Spin the bottle

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"Okay guys so I hope you know the rules to spin the bottle",Third said and everyone nodded.Third then placed a bottle in between all of us. "Alright who wants to go first?",Pharm asked.Khai raised his hand and spun he bottle.It landed near Third and Type but it was closer to Third.Third blushed a little and I smirked.I knew Third liked Khai.Khai leaned in close to Third and gave him peck on the lips.When Khai leaned away they were both a blushing mess.Everyone cooed at that and Third looked at everyone annoyingly. "Okay we'll go in order",Dean said. (btw the order was Khai,Third,Dean,Pharm,Earn,Sarawat,Earns Friend,Me,Type,Min,Phukong,and Man.)Third spun the bottle and it stoped at Earns friend.I saw the frown on Khais face.oooo drama.Third went over to her and kissed her on her cheek.

She blushed after he did so but he didn't have any reaction.He went back to his spot next to Khai.Then it was Dean's turn.He spun the bottle and it landed on Man.Dean looked at Pharm for permission. "It's okay babe it's just a game",Pharm said.Dean went over to Man and kissed him on the cheek.Then he went back to his sport by Pharm then pat Pharn on the head.It was Pharms turn so he spun the bottle, it landed on Dean.They both smiled widely and kissed on the lips.Everyone cooed at the sight.It was Earns turn so she spun the bottle and it landed on Phukong.She groaned and got up to go to Phukong.She kissed him lightly on the cheek then went back to her spot.It was then Sarawats turn.My heart started beating fast.I wanted it to land on me.

The bottle landed on Earn.I felt the heat in my face rise.Before kissing her he looked at me then gave a small peck on her cheek.She blushed like crazy and I hated the sight.Sarawat looked at me after he did that and smirked.What does he want me to be jealous?Is he teasing me!?I huffed then Earns friend spun the bottle.It landed on Type and she got up and pecked Types cheek.It was my turn and I spun the bottle.It landed on Min.I looked at Sarawat with an evil smile before going over to Min.If he wanted me jealous I was also gonna make him jealous.As soon as I got to Min I kissed him on his lips.When I leaned away I could see his red face and then I went back to my spot.I glanced at Sarawat he had anger written on his face and I smiled cheekily at that.Type then went and it landed on Khai.He kissed Khai lightly on the cheek.Then Min spun it.It landed on Phukong.He kissed Phukong on the lips. "You didn't have to kiss him on the lips",Type said. "I'm just trying to spice up the game",Min replied after he kissed Phukong.

Then Phukong spun the bottle and it landed on Earn.He kissed her hand then went back to his seat.Then Man spun it.The bottle stopped on Type.Types face turned to a light pink and Man kissed him lightly on his bottom lip. "Alright do you guys wanna play 20 questions?",Dean asked.Some people nodded and some people replied with, "sure why not."

"Alright who wants to go first?",Dean asked. "Me",Sarawat said raising his hand. "Okay who wants to ask the first question?",Dean said. "Lets go in the same order",Pharm said and everyone agreed to it. "Okay is your word a person?",Khai asked. "Yes",Sarawat said. "Is your person a female?",Third asked. "No",Sarawat said. "Is this Person close to you?",Dean asked. "Yes, very",Sarawat said. "Uh Is it someone in this room?",Pharm asked. "Yep",Sarawat said. "Are they taller than you?",Earn asked. "Yes by a bit",Sarawat said. "Do you care about this person?",Earns friend asked.Sarawat nodded.Then it was my turn.Everyone looked at me. "Do you..Love this person?",I said quietly looking at Sarawat. "Yes I do very much",Sarawat replied. "Is it Phukong?",Type then asked. "Nope",Sarawat said. "Is it Man I know you two are close",Min said. "No its not",Sarawat said. "Is it...Khai?",Phukong asked.Sarawat shook his head. "Is it Dean?",Man said.Sarawat shook his head. "Okay its been 11 questions, 8 more to go",Pharm said.

"Is it Tine?",Third asked with a smirk. "Yep it was Tine",Sarawat said and my heart skipped a beat.To be honest I didn't think it was me I thought he still wanted to make me jealous. "Anyways do you guys just wanna go get drinks at the pub?",Khai asked. "Sure",Dean and Pharm said.Earn and Earns friend nodded.Then the rest of us said, "why not."We then all got up and went out of Deans dorm.I was about to exit the door when someone grabbed my wrist.I looked back at my wrist and then looked up to see who it was. "Sarawat?",I said. "I wanted to talk to you",He said and pulled me towards him.Everyone else was already out of the house. "Your such a nuisance",He said ruffling my hair. "Aish stop teasing me and tell me what is it",I said. "Well I wanted to ask you..",He said. "Yeah what is it?",I said with sparkles in my eyes.was he gonna ask me out?was he gonna ask me to be his boyfriend? "Were you trying to make me jealous earlier?",He asked and I sulked.Way to ruin the moment. "Yes,but only because you were first",I admitted folding my arms against my chest.

He chuckled and ruffled my hair before getting up. "Come on Nuisance",He said and I got up following him outside.Everyone was talking waiting for us. "Alright lets go",Third said and we all walked to the nearest pub.I walked alongside Type.I didn't want him to feel sad or lonely.When we reached the pub we all went inside and sat at a table. "Dean go get us some drinks",Khai said. "Fine but Pharms coming with me he's to cute people might try to hit on him",He said grabbing Pharms arm then going to the bartender.Khai pretended to gag and we all laughed.They came back with a lot of drinks and some people started chugging as soon as they got the drinks.I didn't feel like drinking but drank anyway.

(Sarawat pov)
Damn everyone was already wasted when we just got the damn drinks.At least Khai and Man weren't drunk.I just sat there watching Tine laugh at the most stupid stuff Third was saying.I loved the way he smiled and I'd do anything just to hear him laugh.I was staring at Tine when Earn put her arms around my arm. "Sarawat~ please take me home I'm drunkk",Earn said.I pulled my arm away from Earns hold. "I'm sorry I have to go somewhere",I said and got up.I then grabbed Tines arm and dragged him with me.The only ones surprised were Khai and Man the only ones sober, the rest were passed out or to drunk to care.

I dragged Tine to the bathrooms.I didn't want to do anything to him though I just wanted to tease him. "Why did you decide to drink if you knee you'd get wasted after like 2 shots?",I said throwing him against the wall making sure not to hurt him.Tine groaned. "Woww are you my boyfriend so handsome~",Tine said slurring his voice and placing his hand on my jaw line.I wasn't expecting that but I decided to play along. "Yes I'm your boyfriend!",I yelled at him removing his hand and pinning him to the wall. "I want to have a kid with you~",Tine said trying to open his eyes. "I-I",I stuttered thinking of what to say.My face was a light shade of pink. "Who wants to have kids with you Nuisance",I said to him pinning him tighter to the wall.He frowned playfully. "I thought you didddd",Tine said as his voice slurred. "Yah! Your just drunk!",I said to him letting go of his hands.He threw his hands around my stomach.I put my chin on his head. "Are you breaking up with me~",Tine said.I laughed a bit at that. "Who would wanna break up with you",I said putting my hands in my jean pockets.He looked up at me with a wide smile. "I lovee you babe~",He said.I looked down at him with pink cheeks.i'd kill just to hear him say that sober. "I love you to",I said teasingly but sincerely.

I meant every it every time i said i loved him....

A/n: thank u guys for reading I love every single one of you♥️

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