Broken heart

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(Sarawat pov)
I've always liked Tine.Even if he hasn't found out yet.I was so happy when he asked me to meet him at the School field.I thought he would confess his feelings or something.I left my house to the field happily I was so excited to see Tine and I'll admit sometimes I tease him a little to much which I feel bad about.When I saw Tine I was about to yell his name until I saw Pear walk up to him.I just stared at him and Pear.Their backs were facing me as if they could only see each other.Then they hugged and Pear kissed him on the cheek.I felt my heart break.I could feel tears in my eyes.I ran home and cried all day in my could he.even if we were not together I could feel betrayal.

(Tine pov)
The plan went perfectly!Third signaled to me that Sarawat was coming and I motioned Pear to come to me.Honestly I wasn't expecting her to kiss me on the cheek but I guess its fine.I don't like Pear well at least not in a dating kind of way but I don't know her feelings towards me.My back was facing Sarawat so I couldn't see his reactions.Third then came up to me and said,"Hey Tine..I think we might've overdone it.."I was confused what did he mean overdone it?"What are you talking about?",I asked him."Well I saw Sarawat run back..crying",Third said."Crying?!",I yelled."Y-yeah",He stuttered.I then took off to find Sarawat.I felt so guilty.When I got to his house I knocked on the door."Who is it!",a tired voice yelled.I opened the door knowing that Sarawat never locks his door.He looked exhausted and his eyes were red,probably from crying.He looked up at me."What do you want?",Sarawat asked."I'm sorry...",I replied."What why?",He asked."It was a set up I asked you to come to the field so I could se weather or not you had feelings for me.",I said."So you know who I like?",Sarawat asked."Yeah I'm sorry I didn't know you liked Pear.",I said then left.

(Sarawat pov)
Pear!He thinks I like Pear!! How stupid can he be!I got up angrily.Then what was the point of finding out if I had feelings!This doesn't make any sense!The next day I went to Tine to make him get me another frappe like usual.I decided to not tell my true feelings to him and pretend nothing happened.I saw Green talking with Tine and saw Tine look at me like he wanted my help.nah I won't help him because of what he did yesterday.So I just left them to go talk to my friends.I went into my faculty building and saw Khai(From theory of love)and Dean(From Until we meet again)."Whats up bro!",Dean yelled and motioned me to sit next to him and Khai.I sat down and Khai began to talk,"So what happened yesterday you didn't answer mine nor Deans calls",Khai said.

"Busy."I answered."with....",Dean asked."Guitar practice and Football practice",I confidently lied."Whatever anyway Sarawat your "fans" left treats for you.",Khai said."Don't want them you have them.",I said and then started my homework I missed because of crying all day."Okay then more for us!",Dean said opening a bag of chips.Ugh idiots I smiled to myself.

(Tine pov)
I was on my way to class when Suddenly Green came running to my shouting my name,"Tine!Tine!" I face palmed."What is it Green?",I asked him turning around to look at him."I got you your favorite drink!",Green said smiling."Uh- Thank you.",I said and He handed me the drink.Then Thank god I spotted Sarawat.I looked at him desperately and he just looked at me and continued to walk.The teasing never ends 😔✊️.God I really hate that jerk!How was I supposed to know he likes Pear!After finally Green left for cooking class I ran to my friends."Hey guys whats up!",I asked them."How could you act so chill!",Third scolded me."What?",I questioned sitting next to Third."You made P'Sarawat sad!",Third continued to scold.I looked at Pharm for help but he just took a sip of his drink.why isn't anyone helping me today😔✊️."Look I already apologized!",I told Third.

"So do you know why you had to apologize?",Pharm finally spoke up."Yep!",I said confidently."Oh yeah then what?",Third asked."Because Pear was flirting with me.",I said."Good your finally learning",Pharm said."What you knew Sarawat liked Pear but used Pear for the plan how heartless!",I scolded Pharm.Third hit me on the head."Ow what was that for?!",I said rubbing my head.Pharm and Third just looked at each other and sighed."What was it something I said?!",I asked confused."Omg Our friend is so dumb",They both said getting up and leaving.What I'm so confused 😐.After class I went to the Music club because I had to practice guitar.Then I noticed Sarawat walk in.I waved at him but he just ignored me.Rude.I practiced until me and Sarawat were the only ones still at the club.I yawned.I kept messing up one chord.I sighed then saw Sarawat walking up to me."Need help?",Sarawat asked."What I thought you were still mad about me and Pear",I said."Just shut up",He replied.I motioned me zipping my mouth.

"Here let me show you.",he said sitting down.He put his hands over mine and played the chord i kept messing up."Oh!",I said."Wow Sarawat you Are really talented",I said putting two thumbs up."Ugh do you ever shut up.",Sarawat said Getting up and leaving.ugh seriously was it something I said?

A/N:Can you guys decide if this length is okay or should I make chapters longer?Anyway be prepared for Khai x Third and Pharm x Dean in the next chapter and if your confused this is what they look like...

A/N:Can you guys decide if this length is okay or should I make chapters longer?Anyway be prepared for Khai x Third and Pharm x Dean in the next chapter and if your confused this is what they look like

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Khai (Off)

Third (Gun)

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Third (Gun)

Third (Gun)

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Dean (Ohm)

Pharm (Fluke)

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Pharm (Fluke)

Bai loves ❤️

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