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(Tine pov)
I woke up on an extremely soft mattress.Where am I? Was the first question I had.I sat up and a blast of pain came from my forehead.I remember my family coming over and me getting drunk.Shit I drank to much.My vision cleared then I saw I wasn't in my room.I looked under the covers.I had no clothes on except for underwear.Aish I probably slept with some girl or guy.I got up but was a little dizzy so I tumbled over and made a loud noise.Sarawat came rushing in."What happened are you okay?",Sarawat said helping me up.I looked at him."S-Sarawat what happened last night?",I said embarrassed.I saw Sarawat smirk."I got on top of you and then we made out-"I then cut him off,"Okay okay I don't need details!"He chuckled."Nah I'm just teasing I found you at the pub last night and I didn't know where your dorm was so I took you to mine and You said you were feeling hot so I removed your clothes.",Sarawat said.I put my arms around my chest and shouted,"Pervert!"Sarawat got up and pointed to a bathroom."Go take a shower your clothes are in there get changed and then come eat breakfast",Sarawat ordered.I did as he said and when I finished I went out of the bathroom and sat down at his table.

"Thank you",I said."For what?",He questioned."Taking cafe of me",I replied."Oh yeah about that why did you get drunk last night?",Sarawat asked putting down a dish in front of me."Well my parents came over..and we had a little argument that's all",I said starting to eat."The argument was that bad?",He asked."Yeah",I said looking down at the food.It was silent for a while then I decided to break it."The food is delicious",I said to him.He smiled at me and said,"Thanks".To be honest he didn't seem like the jerk I knew.I was grateful for his kindness after what happened."Welp you should get going school is about to start",He said collecting my dish."Okay thank you again.",I said leaving.

(Sarawat pov)
He was lying.I know he didn't drink 3 bottles of whiskey just because of a small bad argument.I felt bad for him to be honest.He looked so peaceful sleeping to I almost kissed him but I didn't want to rush or confuse him.I sighed welp I better go get ready.After I reached the school I saw my friends Dean and Khai.I saw Dean wave at me.I went up to them."Yah I need advice",I said."What is it now?",Khak said.I smacked him on the head."YAH WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!",Khai said rubbing his head."Be polite to elders",I said teasingly.

Khai pouted."So what's up?",Dean asked.I sat down."If someone gets drunk and drinks about 3 bottles it wouldn't have been because of a small argument right?",I asked."Definitely not the person would have just drunk only 1 glass if that were the case why?",Dean said.Hm so either Tine is a liar or it was something big and private he wants to keep to himself I thought."Did Your hubby get drunk last night?",Khai asked.I smacked him again."YAH!",Khai yelled rubbing the back of his head again."Khai is there a problem?",The professor asked."No ma'am",Khai said politely."Then step outside for me please.",The professor said.Khai glared at me as he stepped out of the classroom.Me and Dean snickered quietly.

(Khai pov)
I stepped out of the classroom.Aish stupid P'Sarawat.I was getting bored so I decided to walk around.Then I saw a small guy get beat by some other guys.I really hate bullying so I went up to them."Hey! Stop that will ya!",I yelled confidently.The guys looked up."Get outta here this is not your business!",One of the guys said.I looked at the guy on the floor.Hey it's that guy that spilled his drink on my new shirt.R.I.P shirt🥺.What ever no one deserves getting beat up.His face was bloody so I had to act fast.I punched the guys one by one until they had enough and ran away.Cowards.

I helped the guy up.He looked at me."Thank you",The guy said.I helped him up and took him to the infirmary.Once he was treated he came out of the infirmary.I was waiting by the door."So why were you getting beat up?",I asked him.He didn't answer."Well at least tell me your name",I said.He began to speak."My name is Third",He said."That's a nice name my names Khai.",I said.Then I heard footsteps."Third what the hell are you doing at the infirmary?",Pharm asked."I tripped",He lied.Why did he lie?Maybe he doesn't want to tell anyone."Gosh be more careful next time",Pharm said grabbing his arm and walking away.

(Tine pov)
I was walking down the hall when I hear a ding.I checked my phone.My sister texted me.The message read,
Hello Tine are you resting well?I hope so!Im so sorry about what mom and dad did and I don't want to deliver this news but Mom and Dad don't want to text you..What I'm trying to say is they disowned you.

I finished reading a text.Lord all this because of my fucking Sexuality.I felt a tear drop from my cheek.I don't care if anyone sees me I don't fucking care about anything right now.I couldn't hate my sister though she was probably the only person that loves me.I felt a hand on my shoulder then a body on my back with arms around my waist."Wanna talk about it",Sarawat whispered in my ear.I nodded.He took me to his dorm and we sat down.

I explained everything to him."I'm so sorry",Sarawat said."You shouldn't be the one saying sorry.",I said.He put his hand on mine."You hungry?",He asked."Yeah..A little",I said.He was making the food when I decided to back hug him the way he back hugged me.So I did.He was so warm."What are you doing?",He asked."Returning the hug",I replied."Aww your to cute-",He said then covering his mouth."What did you say?",I asked."Nothing nothing!",He said."G-Go sit down it's almost ready!",He then said.I did as he said and he brand the food to me."Thank you",I said politely.He smiled."It's nothing",He said.Seriously nothing?He took care of me twice while I just mourn all day.

A/n:I love you guys plz feel free to comment :)😍🥰

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