Chapter One

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     I wouldn't be here if I had a Choice, I would be in the fields beyond the walls of Ormont. Where I didn't have to worry about death or hunger, Where there were plenty of deer to eat and trees filled with apples. Where Colors of all sorts are allowed, with Flowers flourishing, and horses galloping. I first experienced the feelings of wanting on my first and only field trip.  Seeing the colors of Blue and Green clearly, though I couldn't help wondering what those other colors were called. I saw the color in my chosen best friends eyes on a fruit, an orange I believe it was called. I knew it was just her and me who experienced the feeling of wanting, for we were the only two with emotions. Not even Taylynns twin, Callen, felt emotions. In a way he was lucky, he looked like everyone else with black hair and grey eyes, not different like me and Taylynn, even Though I was lucky to be born with black hair, my eyes we still a vibrant blue. I was still classified as a failure. What didn’t help was the overwhelming, feelings I felt, unlike Taylynn I feel every emotion, love, hate, anger, embarrassment, happiness, and it goes on and on. Taylynn on the other hand Can only feel, Happiness, Anger, Sadness, and joy. 

       I pushed the memories away and stared at my breakfast. It was a small bowl of oatmeal. Every family of four had one gallon of oatmeal to last the whole week for breakfast, but since I don't have a twin they cut the number of Oatmeal in half. It was stupid. It was even more stupid when they started measuring everything in liquid measuring. Their rule of everyone has to be a twin, I wasn’t a twin and because of that I’m classified as a failure. My Father had a twin, but my mother didn’t. I believe that was the cause for me not having a twin, it must run in the family. I shoved the two meager spoonfuls of oatmeal into my mouth and got up. Taylynn was coming over in about ten minutes and I needed to at least be dressed in something other than pajamas. I brushed my teeth and hair and then slipped on a grey dress that went down to my knees. My hair was put up in two buns, and as though Just on time the doorbell rang. I slipped on my flats and walked down the cold wood stairs to the door. When I opened it Taylynn ran in, it must be cold outside today. High priestess Salad would be happy. The High Priestess loved snow it hit the ugly green grass she would say, but unlike most of us she has winter clothes. I closed the door quickly and turned to face Taylynn. Taylynns hair was in this beautiful braided bun on the back of her head, and I could see a Grey ribbon braided into the hair. It was breathtaking. “Your hair is beautiful Taylynn.” I couldn't help but let some surprise fill my voice. 

    “Thanks Eva.” Taylynn said as Her eyes brightened. “I did it myself.” I couldn't help but believe her, her hair was always done perfectly up or curled when down, which is more than what I could say, I only know how to put them into space buns.

“No wonder every time you Leave Taylynn, Eva has her hair up.” commented my dad. He had the normal Black hair and grey eyes, but since he raised me his voice wasn't dead, it was filled with love for me and for my mother, who had been gone for awhile after having me. I guess you can say that I change people, like my father, who was able to learn the emotions of love and sadness from me. 

Taylynn laughed. Something I hear rarely. I want to pause time and listen to it, Something so nice you only hear babies do before they go to the lab. I think of how terrible this place is for taking that away from me from everyone trapped behind the wall. When Taylynn stopped laughing silence filled the room. “Eva are you okay?”

   I looked at Taylynn as a tear fell down my face. “Why was that taken away from me? From us?” 

Taylynns face turned shocked. “Oh Eva, you can laugh, so can I.” I looked at Taylynn as she pulled me into a hug. “I promise we’ll give people their laughs back, but our families need to learn how to first.”

I closed my eyes and hugged her back taking her word for it. “Lets go to my room, I want to be able to see the woods.”

   “I’ll be waiting for the grain.” My father called. I knew he would be sitting by the window until the aircraft dropped off the lunch grain for the week. The aircraft dropped our food off at our doorstep every monday, and I thought about when dad showed me an old thing called money. He said that was how they got food in the twenty-first century, and that you worked for the money, which I guess is kind of like today, since dad works for food every week at the technical center. 

“Eva, stop standing around and come on!” Taylynn was already halfway up the stairs when I started following. I, unlike Taylynn I have a view of the forest behind the wall, which made Taylynn come over more than allowed time at a friend's house. 
When we made it to my room Taylynn ran to my window and looked at the woods. “We’re going to leave here one day right Eva?” Taylynn knows how much I want to, but I couldn’t leave everyone. Not like they will care or anything, it makes me feel guilty, which I know Taylynn will never feel.
 “I would love to Taylynn but you know I can’t leave everyone here.” I look down at my feet and stare at my shoe laces. The Wanting we both felt to leave was undescribable.

   “I understand that you feel that way. After all tomorrow you’ll be assigned your husband and given your job. No more school. I’m sure that must feel good.” Taylynn looked away. I could tell she was angry by the tone in her voice. 

 “Taylynn I don’t want to have my husband picked or my job. It’s going to be something low I just know it. Probably a farmer since I’m clasified as a failure. I don’t want to turn sixteen.” I almost scream the words out. I see tears falling down Taylynn’s face and instantly feel sorry. “Tay, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to raise my voice.” I say in my sweet, calm, voice.

   Taylynn walked to the door. “I’m going home. Callen probably wants company.” I could hear the lie in her voice, Callen can’t feel wanting. Neither can anyone else in Ormont. Instead of pointing out her lie I let her leave, hearing my dad ask why she was leaving so early and her closing the door. On my last day as a kid, my best friend left me. 


I've been working on this for a long time and I'm really proud of it so I hope you enjoyed!

Word Count:1225

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