Lupin x Zenigata's Daughter!Reader: Patched Up

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--Author's Note: OOH I LOVE THE DETAIL IN THIS ONE! @MoonStruck001 has requested a Lupin story featuring Zenigata's daughter, who works with him under disguise as a man. The requester even mentioned Toshiko, so that's how you know this is someone who knows what they're talking about!--

"I dunno about this."

"Dad, it's fine. It's nothing new," you assured your father, only halfway turning away from the steering wheel to reassure him. You could see through the corner of your eye he was crossing his arms like a bratty child.

"It's Lupin." He said it like it was enough of an argument, and he was partially true.

"And Lupin targets beautiful women. Not necessarily a man in a nice suit." You plucked your lapel as you said it to make your point, pulling the car into the bank. Zenigata murmured something you couldn't hear, but exited the car all the same. He just worried about everything. What was the worst that could happen in a simple run of the mill bank?

You'd gotten the call to come in only 3 minutes ago, but Zenigata wasted no time leaving, and you wasted no time following him, hopeful that today was the day you'd meet the famed thief.

The bank was large, but empty for the most part. All the exits, yes, even vents, had been barred off to catch whoever had triggered the alarm. The perp, who you could only guess was Lupin based on urgency, was caught like a fly in glue. As the owner of the bank spoke with your father, you signalled to him that you were going to look around. He winced at the idea, but nodded, and with that, you took off.

Entering the nearest corridor, you could feel eyes on you from somewhere. If you turned, you seemed to see a flash of color, but it would leave as soon as you spotted it. You felt like YOU were the criminal here, truthfully.

You could hear their voices fading away as you inspected the farthest reaches of that hallway. Something... Something... "High quality..." Et cetera, et cetera, "Some say extreme..." Yadda, yadda, "There's a bomb..."

That last bit took a second to set in. The same time Zenigata realized what the banker said was the same time you did. "A BOMB?!" you both cried in tandem, in completely different sections of the building.

As you heard the unmistakable thumping of Zenigata's heavy footsteps, a figure hit the floor in front of you, landing perfectly on his feet. "A bomb!" the man confirmed. "I know, I thought it was douchey too."

This was him? This was the man you'd heard endless scary stories of? He looked about as dangerous as a basket of kittens. His lopsided smile and bright eyes didn't give off much of an air of terror. If anything, he was... Handsome?

"Lu... Lupin?" you felt like you were in the wrong looted bank.

"Pleased to meet you. I take it you're his kid, huh?" His kid?

"LUPIN! DON'T YOU LAY A FINGER ON--" Zenigata froze, only feet away from the two of you. "What's that noise?"

A beeping. You paled. Lupin giggled nervously. "I was wondering where it was. I guess I should've suspected it'd be near the biggest vault, huh?" You turned to him, angry.

"Mr. the Third, I'm afraid that you're under--"

A loud noise hurt your ears. You felt yourself fall backwards, a flash of blinding light and then a wash of black.

When you woke up, your head hurt, and you didn't recognize the greyed ceiling. Your suit jacket was off, your tie had been removed, but your dress shirt remained untouched, though dirty and ashy. Ashy? The events that knocked you out came back into your mind, causing you to panic and try to get up.

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