Goemon x F!Reader: Rough Day

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--Author's Note: @csonyah has requested a Goemon oneshot for angst with a happy ending, so here it is! A warning for mentions of injuries and blood, similarly to the first Jigen chapter I'll keep it as vague as I can, but note it takes a lot to bring Goemon down for a sec. Enjoy!--

You didn't remember much of the day beyond the frantic phone call. It was Jigen, collected, but still urgent, insisting you met them at the little barn they were hiding in. It was sheer luck and nothing else that their job had been only twenty or so minutes away.


"Is he dying? Is he?" you panicked into the phone.

"No, relax. We're taking care of it. I just thought you'd want to know, at least. He might stop being so stubborn if you're here, too." It almost infuriated you how relaxed Jigen was over a situation bad enough they'd resorted to sending you to their secret mini-base. Not that they didn't trust you, but it'd be so easy for you to be followed. The invitation meant a lot was at stake, and Jigen was acting like Goemon had just gotten back from getting his wisdom teeth taken out. A little woozy and nothing worse? Right.

Everything inbetween was a blur. The ride over, tearing through the field, knocking ferociously on the large doors before Lupin had to stop you from making anymore loud noises, none of it really stuck with you while you had bigger matters on your mind.

You must have looked weak, because as you entered, Lupin held an arm slightly out, as if he was expecting you to faint. You turned, eyes wide and concerned. "Where is he?"

Lupin pointed to a loft. It seemed strange to go through the trouble of dragging an injured Goemon up those frail steps, but you realized it was probably to keep him as far away from the door as possible in case anyone HAD followed you. You climbed up, ignoring the little pricks of pain at the rough wood digging into your palms. Nearly slipping multiple times, you kept your eyes trained above the ladder, hoping to see him the very millisecond you reached the top.

Jigen set some stuff by Goemon on the floor, and stood with a sigh. You scrambled over, ready to leap to Goemon before Jigen stopped you with an outstretched arm.

"He's still sore." He lowered his arm. "Don't squeeze whatever life he's got left in him out." With that, Jigen turned for the ladder, leaving you with Goemon.

"Goemon? Sweetie?" You came closer, sitting on the floor beside him. Nothing seemed wrong from this side, but if you peered over his body on the left side, you saw a sizeable pool of blood and the beginnings of stitches on his shoulder. Your discomfort and nauseated reaction were overpowered by the fear that Goemon was clinging onto life by a thread.

The idiot tried to sit up. He hissed in pain, almost falling back if you hadn't caught his upperback and eased him back down. "I am alright. I just need to get back--"

"Get back? To what?! You need to stop overdoing it. You should have left the minute you were overpowered or... Whatever happened."

Goemon's face was horrible. He was paler than usual, and a thin layer of sweat coated him, most likely from the pain. At your remark, his brow furrowed, and he looked aside. "I would appreciate you not underestimating me."

"Underesti... Goemon! I'm not saying that--"

"Your tone says otherw--"

"Don't interrupt me!"

"I could say the same to you."

Stubborn vs stubborn. But... He was still hurt.

"It's not about your ability. It's about you getting hurt. What happened?" you asked, taking is other arm gently.

He looked less tense now, letting your hand slide down to meet his and hold it. "A scar reopened."

Oh Jesus. "A scar?"

Slower this time, and more carefully, he sat up, turning to you. "It was from a long time ago. It had healed, for the most part."

You tried not to stare at his gruesome shoulder and bicep. No wonder Jigen had called you. This was no everyday scrape. Your hand hovered over it, but never touched it. Probably for the best, given the chaotic patch-up. "It looks terrible," you blurted.

It took a second, but the sudden hilarity of your blunt comment made him smile. "It feels terrible."

You grinned back a little, squeezing his hand gently. Some other time you might ask about that scar, but not this moment. He was still hurt, even if he'd pretend he wasn't. You wondered if the scar had done more than physical damage, but while you were frowning at the wound, you felt him gently grab your chin.

He redirected your eyes to his, and despite the horrible circumstances that had led you both to this spot, he gave you a kiss. It wasn't long at all, probably because his breathing was shallow even before he'd started it, but you didn't mind. It was likely all he could muster, and once he'd backed away, you lightly guided him to laying back down as he was before.

"You do need to rest. And I should probably--"

He reached out, but retracted his arm to the floor again.

"Something wrong?"

He looked serious now, but the telltale blush gave it all away. "If you... If it wasn't too much trouble, would you stay?"

You smiled. "As long as you need me to."

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