Ever since then

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"Since the first Scrubb concert at the high school",Sarawat said.I thought for a bit. "But I have only known you since the beginning of University",I replied. "I remember you stepped on my toe because of your excitement thats when my feelings started",He said looking at me sincerely. "I'm sorry I didn't know all these years",I said taking his hand.He smiled at me. "Don't worry I was kinda happy you didn't find out sooner",He said with a genuine smile. "What do you mean?",I asked. "Because if you had known this wouldn't all be happening",He said and hugged me.I hugged back with a warm feeling on my cheeks.

"Will you come watch?",He asked I stepped away from the hug. "Watch what?",I asked him. "Oh my god Nuisance do you ever pay attention to anything",He said. "Me and my band are going to do a small music video for our new song",He said.I smiled proudly. "I'm so happy for you!",I said brightly.He chuckled because of the compliment. "So whats the music video about?",I asked. "Well um its about two lovers",He said and rubbed his nape. "Who's gonna be acting?",I asked hoping it wasn't him. "It's gonna be me and Earn",He said and I pouted a bit. "Oh well I'll be there to cheer you on!",I said excited for him. "Oh I'd thought you'd be mad",He said in relief. "Why would I be mad heheh",I said nervously trying to hide my jealousy. "Well then I'll see you there I gotta go get ready",He said and waved then left.

I sighed when I heard the door shut.What are we towards each other.I thought as I went to grab something to eat.Why does it have to be Earn?I thought as I put some ice-cream into my mouth.Whatever i have to be there to support him.I thought putting the ice-cream away.I got ready then left my dorm with a loud bang from the door.I scurried down the halls to the music club and saw Sarawat and Earn rehearsing for the music video.They were practicing a hug scene and it made me scoff.I entered the room and as soon as I entered Sarawat looked at me.He let go of Earn and smiled at me.

"You're here",He said coming towards me.Earlier I had decided to bring some drinks for them.I handed Sarawat a drink. "You must be tired",I said and he took the drink.He took a sip and then offered me some.I drank a little from it and blushed. "Sarawat should we continue?",Earn said looking at us.I snapped out of it and leaned away from Sarawat.He looked at her. "Uh sure, see you later Tine",He said and went back over to her.I saw them laugh with each other because Sarawat kept messing up a line.I pressed my lips together and scoffed again.he loves me anyway.I thought before taking one more glance at them then leaving after placing the drink trey on the table by Earn.

(Sarawat pov)
I was rehearsing the hug scene with Earn when Tine walked in.I got excited and let go of Earn.I looked at the drinks in his hand.Hes so kind.I thought and smiled at him. "You're here",I said to him. "You must be tired",He said handing me a drink.I took the drink and took a sip out of it.I leaned the drink towards him and he took a sip.He looked so cute. "Sarawat should we continue?",Earn said.I was kind of mad at her for ruining the moment.I looked at her. "Uh sure, see you later Tine",I said kind of upset.I went towards her and she started talking about how I kept messing up this one line.I swore I could hear a scoff from Tine.Was he jealous?I smiled as the thought.He placed the drinks on the table and then left.

"Whats his problem?",Earn asked. "He's probably a little tired",I said knowing the real truth.I was kinda upset he left early I thought he was going to stay until we finished filming the music video. "Okay places everyone!",The director yelled.

(Type pov)
I knocked on my brothers dorm. "TINE!",I yelled banging on the door.Gosh where is that idiot?I thought as I finally gave up and looked for Third and Pharms dorm.I was about to knock on Pharms dorm until I saw a note attached to Pharms door.It read,
At boyfriends dorm rm.127.At least I knew where to find them.I went to room number 127 and knocked.A tall and buff guy opened the door. "Hello do you need anything?",The guy asked. "I uh I'm looking for Pharm",I said and he looked behind him. "Alright come in",He said and I entered.There was about 4-5 people there including two familiar faces. "Type whats up?",Pharm asked getting up. "Well I wanted to talk to you guys about something",I said and everyone looked at me.

I felt nervous and started shaking.Third got up and walked towards me. "Relax Type relax",Third said and I blinked calming down. "Let's introduce you first",He said grabbing my arm. "Guys this is Type",Third said.I looked around the room there was scattered cans of coke and pizza boxes. "Type this is Khai,Dean,and this here is Man",Third pointing to people one by one.I waved a little nervously.They all smiled brightly at me.They all looked intimidating at first but now they look so gentle.I went to go sit next to Pharm and Third followed sitting next to me. "So what did you wanna talk about?",Pharm said making me sulk a little.

"It's okay you can tell us we won't tell anyone",The one Third said was Dean said.They all huddled up together around me. "Well I-",I said trying to feel calm. "Its my boyfriend he broke up with me!",I finally let out.Pharm and Third grabbed my arms. "Oh Type were so sorry",Pharm said.I saw the pity from the other people but one face stood out to me.The one they call Man. "Is there anything we can do?",Man asked.I could feel tears in my eyes but not because of the break up.I smiled making everyone confused. "Thank you",I said. "What bit we didn't do anything",Third said. "Thank you for being so nice to me",I said.They all looked at each other and smiled then they all hugged me. "We like you already",Man said.

(Tine pov)
I rushed to the park in anger.I sat on a bench.I just wanted to think.I can't believe Sarawat liked me ever since then.I was so blind.I'm so blessed to have him.I'm surprised he still has feelings for me.I closed my eyes and leaned my head back to feel the nice breeze.Alls I saw was Sarawat.I can't get him out of my head anymore.I really do like him.

A/n:  if i make mistakes oop I don't proofread lol love yall ❤️

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