Bad Behavior

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(Smut warning!!!)

(Tine pov)
I was surprised when Sarawat gave me the customized he made this just for me.I looked at the pick closely.I smiled to myself lightly.I stroked the pick against the guitar stings.I looked at Sarawat to see him taking a sip of water he looked so sexy.I gulped.Snap out of it.He put the water bottle down and looked at me in the eyes.I could feel lust taking over me.He waved his hand in front of my eyes. "Tine?",He said. "I-I",I said as i looked at him from head to toe. "Are you...checking me out?",He asked.I blinked blankly. "What no!",I yelled at him looking at my guitar.I then felt cold hands on my shoulder from my skinny t-shirt. "Wanna play with me?",Sarawat asked with a warm breath.I breathed in deeply. "Stop teasing me!",I yelled at him.I couldn't move even if I wanted to.My whole body felt weak and shakey.i need him and i need him now.I placed the guitar down.

He then turned me around and got on top of me.I looked in his eyes then looked at his lips.He pressed his warm lips onto mine making me even more desperate.I rubbed my hands across his chest then down to his stomach where I felt abs.I then kissed back making our lips synchronize.I then felt his warm hand cup my face while the other held him up above me.He lowered his lower part making more friction in between us.He rubbed faster making me bite his lip.I needed more.I slipped my hands under his shirt and rubbed them across his bare stomach and chest.He broke the kiss for air and then he took off my shirt.

He left fluttery kisses across my neck and then down to my chest.He licked my chest making me blush harder and then took off his shirt.He moved my hands from his stomach to his waist.He then left hickeys on my neck as I moaned making him satisfied.He then unbuckled my belt and slid my pants down.He caressed my inner thigh as he kissed me passionately on the lips.I loved his touch.Then he grabbed my arms and pinned them to the floor.I didn't like that because I also wanted to feel him.I tired to break free from his hold.He pinned me tighter to the ground.I groaned a little making him get the signal.He put his index finger on my lips then moved his face close to my ear. "I make the rules here you just follow along",He whispered as he licked my ear teasingly.

I couldn't contain my moans when he rubbed his hand across my boxers.I could feel myself get hard. "Already hard are we?",He asked with an evil grin.He began rubbing his hands across my thighs and boxers even more making me madder with each stroke.I moaned loudly and could see his smirk. "please..",I said. "Please what?",He asked already knowing what. "Please let me have you",I said breathing out each word.He sat up. "Only if you be a good boy and let me have you first",He said taking off my boxers.He stroked my dick with his hand.I moaned louder. "Ahhh~ Sarawat~",I moaned unintentionally.I could see his smirk get wider and he began stroking faster.

"SARAWAT~",I moaned again unintentionally and closing my eyes after. "Open your eyes for me baby",He said and i did as he told. "I don't want you to close your eyes until later~",He said teasing me even more. "I want to look at your beautiful eyes",He said flirtatiously.I couldn't help it anymore so i started coming.He stopped stroking and licked the pre-come off of his hand making me blush at the sight.He then started unbuttoning his pants and slid them down.He picked me up bridal style and took me to the bedroom.He threw me gently on the bed and took off his boxers.I sat up on the bed and he then sat on the bed to.

He took my hand and placed it on his own dick.I began stroking it as he did earlier.I heard him groan in satisfaction.I began to pick up the pace.He grabbed my wrist and threw me down on the bed.He licked my lower lip and then began to suck it. "AaAahhh~",I moaned lightly as his kisses became rougher.Our cocks rubbed together as he kissed me. "Mmmmmm~",A moan came out from my mouth.He leaned back and turned me over so that I was on top of him. He moved me lower to his waist by pushing my head a little.I understood what he meant and placed my lips onto the tip of his cock.I bobbed my head lower and lower in an up and down motion.I picked up the pace and when I kept going lower I almost gagged because of the size. "Good boy..",Sarawat managed to get out.I stopped sucking and went up to his face. "I didn't tell you to stop",He said as he turned me on my back.I whimpered at the sudden change.

He grabbed my waist and pulled my lower part up a little bit.He positioned his tip to my entrance. "Ready baby?",He asked.I nodded without any hesitation.He pushed himself in a little bit. I clenched my jaw.He pushed himself more into me and started moving.I closed my eyes tightly. "SArAwaT~",I moaned his name again.That probably turned him on even more because he picked up the pace. "Ahhhh~mmm~",I moaned louder holding onto the bed sheets. Why is he so god damn big.He went faster and faster making my moans almost a scream.When we both reached our stopping point he exited and I turned over.We both breathed heavily.

He turned to me and we both looked at each other in the eyes.He smiled and I did to. "So you did want me",He said and I rolled over to the other side. "Maybe",I said muttering.I felt his arms grasp around my chest. "I heard that",He said making my face burn a darker shade of red.He spooned me and then we both fell asleep.

A/N: finally another smut chapter! Sorry for my bad smut writing lol.Love you guys so much♥️

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