Khai x Third(with of course Sarawat x Tine)

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(Third pov)
Tine had asked me to pretend be his boyfriend and I knew it was because his parents were coming over.I sighed.The stupid professor had assigned me as Khai's tutor.Like its not my fault that boy is as dumb as a chicken.I walked down the hallways to the library where I saw Khai sitting at a desk and fidgeting with his fingers through the glass windows.I opened the door and went towards Khai.He looked up at me and smiled. "Finally what took so long?",He asked getting his notebook out from his bag.I sat down next to him ignoring the question. "So which subject are you struggling with?",I asked him. "History,Science,Math,And English.",He said with a dumb smile on his face.I facepalmed. "Okay lets start with history get your pencil out",I said.He rubbed his neck. "What is it now?!",I asked. "Uh I didn't bring a pencil..",He said.I tried to relax.Why did it have to be him!?I got out an extra pencil from my bag.The pencil had cute bears on it.I gave it to him and then he looked at the pencil and smirked.I blushed in embarrassment. "At least I brought one..",I muttered under my breath.

A few minutes in and I look over to see Khai fidgeting with the pencil. "Do you have ADHD or what?!",I snapped at him.He shook is head. "Then pay attention unless you want to keep failing!",I scolded him. "I always see you yell at your friends do you have anger issues or what?",He said.I looked at  him angrily. "No I do not!",I huffed.He rolled his eyes. "Here write down what I wrote down!",I said and scooted my notebook closer to him.He put his arm around my neck. "How about you write it down for me?",He asked with the same stupid smile he had earlier.I pressed my lips together and removed his arm from my neck. "Either you work with me or I'll leave.",I said as I got up.He said nothing so I was about to walk away when he grabbed my wrist. "Fine just stay",He said.Finally hes coming to his senses.I sat back down and watched him write down the notes. "Ew your hand writing sucks I can barely read it.",He said.I made an annoyed face(kinda like this=😑 lol) "Fine I'll read it to you",I said and brang the notebook closer to me.He grabbed the notebook and put it closer to him. "I thought you wanted me to read it!",I said madly. "I did so scoot closer to me",He said smirking.I blinked blankly. "Are you flirting with me?",I said with suspicion. "Maybe,Maybe not",He said.I picked up my book and smacked him on the head.

"Ow!!",He yelled out holding his head. "Fine Fine I won't tease you!",He said surrendering.I smiled.Haha I win again in my battle against stupid idiots.He began reading it as I watched him.A little later I began getting bored so I shut my eyes for and laid my head down on the desk.I felt hands brush away strands of hair from my eyes.I opened one eye making Khai move back and pretend to work. "Why'd you do that?",I asked as I stood up. "What, what are you talking about?",Khai asked as he looked up at me.I huffed again and laid my head down facing the opposite direction.I then felt hands pat my head.I stood up once more. "Quit messing with me!!",I said making Khai flinch back. "Well your supposed to be tutoring me",Khai said back.

I groaned and began writing more things down. "I don't understand can you explain it to me?",He said.I looked at him with annoyance in my eyes. "So Pi is equal to 3 or 3.14",I began to explain but noticed he was just staring at me. "Yah do I look like a calculator to you!",I said making him look back down.I rolled my eyes and continued to explain. "Wait..",He said. "What is it now?",I said. "I still don't understand.",He said making me facepalm into the desk. "I COULD EXPLAIN THIS TO A MONKEY AND IT WOULD UNDERSTAND BETTER THAN YOU!",I yelled at him.He kept looking at me. "What!",I snapped at him. "Your cute when your mad",He said smirking a stupid smirk.I blushed in embarrassment. "Shut up and write this down before I hit you with this book again!",I ordered him while I held the book.

(Tine pov)
"Hey Tine!",The cheerleading coach yelled at me.I turned around and walked toward her. "Yeah whats up?",I asked her. "Well we have to cheer for our football team tomorrow so I expect to see you at practice tomorrow morning",She said. "Alright I'll be there",I said as I turned back around. "Wait!",She said as I turned back around. "Can you give this to Sarawat for me?",She said holding out some chocolates. "Sure",I said remembering shes apart of the #Teamsarawatswives.I took the chocolates and went toward Sarawats dorm.I decided I would give the chocolates and tell him not to pick me up tomorrow morning.I knocked on his dorm room.I heard footsteps and then the door opened.I saw Sarawat shirtless.I cleared my throat and handed the chocolates to him. "My coach wanted me to give these to you",I said as he took them.I still didn't look at him. "Also I wanted to tell you not to pick me up tomorrow I have cheerleading practice.",I told him. "Good that means your cheering for tomorrows game right?",He said.I nodded in response.

"Good I expect you to cheer for me.",He said. "But your on the opposite team",I said. "So?",He said. "Fine I'll cheer for you on the inside",I said.I could see him smirk from the corner of my eye.He grabbed my chin and turned it to face him. "I expect to see you look at me when you talk to me",He said with the same smirk.I felt my face burn and I could feel the same weird feeling in my stomach. "Stop teasing me!",I said to him angrily.He let go of my chin. "Okay thanks for the chocolates good night",He said as he was about to shut the door.I put my foot in the door to stop the door from closing.He looked up back at me. "I wanted to uhm thank you for yesterday.",I said. "Its no problem good bye.",He said as he closed the door.Well that was weird I thought he wanted to see me often because he likes me.I went to my dorm and fell right to sleep.

The next morning I went to cheerleading practice.I was in the locker room when I heard squealing.I went to go see what is was.I saw some girls fangirling over Sarawat.He looked so uninterested.Then he looked at me.He motioned me to come towards him and I did.He handed me a water bottle.I took it and looked up at him.He smiled  at me and then left.The coach clapped. "Girls stop following Sarawat we have practice!",She said.They all came back with pouts.I looked at the bottle in my hand.After practice we all sat on the bench.I was exhausted and took a sip of the water Sarawat gave me.The girls all looked at me with jealousy.I smiled to myself and then snapped out of it.As much as I don't wanna fall for him he's making it harder and harder for me not to.After practice we all went to our separate classes where I met up with Third and Pharm.I noticed Thirds annoyed face. "What happened to you?",I asked Third as I sat next to them. "Khai thats what happened!",He said in an annoyed voice. "I should've agreed to be your fake boyfriend!",He said slamming a fist into the desk.Pharm and I flinched back. "Well I'm sure he's not that bad",Pharm said.Third looked at Pharm making Pharm gulp. "Your lucky your to innocent for me to beat up.",Third said with a huff.

A/n: Lol hoped u like that Khai x Third thing.Also Tine promotes water better than the water company.Bye loves ❤️

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