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I stayed at the park until noon.I just stayed on the bench with my head leaned back.I heard footsteps which made me open my eyes. "I knew you'd be here",Sarawat said sitting next to me. "How did you know?",I asked bringing my head back up. "I always saw you come to this park when we were in high school",Sarawat said. "Oh",I said.It got very silent and I didn't want it to change awkward. "Why are you here?",I asked him. "Thats what I wanna know",Sarawat said. "I just wanna take in the fresh air",I replied. "No,I know your lying you always come here when somethings on your mind",Sarawat said turning his head at me.I sighed knowing I'd have to tell him the truth. "It's Earn and you",I let out. "What?",He said. "I'm jealous you idiot",I then said.He just smiled. "Why are you so happy?",I asked with a frown.He then took my face in his hand and kissed me on the cheek. "Were in public you jerk!",I said removing his hand. "So I want people to know your mine",He said making me flustered. "Stop..Teasing me",I said and He just laughed.It was a little silent until I heard a ding.I looked at my phone.I then got up. "Whats wrong?",Sarawat asked. "My brother...He is going through a break up and I need to be there with him",I said. "I'll come too",Sarawat said and he also got up.

I rushed to Deans dorm as fast as I could with Sarawat behind me.I knocked on the door and Pharm answered. "Tine,Sarawat there you are",Pharm said letting me in.I looked around for my brother.He was sitting by Third.I went to him. "Type I'm so sorry",I said to him sitting near him on my knees. "Its alright I'm glad we broke up I couldn't take him and his anger issues.",Type said. "Did he hurt you!",I said loudly.Type looked at the ground and I clenched my teeth.I put my arm around his neck. "He doesn't deserve you anyway",I said to him.Everyone just looked at us.

Man came over to us. "Where did he hurt you",Man asked worriedly. "My back,arms, and legs",He said making me more angry.I stood up. "That bitch how dare he!",I yelled out.Sarawat came over to me. "I know your mad and you have every right to be, but what is done is done",Sarawat said grabbing my arm.I huffed and we both sat down. "Type,If you don't mind may we see the bruises and injuries?",Pharm asked politely.Type nodded and took off his shirt.

(Type pov)
I took off my shirt.I was kind of nervous and shy but I felt a little comfortable because my brother was here.I heard gasps from behind me. "Its a good thing you guys broke up",Third said.I nodded and then I felt cold fingers touching my back.I shivered nervously. "Does it hurt",Man said as the fingers brushed away from my back. "No",I said blushing.So it was Man touching me.I put my shirt back on. "The bruises are so big...",A guy I haven't met before said. "Oh right Type this is Sarawat",Pharm said and I turned around. "I'm Type, Tines brother",I said to him holding my hand out for him to shake.

He shook my hand. "Where is he?",I heard Tine ask. "Hes still in the U.S",I responded. "You guys had a long distance relationship?",Khai asked.Third slapped his head. "You idiot how was he supposed to hurt him if they had a long distance relationship",Third said.I laughed a bit. "No, before moving here I studied in the U.S",I said. "So why did you come back?",Dean asked. "Because i wanted to see my favorite sibling!",I said patting Tines head teasingly.Tine hit me lightly on the arm. "because he finished his studies",Tine said. Man moved closer to me which made my heartbeat go faster. "Do you guys wanna play a game!?",Third yelled out.We all nodded. "Okay are you guys familiar with spin the bottle?",Third asked.

(Tine pov)
"Okay since y'all wanna play you don't mind me i inviting a few friends over?",Third asked.I didn't really mind a few friends coming over. "Which friends are coming over?",Khai asked. "Phukong,Earn,and Min Phukong invited him.",Third responded.Ugh great Earn and Min the two people that annoy the hell outta me.When Third said Min Sarawat looked at me and I understood so I got up and went to go sit next to Sarawat.Then I heard a knock at the door.When Third opened the door Phukong and Min walked in.Sarawat put his arm around me and I flinched at that.Min was watching the whole thing and then went to go sit down with Phukong following him.A little later there was another person knocked.Earn and a one of her friends walked in.She saw Sarawat and walked to him and sat down next to him.I scoffed a little so no one would notice.She looked at her friend then looked at me. "Uhm Tine please move so my friend can sit",She said with a smile.Fucking brat.I thought and got up to sit next to Type.

I sat down next to Type watching Earn and Sarawat act all bubbly and cute with each other.Ew disgusting.I thought and looked at Type. "Something bothering you Tine?",Type asked. "What no why?",I said back. "Well you're staring at Sarawat and Earn like you hate them",He said whispering. "I don't hate him I hate her",I whispered back. "Why?",He asked. "Shes taking Sarawat from me",I said without realizing. "You like Sarawat?",He asked whispering.I nodded a little bit.then Third clapped his hands. "Alright y'all lets start!"

♥️Thanks for reading

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