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(Tine pov)
After all that mess at school I got home and lied on my bed.I began to think to myself.How come Sarawats perfectly fine?Why was I the only one to get beat up by almost half the school?That's kind of unfair as to he was the one who told Pear.I sat up in my bed in realization.I shouldn't be the one suffering he should.I called Third. "Hey Third?",I said. "Yea whats up?",Third said in reply. "Well I was wondering how to get revenge on Sarawat",I said. "What why?!",Third asked confused. "Well he was the one that started this whole mess",I said. "Listen dude, I know you can be a little dumb at times but you have to first let Sarawat explain why he did it",Third said. "Your supposed to be on my side!",I yelled at Third then hang up on him.Then I thought of something.What if I tell the whole school something that would ruin his reputation just like he did to me.But then I just gave up on that plan because no one would believe me.Then I thought about what Third said.Maybe I should give Sarawat a chance to explain.

The next day I waited for him outside his faculty.I waited almost the whole day and I was about to just leave until I saw Khai coming towards me. "Hey Tine right what are you doing here?",He asked me. "Oh well actually I'm waiting for P'Sarawat",I answered. "Your waiting for Sarawat? But isn't he at Football practice?",Khai said. "What he's at Football practice since when?!",I said. "Uh yeah he should be-",Khai said but was cut off from me saying, "Okay thanks Khai Bye!"Then I rushed off to the Football field where I saw Sarawat's team practicing football.Sarawat didn't seem to notice me so I just stood there watching for a moment.I was only staring at Sarawat.He looked so hot when he sweated and kicked the ball(lol what?)I caught myself.How could I think about things like this.I hit myself on the head and kept watching Sarawat.

Then I saw him take off his shirt which made me blush hard.I tried to look away but I couldn't.Whatever right we had sex before.Then I saw him look at me which made my stomach feel light but heavy at the same time.

(Sarawat pov)
I was practicing football like normal when I saw Tine coming towards the field through the corner of my eye.I could see that he thought I didn't see him because he kept staring at me.So I decided to tease him I took off my shirt.I could see him blush and J wanted to tease him some more so I looked at him.He looked so embarrassed and cute.I walked towards him. "Tine? Why are you here?",I asked him. "I-I-I",Tine stuttered as he looked down at my abs.Then he looked me in the eyes. "I just wanted you to explain some things",He said trying to pull himself together.I smirked as his reaction and then threw my shirt at him. "Wash it return it to me tomorrow",I said as I went to go get a bottle of water.He followed me and said, "Gosh do you ever stop teasing me?"I looked at him. "No I will tease you forever",I said as I motioned him to sit next to me on a bench.

"So what do you want me to explain?",I asked. "Oh right well I wanted to ask you why you told Pear about what we..did",He said making me a little upset he didn't receive the hints. "So it's the truth why should I explain?",I said taking another sip of water. "Yeah but..what if I want to have a girlfriend",He said. I glared at him.Gosh why is he so dumb. "You can't have a girlfriend",I said straightforwardly. "What why not?!",He asked.I rolled my eyes. "Because your mine okay?!",I shouted disappointed.He just looked at me in shock. "No I don't even like you",He said. "Then why were you admiring me earlier",I asked. "I wasn't",He said quietly.I smirked and said, "Okay sure"then I got up and went to the locker room.

(Tine pov)
He saw me staring!He was just teasing me!Ugh he's so annoying!How dare he say I'm not allowed to have a girlfriend he's not my boss.Geez What a punk I pouted to myself.I looked at his jersey in my hand and sighed.Guess I have to wash this for his majesty.I went home and put the shirt in the washing machine and went into the bathroom so I could shower.After I showered I put the washed jersey into a drawer and went to bed.The next day I decided I was gonna go to school early so I started to undress myself so I could change when suddenly I heard a knock.I thought it was either Pharm and Third to pick me up for school so I didn't mind opening the door topless.

Big mistake because when I opened the door Sarawat just looked at my chest.I covered my chest with my arms and said, "Pervert" Then he looked at my face. "You saw me topless and also you were the one that decided to open the door without a shirt on",He said. "Touché,What do you want?",I asked. "I'm here for my shirt,but I got something better in return",He said.I rolled my eyes and went to go get the shirt.I put the shirt out for him to grab but instead he pulled my arm making me lean towards him. "Thank you",He said then he let go and left. "AISH STOP TEASING ME!",I yelled after him then scoffed.

After I changed I went on to school where I met up with my friends.I approached them angrily. "Why didn't you guys pick me up from my dorm!",I yelled at them. "Well we saw Sarawat entering your dorm building so we suggested he was going to pick you up",Pharm said innocently.I huffed. "Whatever",I said and sat next to them.We began chatting when some girls from #Teamsarawatswives came up to us.I thought they wanted to beat me so I covered my head with my arms. "Relax Tine we just came here to give you some snacks",A girl said making me look at them in confusion.Another girl rolled her eyes in annoyance. "Sarawat told us to be nice to you so were only doing this for him",The girl scoffed.The first girl handed me some snacks and then they left.

Why did he do this?Whatever free food I thought as I opened the bag of chips the girls gave me. "Aren't you at least going to ask for an apology from them?",Third asked.I shrugged then said, "I don't think I will just to be on the safe side"Pharm looked at the snacks. "Yeah plus we get to enjoy the free food if we stay on their good side",Pharm said.I was busy eating when the a guy walked in the classroom. "Everyone meet Min he will be with us from now on",The professor announced.I didn't really care about the new kid but I got a weird feeling from him.

A/n: announcing new characters which means new ship😉👌

A/n: announcing new characters which means new ship😉👌

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Min (Drake)

Phukong (Frank)

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Phukong (Frank)

Love you guys ❤️

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