Jigen stated flatly, breaking your daze away from your phone. Great, you'd lost all concentration now.

"Why? Can't Fujiko do it?"

"Fujiko is included in the 'they.'"

You slid off your chair to your feet, already kind of exhausted by this situation. "What did he do this time?"

"The car's rolled into a ditch upside down. Everyone's fine, but we gotta hook them out."

"Like usual," you grinned. You followed him out of the house, tailing behind and looking up at him once or twice. "What are we taking? Do we even have another car--"

"We have the truck."

You snickered. "I thought you didn't like the truck."

"I don't," he muttered. Jigen had told you before he thought the shade of green on the damn thing was ugly, the giant tires made it look like he was compensating for something, and the engine was louder than Lupin himself. Still, it seemed to be the only thing obnoxious enough to lift the Fiat out of the ditch. Frankly, you thought Goemon and Jigen could drag it uphill by themselves just as easily, but nobody was asking YOU at the moment.

"What did you call it? When you saw it?"

He opened the garage, glaring at it before turning to you. "That wasn't me, Lupin said that when he was being an ass. Something you must be familiar with," he smiled sarcastically.

You returned it with sincerity. "Yeah, but you love me."

"Reluctantly." What was love if not someone to make fun of while they made fun of you? Deep down, you knew all of it was just covering his genuine affection for you, but Jigen was never outwardly traditional about his love. That was the one thing you never poked at him about, was the small signs the two of you exchanged.

"It IS an ugly truck," you agreed. "I don't think I've had to ride in it yet."

Suddenly, it was Jigen's turn to get cocky. "Is that a fact?"

Initially, you were confused by his amusement, but once you got closer to the truck, you soured. Apparently, this truck's doors had been constructed at an acceptable level for Shaq, and ONLY Shaq. Meanwhile, you weren't exactly the first to go to in the group when height was a factor. Unless, maybe, they needed someone small to squeeze through something. Being the most recent addition to the team also meant they'd likely gotten this hunk of junk long before you were in the picture, and never considered it.

Or Lupin got it after you joined, and laughed himself stupid trying to imagine you scrambling into it. Jerk.

Jigen wasn't much better right now either, though. He laughed as you gawked at the door handle, so comically high up you weren't even sure if HE could reach it either with his extra height. Proving you wrong, he reached over your shoulder and pulled it open.

"You need some help?"

"No." It was a firm answer, but as soon as you realized this thing even lacked basic steps, you realized your plan of clinging to the handle and lifting yourself across might be more difficult. "Okay, maybe I do."

With almost no warning, you felt yourself hoisted off the ground, already a foot and a half, maybe even two, away from the floor. He never struck you as overly strong, but had he had this in him all along? Strangely, you felt your cheeks flush, your hands coming in towards your chest to stop dangling awkwardly on the sides. He set you inside the car, with you taking the helm and shifting yourself further into the seat as he walked around to the driver's side.

As he buckled and fixed everything how he wanted it, you caught him grinning at you again. "You're really quiet now."

You blushed harder, embarrassed at how he'd been right. "I can start screaming if that would help," you joked.

"Polite pass."

"How far away are they?"

"Probably next town over."

"Jigen, we're in the middle of nowhere. The next town over is 40 minutes away."

He tutted. "I'm aware."

"And you're going to be driving this ugly thing that long," you grinned, gaining back your bravado. "You're just a clown in your little clown car now!"

"And what does that make you?"

"The ringmaster," you replied with no hesitation, smiling proudly.

"That makes sense. They do tend to stand on tall wooden boxes."

You shook your head and rolled your eyes. He laughed, and you let him have it. The two of you had only just left the driveway. You had plenty of time to get him back, and he had 40 minutes left before he could get out. You weren't stuck in a truck with him, HE was stuck in here with YOU, and you had plenty of fresh comedic material to bug him over.

So yes. Maybe Lupin's stupidity had paid off, because this was going to be a fun trip. 

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