New feelings

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(Narrative pov)
Sarawat was disappointed in himself.God I told myself there would be a right time!Sarawat said to himself.He hated how he forced himself to kiss Tine.He blamed himself.He then face planted into his pillow.Tine probably thinks I'm an idiot!

Tine thought he had to go apologize so he went to Sarawats dorm.Sarawat heard a knock at the door.He got up to open it and his face went pale when he saw Tine standing at the door way."What are you doing here Tine?!",Sarawat said trying not to sound upset."Can I come in first?",Tine said."Oh yeah come in.",Sarawat said moving himself so Tine could walk in.Tine and Sarawat sat down on Sarawats bed.

"So uhm..I came to apologize",Tine said avoiding eye contact."Wait what! I thought you came here so you could ask for an apology",Sarawat said surprised."What no why would I ask for an apology from you?",Tine said."Because I..Kissed you forcedly.",Sarawat said trying not to sound awkward."But I'm the one that left you there rudely",Tine said looking at Sarawat in the eyes."So you do like me?",Sarawat asked hopefully."I mean I still don't know yet",Tine said rubbing the back of his neck.

It was silent until Sarawat decided to break it."So does that mean a maybe?",He asked Tine."Yeah a maybe.",Tine replied shyly.Sarawat smiled lightly seeing Tine shy.Sarawat felt his heartbeat quicken.Its now or never he told himself.Sarawat grabbed Tines Jaw and looked at Tines lips.Tine just looked at Sarawats eyes.

Sarawat leaned in and soon they were moving there lips on sync

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Sarawat leaned in and soon they were moving there lips on sync.They made out for about 5 minutes when Tine broke away for air.They breathed heavily still looking at each other.Sarawat snaked his arm around Tines waist.Tine felt awkward and didn't want to rush it so he removed Sarawats arm and got up."I think I should go..",Tine said leaving Sarawat on the bed.

Sarawat was beyond happy.Tine kissed him back and he might have feelings for him. Sarawat smiled widely.He loved the way Tine and his lips fit perfectly together.He couldn't stop thinking about it.

(Third pov)
I walked down the hallways to Tines dorm.He wouldn't answer my calls and he wouldn't reply to my texts.Where is that little prick!I reached Tines dorm and knocked no answer.I knocked again still no answer. Aish where could he be?I was just about to text him again when I saw him walking up to me."Tine where have you been!",I asked him.I saw that his lips were sore and puffy."What happened to your lips?",I asked."Ugh nothing why are you here?",Tine then asked me."Well tomorrows Deans birthday and Pharm wanted us to go to his party.

(Tine pov)
"Well tomorrows Deans birthday and Pharm wanted us to go to his party",Third said.Shit that means Sarawats going."Oh okay what time tomorrow?",I asked.What am I saying?"Around 11pm be there early or I'll hit you",Third said."You came all the way here for a party invite?",I asked."You wouldn't answer your phone dumbass!",Third said."You could've left a text",I said."Shut up your probably to dumb to read!",Third said walking away."HEY NO IM NOT!",I yelled after him.I then entered my dorm.

I heard a knock on my door and then a voice."Idiot I said don't be late!",Third called banging on my door."Yah hurry my boyfriend is waiting!",Pharm also yelled.I groaned and forced myself out of bed and into clothes.I soon opened the door and Third smacked me."Ow!",I yelped."I told you not to be late hurry we have about 7 minutes!",Third said grabbing my arm and dragging me into Pharms car."Ugh I hate you guys",I said pouting."We love you too.",Pharm said starting the car.

Once we got there we all got out of the car and Pharm knocked.We were greeted by Dean who gave a Pharm a quick peck on the cheek.Sarawat and Khai were there along with a few of Deans relatives and friends.We all sat on the couch and everybody talked for a while.I saw Sarawat staring at me through the corner of my eye but I tried to ignore it by chatting with Third and Pharm.Then Dean came over with Khai and Sarawat."Hey guys these are my friends Khai and Sarawat",Dean said pointing to both of them."I already know Khai",Third said."Really since when do you talk to other people but us",I said to Third."Long story",Khai said rubbing his neck.

"Didn't Third spill his drink on P'Khais clothes",Pharm said giggling.Khai rolled his eyes."Whatever anyway I'm sure Tine already knows Sarawat",Dean said raising his eyebrows.Sarawat hit Dean I the shoulder."Shut up Dean",Sarawat said.its kind of cute seeing Sarawat annoyed.Sarawat then looked at me with the same look as before which made me uncomfortable."Hey guys I'm gonna go to the bathroom er which way is it?",I asked.Dean pointed in the direction to the bathroom and I went in that direction.

I quickly went in and exhaled.I looked at myself in the mirror.Geez I'm so pink.I thought splashing water onto my face.Why does he have to look at me like that.Then I heard the door open.I turned around and saw Sarawat walk in."Yah are you that shameless to just walk in like that?!",I yelled at him.He walked closer to me."What do you want?!",I yelled again.He reached his arm across me and our skin brushed against each other's.I closed my eyes.Then he removed his arm."I just came because I forgot my comb on the sink counter",Sarawat said as I opened my eyes In embarrassment.Sarawat then moved his face close to my ear."What did you think I was going to do?",Sarawat whispered in my ear.I felt Sarawats warm breath brush across my neck making me shiver.

He then moved back smirking then left.God why does he keep teasing me!I splashed my face with colder water trying to cool off.I then left to sit by my friends.Then I heard Dean talk,"Gather around everybody!I'm going to cut the cake!"Everybody gathered around the table.I was last to reach the table and there was only one spot left and it was next  to Sarawat.Why me!!I stood there a little farther from Sarawat.He then scooted closer to me.Dean then cut the cake and fed the first piece to Pharm.Everyone cooed at the sight.aww I'm so happy for Pharm and Dean.

Dean was passing around cake slices.I got my share and began eating.Should've gotten a napkin because my face had cream all over it.I was just about to go get one when I felt a hand on my face.Sarawat wiped away the cream with his finger and making sure I was looking licked the cream that was on my face off his fingers.That flirt!I could feel myself blushing.Good thing no one was paying attention to us.

A/n:Hi guys thank u so much for adding my story into your libraries I really am grateful for the support you guys make me happy!Im glad u like reading my story love you guys❤️❤️❤️

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