First Kiss

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(Sarawat pov)
I love seeing him smile.When he's crying or sad I just want to hug him and leave kisses all over his face.Too bad he doesn't feel the same way.I walked Tine to his dorm."Are you sure your okay walking back in this heavy rain alone?",Tine asked me."I'm okay don't worry about it.",I told him."Wait a minute",He said going into his dorm then returning with an umbrella in his hand."Here use this",He said."Okay thanks I'll return it tomorrow",I said.He smiled at me."Thanks again",He said and with a wave he entered the house.I left to go to my dorm.I couldn't stop smiling I loved how he worried about me.

When I reached home I sat on my bed.Wait he's Bisexual!! I smiled to myself.But he thinks I like Pear.If I tell him I don't like Pear he might not believe me, So I have to show him I don't like Pear.Hm ima ask Dean about how I should show him I don't like Pear.I got out my phone and went to messages.I wrote,
Hey Dean so Tine thinks I like Pear but I want him to see I like him.Got any ideas about how I should show him I don't like Pear?

Well maybe tell Tine how you feel about him?

Nah I wanna wait till the right moment.

Okay whatever then.Hmmm maybe tell Tine Pear already has a boyfriend?

Ur right but who should be Pears boyfriend?

Well nevermind because she' might feel uncomfortable

Then what should I do?

Sorry bro outta  ideas😅

Ugh ur no help😑

I threw my phone on my bed.what should I do!!!I reached over to my desk and picked up my laptop.Maybe the internet will help?I looked up...How to show someone you don't like a different person.A few things showed up.I Get a date no.Get rejected by the one the other thinks you like YES!Thanks internet.

The next day I told Tine to meet me at the field I told him there I was going to confess my "feelings" to Pear.I already told Pear about the plan.Me and Tine both stood there in the field waiting for Pear.When she arrived I said,"Oh Pear I'm glad you came I have something to tell you..",I said lying."What is it?",She asked.I bowed "I have feelings for you!",I acted."Oh I'm sorry Sarawat but I like someone else",She said."Oh it's okay",I said turning to Tine."Yeah the person I like is Tine!",She said.Me and Tine just stared blankly at her.Whats she doing this wasn't part of the plan!

"Yeah I like him!",Pear said as she went over to him and clinged onto his arm.I was made.He was mine.I separated the two."Stop you can't like Tine!",I said to Pear."Why!",Pear said pouting.I rolled my eyes then grabbed Tines wrist and walked away with him."Yah I'm sorry Sarawat don't be mad!",Tine said."Shut up Tine",I said to him."Still a jerk aye",Tine said.I ignored him."Don't ignore me It's not my fault my chic charm works on everybody",Tine said."Oh so you were flirting with her",I said still dragging him."No what I never said-",I cut him off by slamming him to a wall."What are you doing?",Tine said.

I kissed him without hesitation.He tried to push me away but soon gave up.

I removed my lips from his so I could breathe

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I removed my lips from his so I could breathe.He looked at me shocked."Tine I like you.",I said confidently."I-I what no Sorry",Is all he could let out before pushing me away and leaving.J knew it he doesn't like me.

(Tine pov)
What the hell was that he kissed me.I fell onto my bed.Argh stupid stupid why did I say "I-I what no sorry" Aish Idiot.I lie there thinking about the kiss.His lips are so soft- Aish what am I thinking!I'm going to go take a shower hopefully it will distract me from what happened.

I got into the shower but the thought still didn't go away.I felt a hand on my shoulder rub down to my chest and flattery kisses being left on my neck.Aish What am I thinking I stopped daydreaming.What the hell I don't even like Sarawat!I tried to tell myself ,but it didn't work I soon realized I have fallen for Sarawat.

Ugh everything is happening so fast I just want to take it slow.I sighed.First I must Apologize to him and maybe I'll get to feel his warm lips on mine again!YAH  STOP THAT!

A/N:So sorry for short chapters I'm out of ideas :( anyway thanks for reading And Thanks for the support!I love writing for you guys😘❤️(and don't worry if you stared at the picture for more than a minute your not alone!)

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