New ships!

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(Narrative pov)
Third was walking through the halls with his drink in his hand.He was also on his phone so he didn't see what was in front of him.Then he fell."Hey my new Shirt!",A voice yelled.Third looked up to see a handsome guy standing in front of him with his drink spilled on his shirt."Oh my god I'm so sorry!",Third said getting up to wipe the drink from his shirt."Don't touch me!",The guy said leaving.Third just stood there with an empty cup in his hand.Well that was rude..Third thought to himself.

Meanwhile Pharm was on his way to his faculty.He saw P'Khai walking away with a drink spilled on his shirt.Dang he looks pissed.Pharm went up to Khai."Hello P'Khai what's wrong?",Pharm asked."Your friend is whats wrong he spilled his drink on my brand new shirt!",Khai said.Pharm knew it was Third because of how clumsy he can be.He left Khai to go see if Third was alright."Hey Third!",Pharm said waving to his friend."Hey Pharm..",Third said upset."Having a bad day?",Pharm said snickering."Why are you laughing!",Third said holding Pharms ear."Ow ow ow! Okay okay I'm sorry bye Third!",Pharm said not wanting to be punished."You- You!",Third said angrily.Pharm went to the pool so he could start swimming.He was in the swimming club.He got undressed and sat by the pool to then be splashed by water."Hey!",Pharm yelled shielding his face with his hands."Whats up Pharm.",Dean said getting out of the water."Yah why did you splash me!",Pharm said."Sorry just teasing you.",Dean said wrapping his arms around Pharm.Dean and Pharm have been dating since for at least a month now."Love you babe.",Dean told Pharm sincerely."I love you too.",Pharm said pecking Deans cheek.

Now for the OG ship 🤓😁
Tine got out of bed excited.He would be meeting his Family that he hasn't seen for a long time.He then got a call.He picked up the phone and said,"Hello?"A voice then answered,"Yah Tine we are at your home Wake up you lazy idiot!",His sister scolded.He quickly changed and opened the door."Hello mom dad please come in.",Tine said to his parents.

"You still live in the school dorms?",His dad said."Yes father I am..",Tine answered."Find a job and send us money soon then buy an actual home.",His mom said.Tine looked down.He knew his parents were disappointed in him."Dad mom I want to tell you something.",Tine said."Yes what is it.",His mom said."I-I am Bisexual",Tine hesitated.His mother stood up and slapped him."You are a disgrace from this family come dear were leaving",His mother scolded as his father and sister got up.Tine felt tears in his eyes.He thought his family would accept him.He was even more sad when he heard a knock at his door and when he opened it he saw his old stuff he left at his parents house.He fell to his knees knowing no one loved him anymore.

That night Tine went to the pub.He obviously felt like getting drunk.He had about 3 bottles and he was wasted but he didn't stop drinking.Then Tine heard a voice."Yah quit drinking your already drunk enough.",A familiar voice said as his drink was snatched from his hand."S-Sarawat what are hoo doin her?",Tine made mistakes in talking and slurred his speech."I don't know what are you doing here?",Sarawat questioned."Tired.",Tine said before passing out.Sarawat shook his head.this kid he thought as he put Tines arm around his neck and took him to his house.

A/n: I'm so sorry for the wait really.recently a close friend passed away and I've been so caught up.Thank you so much for the support I really do appreciate it.Love you guys and I'll try to make chapters longer❤️

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